The BC of the Website
Table of content about JMB's Disclaimer
I act on this
website as 👤private person,
presenting own material, experiences and opinions
for friends, acquaintances and the general public
without financial interest in any way.
Thus I am not obliged to have a Disclaimer
for people operating a business in Germany.
If this changes, I will change this Disclaimer accordingly
providing all necessary information before putting pages
about my business online.
All texts, shown images/tables and
📋PDF files provided for download
should completely carry my own copyright as author,
as long as I don't disclose otherwise.
Only generally accessible information (especially Wikipedia:
en as well as
de) may not always be marked
In this case I would be glad for a short notice
so I can fix it.
So I ask to always respect my copyright and give notice
in case you may want to use it
(except for cases I explicitly allow to act
differently by granting more rights – the current
website gives the valid exceptions;
for PDF files the allowed use case is described on my
📋Download page),
so I can grant permission to you for the given use case.
Of cause I will do my best to respect the copyright
of other authors according to law:
German Act on Copyright
(see also USA Copyright Law).
All pieces of information of my online presence are
carefully checked and regularly refreshed.
A warranty about completeness, validity and up-to-dateness
can not be granted.
This is especially true for all further websites
I may refer to via hyperlink.
The opinions and/or given facts on webpages I create
a link to are completely in the responsibility
of the author(s) and have nothing to do with
my own opinions or expertise.
Furthermore I don't have any influence on styling or content
of these pages.
Accordingly I explicitly disassociate myself
from any content
of extrenally linked websites and don't internalize
such content, especially as I can not always check all
the given links
so that changes may be hidden from me –
making a timely reaction by my side impossible.
Technically I try to always open such a linked website
or external link⛓️
in a new browser tab,
thus making the separation clear even when surfing
without care.
Nevertheless I always check the content of linked pages
at the date I create such hyperlinks,
to avoid linking sites with offending or
illegal content.
I also don't take responsibility for any special,
direct or indirect damage which may be caused by usage
of information given on my online presence.
Despite all conscientiousness and experience with the given
content I can make mistakes –
and I am not a lawyer.
Please inform me in negative cases as soon
as possible
so I can take action to immediately end
the problematic situation.
If necessary,
I will of course contact you for further clarification.
⛓️ )
The visability of links starts with markup standard
to show any link in colour and underlined.
I set blue for visited links and red
for new links.
As described following any external link should result
in opening a new tab if invoked from my site.
This should underpin that authorship and thus
reponsibility has changed.
Currently I additionally identify some external links
to special resources:
Game Jolt and
Itch.io –
maybe soon also
Heise-Online –
via the shown leading Icon.
Due to the increasing size of my site
I introduced leading 🌐Emoji/Unicode chars
to links to another page of my site for better
and intuitive orientation (cf. 🌍Basic Structure
for a complete overview and 🌐WWW Manual technically).
Besides I identify some special file types
(not depending on being internally or
externally linked):
PDF Icon,
MP4 Icon and
MP3 Icon –
and a category:
☠️life threatening.
For the future I plan for the sake
of better labeling links
to identify ⛓external links not marked
by the above mentioned external resources
by the shown Unicode char –
as well as to mark relative links to the 📍active side
by the Pin‑Emoji.
For further technical info one may visit 👤development
of my website, 🔧details
about my hoster and my testing environment or
my 🌐World Wide Web
Addendum concerning GDPR
(European General Data Protection Regulation):
I offer this web presentation
without financial interests,
neither deliver any kind of personal data (about
other people)
nor gather such data.
When presenting a photo, no person can be identified,
no cokies are used and no scripts are running.
Thus encryption would be a useless burden,
which was also not offered by my host provider.
This changes as of 19.10.2018 so I use https: to try to
minimize the negative marks of browsers.
Nevertheless content is more important, so I will be forced
to link to pages which does not use encryption
when transmitted to the client
(i.e. your web browser).
So browsers may still warn when surfing my side
even though there is no risk.
I embed no YouTube video, but provide access via a link
if appropriate,
so visitors can decide on their own if they want to go
to this website or not (see below).
My 🔧European hoster
is obliged to fulfill the GDPR the same way as
I am.
In case of any misuse by instances which are not
under my control the full responsibility lies on
these providers,
especially for external links one may follow
from my website.
Each user should take care and check any link before clicking
(URL is shown when hovering over the link with
the mouse cursor)
and is repsonsible to use a browser which preserves
the users 👤anonymity
if so desired.
Any personal communication about my website is only possible
via E‑Mail.
Every user should carefully select an appropriate
E‑Mail client and mail provider,
(whenever possible in the domain
of the EU – as any kind
of personal data protection is completely unknown
[and generally unwanted]
in the USA:
there the data belongs to the company collecting them,
not to the person those data really do belong
as in the EU – and even in EU it is not
reasonably implemented).
I did that selection carefully on my own
concerning web hoster and E‑Mail provider
(see above).
[See further references via the links
at the end of my German 📄Disclaimer.]
In case of questions / problems with this page or
my site please contact me via:
E-Mail: 📧jmb@jmb-edu.de
© 2017-2025
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This private website is under construction ...
please have understanding
for initial deficiencies.
THX / Merci ❣
First version: | 21st | July, | 2017 |
Last update: | 01st | January, | 2025 |