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Table of Content of JMB's PDF Download Page

Background & Usage

This page lists all [📋57+1 {= 🧮34½+💡13½+1+🔭3+🧪1+🛀2+🥋1+🕹️2}×[PDF Icon]] PDF files available for download, which are listed by subject [🧮M+💡P+🔭A+🧪C+🛀R+🥋T+🕹️G], ordered by grade and created via the typesetting system 📜TEX/LATEX – all improved and used a couple of years by several learning groups. Even though summaries are given in any lecture book, I had always the feeling that these are lacking in respect of the preparation for A level / high‑school diploma / Higher School Certificate and to be more isolated than needed: for sustainable learning interconnection is of utmost importance, i.e. having an overview and an understanding for analogue approaches.

As explained in the 📄Disclaimer all pieces are under copyright.
Nevertheless I grant all pupils / students the right to use these files (especially saving, using and distributing them), as long as they are not changed and are useful for preparation and learning progress ;-).
I entrust all pupils / students to make summaries on their own, as one may quickly see if there are domains where more engagement is necessary.
Teachers may use them without changes in current versions (please look for newer versions at least 2 times a year) and use it in class, I only ask for a note about the usage of one of these files.

The colors had been chosen in a way that black-and-white print with good monochrome LASER printers or copying machines are suitable – as color prints (even the good ones, i.e. not using ink jet techniques still not qualifying for robustness against usage or light) had been expensive in comparison (even though I switched to color prints for my students recently, so this may change in near future, see my 🔧printing equipment) I just had put effort in carefully chosing colors with my presentations right from the start [I did create talks for all main domains presented here: Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Traditional Taekwon‑Do, Autogenic Training, Didactics for Mathematics etc.; currently I am not planning to put these here in PDF format; but one may ask me about 📢talks].
For prints I would like to ask to always use double-sided [Wikipedia-en-Icon]A4 – that is the intended format.

Though the English 📋PDF Download page already exists (see flag on the upper right for switching de <-> en), a translation of the PDFs is currently not planned due to time limits.
If this is desired you may send an E-Mail ... but I can't promise anything right now.

For interest in any PDF I recommend to directly click the PDFs (i.e. on the file names or on the PDF icons) and view them (e.g. via Firefox internal viewer), as their quality is much better. The small images (in jpg format) should only serve to quickly identify the document, which should be useful for those who have got an older version already.

Feedback is highly appreciated and will help to improve and extend the offerings given here.


In case of questions / problems with this page or my site please contact me via:
      E-Mail:  📧jmb@jmb-edu.de
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          THX Merci 
First version: 03rd July, 2017
Last update: 10th May, 2024