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Howto for webmasters

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WWW Manual

by J.M.B.

(W3M 0.11 – rework for personal homepage

... based on ancient HPAM 1.16)

0. Table of content about JMB's W3M

  1. Introduction
  2. URLs and places for HTML documents
  3. HTML dialects and the general structure of HTML documents
  4. Empty Tags
  5. Container Tags
  6. Special Characters
  7. Style Sheets
  8. Available Set of Icons
  9. Useful Hints for Creating Good Homepages
  10. Useful hints for webmastering
  11. Links for further information

1. Introduction

This document started as a translated manual for computer usage at my research institute. In my notation everything written in italic should be replaced by a proper text (e.g. 'username' by 'webmaster') and everything which is written in typewriter and embraced by 'quotation marks' can be typed in as source code for a World Wide Web🌐  (WWW, W3) document. The simple quotation marks (' ') mustn't be typed in, the double quotation marks (" ") have to be typed as is. If there is a choice in an option, the possibilities are given separated by a vertical bar ('|') – choose only one (and leave out the separation mark).
This document may help HTML coders – but beware, currently work is ongoing to change the focus from old techniques up to 2002 (when I stopped acting as a webmaster) to recent techniques and to current browsers ... – to create own homepages, give some tricks and serve as a test for the browser YOU use.
As it is recommended to download this document to use it locally, you may visit the original version of this page at the URL:
to look for the latest version of W3M.

🌐)  WWW is one method (beneath E-Mail, File Transfer Protocol [FTP] etc.) to use the Internet, a global computer network.
The roots of the Internet are lying in the military network ARPANET, which started with 4 hosts end 1969 (to be compared with more than 28000 internet hosts in Dec. 1987 and more than 16 million hosts in 1997). ARPANET was given up in March 1990.
CERN made the WWW techniques 'public domain' in April 1993, especially the hyper references or links and later the inclusion of images and documents.

2. URLs and places for HTML documents

Generally speaking, a URL consists out of three parts:
  1. The access method, normally specified by 'http:' which is the abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP 1.0 is standard, but version 1.1 will be available soon (improvements: persistent connections, intelligent caching, digest authentication, virtual hosts) [the first internet draft on HTTP is dated July 1993]. Other alternatives for 'http:' are: The method is separated from the rest of the URL by the double slash '//'.

  2. The name of the computer or the Internet Protocol (IP) number (or E-Mail address etc. for special methods of accessing a server). Generally the computer name has a (normally three letter - for USA locations [in the "Memorandum of Understanding" (Geneva, May 1997), 7 new TLDs for the US are planned, which do not follow this convention], or two letter - for codes of other countries) suffix, the so called Top Level Domain ([Wikipedia-en-Icon]TLD), which should identify the organization running this server: The allocation of domains including the IP number blocks had been done by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and by Network Solutions (NSI), but was shifted to the international organization Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (ICANN).
    If not the standard port 80 is used, one has to add the port like ':8000'.
    This second token is separated by a slash '/' from the last part.
    [The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) was published ('A Protocol for Packet Network Internetworking') by Bob Kahn and Vinton Cerf in May 1974, 4 years later the Internet Protocol (IP) is discussed;
    the concept of the Domain Name Service (DNS) was published by Paul Mockapetris as RFSs 882 and 883 in November 1983.]

  3. The path of the file. If this is not specified, the default 'index.html' is searched. Additionally to the file name one can link to an anchor in the given HTML (see chapter 3) document, with '#' as separation mark (see the container tag '<A>').
See the useful hints for a good homepage of chapter 9, and to create a text file 'index.html' with a general structure described in chapter 3 and HTML orders described in chapter 4, chapter 5 and chapter 6.  

3. HTML dialects and the general structure of HTML documents

A WWW document is written in the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), which exists in multiple versions. To be sure that many browsers can display the desired results, one should use HTML 2.0 only. The latest generally supported standard version is HTML 3.2 with some enhancements (but not the interesting features like mathematical formulae, which should come up with HTML 3.0 – but the version 3.0 was supported only by the former W3C browser [Wikipedia-en-Icon]Arena). HTML 3.2 is the new standard (including all HTML 2.0 operations), because it is supported by many firms (IBM, Microsoft, Netscape Communications Corporation, Novell, SoftQuad, Spyglass, and Sun Microsystems), and first browsers are getting available (e.g. Netscape 4.0, which has some additional goodies like absolute positioning, layering and [cascading|Java script] style sheets, see chapter 7). The hottest version when leaving science was HTML 4.0 which has become the new W3C Proposed Recommendation in November 1997, but we all had to wait for browsers using its enhancements.
But now, HTML5 dated 28. Oct. 2014 is the latest standard.
Overview on todays Browsers:

The concentration on Netscape (NN 1.0 was launched on 15. December 1994) is due to the availability (since 31. March 1998 most parts can even be downloaded as sorce code, see the MOZILLA project) and amount of implemented functions, which made NN the number 1 webbrowser in sciences. The current release is 4.51 which seems to be as stable as 4.08, all other versions of 4.xx should not be used. The next real release after so many bugfixes is version 5, which will contain the new rendering engine 'gecko' and will fully support HTML 4.0, CSS 1.0 and 2.0, DOM, and XML - let's wait for the revolution to come in July '99 (as announced, more than 13 months later than I had expected) ...

This position was kept in the first WWW years by the graphical browser [Wikipedia-en-Icon]Mosaic (with its first release published in September 1993), but NCSA has stopped the development in January 1997 (i.e. no frame, style sheet or scripting support in the latest version).

Microsofts Internet Explorer (MS IE, version 1.0 emerging in mid 1995) is still not available for most Unix systems (until now only Solaris and HP-UX [SUN's and HP's UNIX derivates] were supported by IE 4.0 and 5.0 - no Linux, DEC Unix [formerly called OSF/1] or AIX [IBM's Unix derivate] version is available). Furthermore MS seems to have different thoughts about stability of programs and the keeping of standards (IE 5 still has problems with HTML 4.0, CSS and DOM). The use in the scientific community is thus extremely rare.

Amaya by the W3C was launched in February 1997 and is still in the phase of extreme development (basing on Thot), but may soon be the best browser available – the actual release 2.2 is more than interesting, with 95% HTML 4.0 support – it only lacks complete support of frames [who needs them anyway?] and a part of new features in tables and forms (next release: end of April '99). This test-bed browser/authoring tool of the W3C supports many platforms, keeps the given standards (which is not the case for all the above cited browsers, having advantages and disadvantages) and houses really new features: Amaya is also an editor, supports the first XML DTD Mathematical Markup Language :- MathML and can view a document in many ways, e.g. giving the structure of an HTML document.

If the described browser situation changes, you will read it right that place. Personally I hope that one day in future we all can stop recommending special browsers; if you share this dream, you should look at the homepage of The Web Standards Project fighting for standards in our browsers since 10. August 1998!

HTML is an application of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which was standardized in 1986 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 8879) for data and document interchange in open system environments. The formal specification of a markup language written in SGML is called Document Type Definition (DTD), so HTML is a SGML DTD (if you are wild about abbreviations).
[You may note that SGML has its own language to define the format: Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL).]
[Wikipedia-en-Icon]Tim Berners-Lee (see also this link) invented HTML while at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics in Geneva [the proposal was dated March 1989 and the first draft on HTML 03. November 1992]. He is now the overall Director of the WWW Consortium (W3C, founded on 01. October 1994 at the MIT), which is responsible for the evolution and standardization of HTML.
The latest version of PostScript (PS, see Adobe), called Level 3, will digest HTML documents. First devices understanding postscript level 3 will be available in mid 1997.

Future developments:

Coming back to present day worldwide information exchange, HTML has two groups of operators:

Most of these operators are used in the document body and fall in one of the following 2 cathegories: Note that text level elements never contain block level elements.

Generally, an HTML document should have the following structure:

<!-- Here comes a commentary, afterwards the main document -->

Even if most web browsers don't need this structure (e.g. a normal browser will get the '<HTML> </HTML>' information by the ending of the file name: '*.html' or '*.htm'), it is very advisable to build every document out of this skeleton. Feel free to use as many comments as you find useful to arrange your documents.
If you write an HTML 3.2 document, you must say '<!DOCTYPE ...>' as first element (i.e. before the '<HTML>'-tag, e.g. '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">' for the final version of HTML 3.2 or '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">' for the transitional version of HTML 4.0). Such an HTML 3.2 document also has to include exactly one title specification: '<TITLE>title_text</TITLE>'.

If you want to use frames (see container tag 'FRAMESET'), you must have a document with a special structure working together with normal HTML documents of the above structure.
My old w3_man_f.html was just a play frame document containing the following lines:

<TITLE>WWW Manual, frame test</TITLE>
<!-- Now the fame structure of the homepage 'w3m_f.html' -->
<!-- Created: 16th February, 1997, last changes: 20th February, 1997 -->
  <FRAME SRC="w3m_h.html" SCROLLING="NO">
    <FRAME SRC="https://www.jmb-edu.de/taekwon_do.html" NAME="TKD">
    <FRAME SRC="https://www.jmb-edu.de/autogenes_training.html" NAME="AT">
    <FRAME SRC="https://www.jmb-edu.de/impressum_en.html" NAME="Impressum">
Your browser doesn't understand frame definitions.
Try with a Netscape browser (2.0 or higher)!
Go back to the <A HREF="w3m.html">WWW Manual</A>
of J.M.B.

Before going into details with special HTML commands, I want to make a remark about what is going on behind the scenes. Server (delivering data) and client (user agent - UA, or normally called 'browser', see above) are working together, so it is possible to run programs from one of these sides. A program running on the server is able to use the Common Gateway Interface (CGI), like forms (see the container tag 'FORM') and image maps via the option 'ISMAP' (see empty tag 'IMG'), while other programs like image maps via the option 'MAP' (see empty tag 'IMG') or Java scripts (see container tag 'SCRIPT') use the client.

4. Empty Tags

Empty tags are single tokens out of a name in angle brackets ('<name>') with or without further options. These are namely:
Indicates (with a special message, if one uses the option 'PROMPT="prompt_message"', which is a Netscape/HTML 3.0/3.2 special, or with the default message "This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords:") that the user agent (normally a CGI script of the used WWW server) should provide a single line text input field for entering a query string; employed in the container tag 'HEAD' - note that 'ISINDEX' is deprecated in HTML 4.0, so please use 'INPUT' for a single-line text input control;

'<BASE HREF="base_URL">':
Defines a special base URL 'base_URL' (normally not necessary, the default is the URL of the document); employed in the container tag 'HEAD';

Supplies meta info as name/value pairs describing properties of the document, e.g. '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Tue, 20 Aug 1996 14:25:27 GMT">'; employed in the container tag 'HEAD';

Defines relationships with other documents, e.g. '<LINK REL="Chapter" REV="Contents" HREF="chapter2.html">'; employed in the container tag 'HEAD'; this HTML 2 tag is oftenly used to embed a style sheet (see chapter 7), e.g. '<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="name.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen">', or to give search engines additional information about related documents, e.g. '<LINK MEDIA="print" TITLE="Docu_in_PS" TYPE="application/postscript" REL="alternate" HREF="WWW_URL">';

Beginning of a new paragraph (for HTML 3.0/3.2 or higher one can use '</P>' as delimiter and one can use further options like 'ALIGN="RIGHT|CENTER|LEFT"',

so you can write right,

centered and

left [default] aligned paragraphs);

Forcing a line break – normally this is made automatically by the used browser. In HTML 3.0/3.2 one can give the option 'CLEAR="LEFT|RIGHT|ALL"' to specify whether text should flow around images (see 'IMG') on left/right/both margin(s);

Horizontal ruler to seperate text. With Netscape or an HTML 3.2 browser one can use the options 'SIZE' to define the thickness and 'WIDTH' to define the length of the line in pix. You can also use the options 'ALIGN="LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER"' for the alignment and 'NOSHADE' for the use of one single color. Don't use '<P>' and '<HR>' together, that would be bad HTML style;

Introducing a place were line break is allowed (not forced as by 'BR'), normally used in the 'NOBR' environment - NN 1.1 special;

Defines a list element (possible options are depending on the special list type, see the container tags 'DIR', 'MENU', 'OL' and 'UL' for the different types of lists);

Definition term (1st element of container tag 'DL', see empty tag 'DD');

Definition description (2nd element of container tag 'DL', see empty tag 'DT');

'<IMG SRC="picture_name" ALIGN="TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM" ALT="[text_instead_of_picture]">':
Displays the GIF (graphics interchange format) or JPEG (joint photographic experts group) picture 'picturte_name' with the specified alignment or the '[text_instead_of_picture]' if one uses a text browser or force not to display any picture. In HTML 3.2, one can make an image map by giving the option 'USEMAP="#map_name"' and defining the areas and links by the container tag 'MAP' and the empty tag 'AREA' (the older 'ISMAP' option, an operation of the server, should no longer be used). In HTML 4.0 the new option 'LONGDESC' can be used to give an URL to a long description of the image and the 'ALT' option is always required;

'<FIG SRC="picture_name">':
Displays the GIF (graphics interchange format) or JPEG (joint photographic experts group) picture 'picturte_name', options (and function) like the empty tag 'IMG' (but additionally with the possibility to overlay other graphics) - only defined in HTML 3.0, so use 'IMG' instead;

'<AREA HREF="linked_URL" ALT="help_text" SHAPE="shape_of_area" COORDS="coord_values">':
Defines an area of shape 'shape_of_area' out of 'DEFAULT' (specifying the entire region; HTML 4.0 addition), 'RECT' (Default), 'CIRCLE' or 'POLY' with coordinates 'coord_values' (in the notation: 'left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y' for 'RECT', 'center_x, center_y, radius' for 'CIRCLE' or 'x_1,y_1, x_2,y_2, x_3,y_3, ...' for 'POLY' with 'x,y' in pix or per cent if used with the suffix '%') of an image embedded by 'IMG' as a link to the URL 'linked_URL' (or to nothing if one uses 'NOHREF' instead of 'HREF' to cut a hole in the underlying hot zone) with the text label 'help_text', the option 'TABINDEX' can get a value between 0 and 32767 specifying the position in the tabbing order and 'ACCESSKEY' sets a single character to give focus to an element (beneath 'AREA' this option is also applicable to 'A', 'BUTTON', 'INPUT', 'LABEL', 'LEGEND', and 'TEXTAREA'; 'AREA' is used in the HTML 3.2 container tag 'MAP' (in HTML 4.0 the 'ALT' option is always required);

'<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" SIZE="45">':
Creates an input field with a specific type, name and size in characters (here 45), see the container tag 'FORM';

'<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="choice" VALUE="remark">':
Creates a button and deliver 'remark' if choosen, see the container tag 'FORM';

'<INPUT TYPE="submit">':
Creates a button to submit the form, see the container tag 'FORM';

'<INPUT TYPE="reset">':
Creates a button to erase all given entries of a form, see the container tag 'FORM';

Defining an item in a selection list on an HTML form (with the attribute 'SELECTED' specifying a pre-selected item), see the container tags 'SELECT' and 'FORM' (note that there can be an optional end tag);

'<KEYGEN NAME="name" CHALLENGE="challenge">':
Facilitates the generation of key material and submission of the public key as part of an HTML form suited for web-based certificate management systems, see the container tag 'FORM' - NN 1.0 special;

Introduces a table row (line) with horizontal/vertical alignment options 'ALIGN="LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT"' and 'VALIGN="TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM"', see the container tag 'TABLE' - HTML 3.0/3.2 (in HTML 4.0, the end tag is optional);

Introduces a table data cell. If a cell should span more than one column or row one can use the options 'COLSPAN' or 'ROWSPAN', to set the alignment use the options 'ALIGN' with 'LEFT' (Default), 'CENTER' or 'RIGHT' and 'VALIGN' with 'BOTTOM', 'MIDDLE' (Default) or 'TOP', to suppress word wrapping say 'NOWRAP' (i.e. automatical use of '&nbsp;' between words of a cell) and in purpose of giving the absolute size of the cell try 'HEIGHT' and 'WIDTH' [you can choose the background color of cells when viewed with Netscape 3.0 / Internet Explorer 2.0 by 'BGCOLOR', see container tag 'BODY'], see the container tag 'TABLE' (in HTML 4.0, the end tag is optional);

Introduces a table header cell; one can use the options introduced for the tag '<TD>' above, see also the container tag 'TABLE' (in HTML 4.0, the end tag is optional);

Creating an explicit column group, e.g. specifying the width of 40 columns by: '<COLGROUP SPAN="40" WIDTH="20"></COLGROUP>' (the 2nd tag is optional), see the 'COL' tag - new HTML 4.0 empty/container tag employed in the container tag 'TABLE';

Groups together attribute specifications for table columns (e.g. via the attributes 'SPAN' and 'WIDTH' or by using them as anchors for style sheet definitions (see chapter 7) - new HTML 4.0 empty tag employed in the container tag 'COLGROUP';

Inserts horizontal/vertical/both space of 'n' pix for absolute positioning, like this space of 32 pix between the two normal quotation marks:
'' - Netscape 3.0 special;

'<PARAM NAME="param_name" VALUE="param_value">':
Gives parameter 'param_name' with the value 'param_value' to a Java Applet, see the HTML 3.2 container tag 'APPLET', also used in combination with 'OBJECT' tag (note that only children will feed their information) – NN special and new HTML 4.0 tag;

'<FRAME SRC="URL_of_embedded_HTML_document">':
Gives the URL 'URL_of_embedded_HTML_document' of the HTML document, which should be loaded in the current frame introduced by the embracing container tag 'FRAMESET'. Other options available are 'SCROLLING="YES|NO|AUTO"' to enable/disable scrolling in the frame, 'NORESIZE' to prohibit the user from changing the frames size, 'NAME' to specify a name of the current frame and 'MARGINWIDTH' and 'MARGINHEIGHT' to give the size of the borders of the frame [in Netscape 3.0 one can choose the color of the frame border by 'BORDERCOLOR', see container tag 'BODY', in HTML 4.0 the new option 'LONGDESC' can be used to give an URL to a long description of the frame] - Netscape special and new HTML 4.0 tag.

5. Container Tags

Container tags consist of two tokens, one introducing and the other deliminating the operation. The 1st token can include options, the 2nd token has a slash '/' in front of its name but no options. Here comes the (complete ?) list:
Declares the file as an HTML document (see chapter 3), with possible options 'LANG' specifying the language, e.g. 'en' [for English], 'en-US', 'en-cockney', 'de' [German], 'nl' [Dutch], 'it' [Italian], 'fr' [French], 'es' [Spanish], 'i-navajo', 'x-klingon' ['x' for experimental language], and 'DIR' specifying the base direction of directionally neutral text, i.e. 'LTR' (default: left to right) or 'RTL';

Declares the head of the document where one can set a title with the container tag 'TITLE' or use other head elements, namely the container tags (see chapter 5) 'STYLE' and 'SCRIPT' and the empty tags (see chapter 4) 'ISINDEX', 'BASE', 'META' and 'LINK' (see chapter 3);

Sets the title of the HTML document, which is displayed by the browser – this command is used in the container tag 'HEAD';

'<STYLE> <!-- style_definition_text --> </STYLE>':
Reserved for use with style sheets (see chapter 7); employed in the container tag 'HEAD' (note that the commentary tags are to stop older browsers [e.g. NN < 4.01 or IE < 3.01] from displaying the style sheed code and that the tag is not defined in HTML 3.2!);

'<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Java_Script_program_code //--> </SCRIPT>':
Embedding client-side JavaScript code (or another specified scripting language) 'Java_Script_program_code' for all Java enabled browsers (NN 1.0/3.0 special; for future versions of HTML, not defined in HTML 3.2, but marked as reserved; in HTML 4.0 the option 'LANGUAGE' had been marked as deprecated and should be replaced by the option 'TYPE', e.g. giving the value 'text/javascript'); this tag is employed in the container tag 'HEAD';

Giving 'alternative_text' for browsers not supporting JavaScript (not implemented or not activated), employed in the container tag 'BODY' - NN 3.0 special and new HTML 4.0 tag;

Embedding server-side JavaScript statements that are used in a JavaScript application on the server;

Declares the main part of an HTML document (see chapter 3). In the first (i.e. starting) tag you can use options for Netscape or an up-to-date HTML 3.2 browser to control the displayed colors of the text by 'TEXT', of the background by 'BGCOLOR', of a normal link by 'LINK', of a used link by 'VLINK' and of an active link by 'ALINK', each value given in HEX in red-green-blue notation, e.g. to get black-gray-yellow-red-green combination just type in '<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#BBBBBB" LINK="#FFFF00" VLINK="#AA0000" ALINK="00AA00">'. Instead of the color codes you can use the following names:
'BLACK' corresponding to '#000000',
'SILVER' corresponding to '#C0C0C0',
'GRAY' corresponding to '#808080',
'WHITE' corresponding to '#FFFFFF',
'MAROON' corresponding to '#800000',
'RED' corresponding to '#FF0000',
'PURPLE' corresponding to '#800080',
'FUCHSIA' corresponding to '#FF00FF',
'GREEN' corresponding to '#008000',
'LIME' corresponding to '#00FF00',
'OLIVE' corresponding to '#808000',
'YELLOW' corresponding to '#FFFF00',
'NAVY' corresponding to '#000080',
'BLUE' corresponding to '#0000FF',
'TEAL' corresponding to '#008080',
'AQUA' corresponding to '#00FFFF'.
You may visit the Color Chart with 140 HTML Color Names (or its color-sorted version) to see further colors to chose from.
Without these options each browser takes default colors. To use an automatically repeated picture as background just type the option 'BACKGROUND="name_of_picture"' (please note that all color and background defining options are deprecated in HTML 4.0 and should be replaced by style sheets or inbuilt CSS like: "" done via <SPAN STYLE="color: ForestGreen; background-color: SaddleBrown;">&#9752;</SPAN>);

Makes a header with charactersize 'x' - '1' for the greatest and '6' for the smallest characters. The option 'ALIGN="CENTER"' can be used to create centered headings. Before and after its use an automatical line break is set;

Setting the base font size (here '5', values: '1' - '7', default: '3'), employed in the container tags 'HEAD' and 'BODY' - NN 1.0/1.1 special, deprecated in HTML 4.0 (see the 'FONT' tag);

'<FONT SIZE=[+|-]1|2|3|4|5|6|7>text</FONT>':
Chooses the size of the text (absolute or relative to the used character size defined by 'BASEFONT') and color (with option 'COLOR=RRGGBB' in hexadecimal red-green-blue - code, see '<BODY>') [you can choose the special font (if available on the system of the viewer) and some alternatives by the option 'FACE' with Netscape 3.0 / Internet Explorer 2.0, e.g. this text in Times New Roman (or Helvetica or standard) font by '<FONT FACE="Times New Roman,Helvetica">'], - Netscape / HTML 3.2 special - nowadays these settings should be declared via CSS, see chapter 7;

'<MULTICOL COLS="n">col_text</MULTICOL>':
Breaks the text 'col_text' into 'n' columns, the options 'WIDTH' and 'GUTTER' can be used instead of the automatic choice of the size and space between the columns - Netscape 3.0 special.
Is this (mad) text, gshasasah uwidiaa llldd lldsds lioldlds lldsl dl ld leldsd kKssaj kjahsh jhd J Hs jjdsjdjs kk JHJHSJDGZ llsa lls llasa llleffefl ll ll fefeox llde lllf llferropwm ldk dJhdsu fdfdk lklf l l feof oorioer dhffueuwegxcv JjhhdJDjfjffJ JJHJd dsdds d dskdjskj kkdsiwi dwdie iidewhidieih iihf ifhie iiesd Ihifefhi hHdjd, written in 4 columns?

Marking text 'scrollable_text' by moving it in the specified manner/direction 'n' times ('-1' or 'INFINITE' for infinity), the options 'SCROLLAMOUNT' and 'SCROLLDELAY' could be used to give the step size and time, the options 'HEIGHT', 'WIDTH' and 'BGCOLOR' set the hight, width (in pix or per cent) and background color (see container tag 'BODY'), 'this text should scroll' - Internet Explorer 2.0 special;

Displays the embraced items
in the active line - Netscape / HTML 3.2 special (deprecated in HTML 4.0, so use the equivalent '<DIV ALIGN="CENTER">' instead);

Structures a text, for alignment use the option 'ALIGN="RIGHT|CENTER|LEFT"' - HTML 3.0/3.2 special, so the container tag 'CENTER' should be replaced by '<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"> ...'; this block-level element is oftenly used to put style to a text block (see chapter 7);

No opearation (NOP) command for all user agents, oftenly used to put style to an inline text (see chapter 7) - new HTML 4.0 command [remember that all browsers not familiar to this command will simply ignore it - so even they do the right thing ;-)];

Writes the text in boldface;

Writes the text in italics;

Underlining the text - nowadays it is better to use this function via CSS (see chapter 7), e.g. '<SPAN STYLE="text-decoration: underline">text</SPAN>';

Makes the text blinking; this command should not be used further, so use'<SPAN STYLE="text-decoration: blink">Blinking_Text</SPAN>' instead (e.g. for NN 4.x and higher, see chapter 7);

Writes the text in typewriter (not proportional);

Striking through the text (HTML 3.0/4.0 command, will replace the older container tag 'STRIKE'); nowadays it is better (i.e. this tag is deprecated in HTML 4.0) to use this function via CSS (see chapter 7), e.g. '<SPAN STYLE="text-decoration: line-through">text</SPAN>';

Striking through the text (Netscape / HTML 3.2 special, should be replaced by the container tag 'S'; if you want to use this style, say: '<STRIKE><S>text</S></STRIKE>');

Enlarges the font size of the text (HTML 3.0 command);

Writes the text in a smaller size (HTML 3.0 command);

Writes the text as subscript, i.e. lower and smaller (HTML 3.0 command);

Writes the text as superscript, i.e. higher and smaller (HTML 3.0 command);

Emphasizes the text - for most browsers this means italic;

Writes the text strong - for most browsers this means boldface;

Marks the text as a quotation - for most browsers this means italic;

Marks the text as a definition;

Marks the text as program code, for most browsers this means typewriter;

Marking text as sample output from programs, scripts etc., for most browsers this means typewriter;

Marks the text as typed by the user, for most browser this means typewriter;

Marking the text as variables or command arguments, for most browser this means italic;

Marks the text (inline content) as a quotation, with 'quotation_text' beeing a short quotation text without paragraph breaks, which should (if supported) be rendered with delimiting quotation marks (thus left out by authors using this tag), see also the 'BLOCKQUOTE' tag - new HTML 4.0 tag;

Marks the text (block-level content, thus suited for long quotations including paragraph breaks) as a
displayed normally as an indented block (note that the usage of 'BLOCKQUOTE' to indent text is deprecated in favor of style sheets, see chapter 7), see also the new HTML 4.0 tag 'Q';

Indicating abbreviations (see also the 'ACRONYM' tag) - special HTML 4.0 command;

Marks the text as an acronym with the possible options 'TITLE' giving text to which the acronym expands and 'LANG' specifying the language (e.g. 'FR' for French and 'EN-US' for US-English acronyms), e.g. '<ACRONYM TITLE="World Wide Web">WWW</ACRONYM>', special HTML 4.0 command;

Marks the text as an
the way (alignment, font etc.) this 'address_text' is displayed depends on the used browser;

Mark a text passage, a whole table etc. as new inserted text (also datable via the option 'DATETIME="1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00"'), usually used together with 'DEL' to mark the old text, e.g. HTML 3.24.0 is the new standard - new HTML 4.0 tag;

Marking a text passage, a whole table etc. as old text, usually used together with 'INS' to mark the new text - new HTML 4.0 tag;

Forces the text to be displayed without line breaks (NN 1.1 special), see empty tag 'WBR';

'<BDO DIR="LTR|RTL">text</BDO>':
Turning of bidirectional algorithm for selected fragments of text and specifying the direction left-to-right or right-to-left (note that the DIR attribute can be associated like the language attribute LANG to many HTML tags) – new HTML 4.0 tag;

Creates an ordered list - with 'STYLE="margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em"' without additional space above or below the list; the list elements are introduced by the empty tag 'LI' with the following options for the different "numberings":
  1. (i.e. arabic numbers) by 'TYPE="1"',
  2. (i.e. lower alpha) by 'TYPE="a"',
  3. (i.e. upper alpha) by 'TYPE="A"',
  4. (i.e. lower roman) by 'TYPE="i"',
  5. (i.e. upper roman) by 'TYPE="I"',
  6. (i.e. arabic numbers starting with a special value, here '30') by 'TYPE="1" VALUE="30"';

Creating an unordered list - with option 'STYLE="margin-top: -1em;"' the leading large gap is reduced;
the list elements are introduced by the empty tag 'LI' with the following options for leading symbols:

Creates an unordered list (similar to 'UL', but more compact), the list elements are introduced by the empty tag 'LI' - depracated in HTML 4.0, please use 'UL' instead;

Creating an unordered list for list elements with less than 20 characters - the list elements are introduced by the empty tag 'LI' - depracated in HTML 4.0, please use 'UL' instead;

Creates a definition list - the definition term is introduced by the empty tag 'DT', the definition description is introduced by the empty tag 'DD';

'<A HREF="URL_address">text</A>':
Makes an anchor out of 'text', i.e. a link to the given URL (in HTML 4.0 the option 'TITLE', which can be set on virtually every element not only 'A', can be used to offer additional advisory information; also nice to add the attribute TARGET="_blank" next to the HREF attribute to open the link in a new tab [may be useful for Wikipedia references or for larger specifications]);

'<A NAME="anchor_name">text</A>':
Defining a target location (e.g. a title of a chapter of an HTML text) in a document; please note that you can create such anchors by this 'A' command or by specifying the 'ID' attribute (new in HTML 4.0) to an HTML tag (all allowed except 'BASE', 'HEAD', 'HTML', 'META', 'SCRIPT', 'STYLE' and 'TITLE');

'<A HREF="#anchor_name">text</A>':
Links to a target location in the same document (if it would be in another document, one has to specify the URL in front of the '#'), see the previous command for the creation of such anchors;

Treats 'text' as preformatted text, i.e. all spaces and line breaks will appear as they are, useful to make tables or graphics out of text (in former times -before the definition of 'PRE'- one had to use the container tags 'XMP', 'LISTING' or 'PLAINTEXT' instead);

Switching to form mode where one can use special form commands like 'INPUT', 'OPTION', 'SELECT' and 'TEXTAREA', etc. - frequently used options are 'METHOD="POST"' and 'ACTION="mailto:username@domain"';

'<SELECT ...>select_defs</SELECT>':
Defining a selection list (where the user can select one or - with the 'MULTIPLE' attribute given - several options at a time) on an HTML form with items defined in 'select_defs' via the empty tag 'OPTION', see container tag 'FORM';

'<OPTGROUP ...>select_defs</OPTGROUP>':
Defining groups of options defined in 'select_defs' via the empty tag 'OPTION' in a form selection list, see the container tags 'SELECT' and 'FORM' - note that future versions (i.e. > 4.0) of HTML may extend the grouping mechanism to allow for nested groups (i.e., 'OPTGROUP' elements may nest) - HTML 4.0 special;

'<TEXTAREA NAME="name" ROWS="15" COLS="60"></TEXTAREA>':
Creates an input area of multiple lines (here 15 with 60 columns each) used in the container tag 'FORM';

'<LABEL FOR="identifier">label_text</LABEL>':
Attaching information to a single form control (which carries the attribute 'ID="identifier"' to determine the association, e.g.
    <FORM ACTION="http://somesite.com/prog/adduser" METHOD="post">
      <LABEL FOR="firstname">First name: </LABEL>
                <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="firstname"><BR>
      <LABEL FOR="lastname">Last name: </LABEL>
                <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="lastname"><BR>
      <LABEL FOR="email">email: </LABEL>
                <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="email"><BR>
      <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="sex" VALUE="Male"> Male<BR>
      <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="sex" VALUE="Female"> Female<BR>
      <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send"> <INPUT TYPE="reset">
using 'LABEL' for specification of an input field) - new HTML 4.0 command employed in the container tag 'FORM';

Grouping thematically related controls and labels of an HTML form - new HTML 4.0 command employed in the container tag 'FORM';

Assigns the caption 'caption_text' to a group of controls and labels of an HTML form - new HTML 4.0 command employed in the container tag 'FIELDSET';

Creating buttons in forms like 'INPUT', but with richer rendering possibilities ('button_def' may be text and or images embedded by the 'IMG' tag [but no image maps]) - new HTML 4.0 command employed in the container tag 'FORM';

'<MAP NAME="map_name">area_and_link_definitions</MAP>':
Creates an image map named 'map_name' with definitions 'area_and_link_definitions', see the empty tags 'IMG' and 'AREA' - special HTML 3.2 operation;

Switches to table mode (HTML 3.0/3.2) where one can use special commands like 'CAPTION', 'TR', 'TD' and 'TH'. The new option 'SUMMARY="large_explicative_text"' should always be used to support people using speech or Braille-based user agents. To specify the width of the border lines, use the option 'BORDER="x"' (Default: 'x' = '0', i.e. no borders around the table or the cells), to give the vertical size of the table (in pix or per cent '%'), try the parameter 'WIDTH', the alignment is set with 'ALIGN="LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT"' and the spacing by 'CELLSPACING' and 'CELLPADDING'.
Simple example:

header_col1 header_col2 header_col3
header_row1 data_1,1 data_1,2 data_1,3
header_row2+3 data_2,2+3 ..............
data_3,1 data_3,2 data_3,3

generated by:

<TABLE BORDER="3" SUMMARY="This is just a small table example.">
  <TR> <TH> <TH> header_col1 <TH> header_col2 <TH> header_col3
  <TR> <TH> header_row1 <TD ROWSPAN="2" VALIGN="TOP"> data_1,1
       <TD> data_1,2 <TD> data_1,3
  <TR> <TH ROWSPAN="2"> header_row2+3
       <TD COLSPAN="2"> data_2,2+3 ..............
  <TR> <TD> data_3,1 <TD> data_3,2 <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" BGCOLOR="RED"> data_3,3

Just try own examples;

Defines the caption of a table (i.e. 'table_caption_text') and with 'ALIGN="TOP|BOTTOM"' the position above or below the table (HTML 3.0/3.2);

'<TFOOT>row_group_defs</TFOOT>' and
Grouping together table rows ('row_group_defs' must contain at least one row defined by 'TR') into a table head, a table foot and one or more table body sections (note the order: TBODY definition(s) must be given at last, and that the end tags are optional; thus in scrolling and printing of huge tables the head and foot [containing information about the table's columns] can always be shown) - new HTML 4.0 container/empty tags employed in the container tag 'TABLE';

'<APPLET CODE="applet_file_name">Java_applet_parameter_definitions</APPLET>':
Embedding a Java Applet of name 'applet_file_name' for all Java enabled browsers (NN 2.0/3.0 special and HTML 3.2); further options are 'ALT' to specify an alternative text for browsers understanding 'APPLET' but not beeing able to run a Java Applet, 'HEIGHT' and 'WIDTH' to give the size of the display area of the applet in pix and 'ALIGN="LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT"' for the alignment; the 'Java_applet_parameter_definitions' stands for possible single tags 'PARAM' - note that the use of 'APPLET' is deprecated (with all its attributes) in HTML 4.0 in favor of 'OBJECT';

'<EMBED ...> ... </EMBED>':
Displays output from a file that is executed by a plug-in as part of the HTML document in a rectangular area of the page - NN 2.0 special;

Giving 'alternative_text' for browsers not able to display content from plug-in programs specified by the 'EMBED' tag - NN special;

'<OBJECT CLASSID="URI">alternative_text</OBJECT>':
Controlling whether data should be rendered externally or by some specified program (here via the 'URI'), that renders the data within the user agent (if this cause a problem, then the 'alternative_text' is displayed instead) - special HTML 4.0 command;

Divides Web pages into multiple, scrollable regions to embed multiple HTML documents. A basic frame document has the normal structure with the body of the document replaced by a frameset region (see end of chapter 3). There one can use this container tag 'FRAMESET' with 'frame_definition_text' consisting of the empty tag 'FRAME' and possibly other (nested) 'FRAMESET' operations. With the options 'COLS' and 'ROWS', you can specify the width and HEIGHT of a frame (in pix, per cent '%' or filling the rest of the page '*').
Even if most "professional" homepages make use of frames, there are many disadvantages: You must use one of the few browsers wich support frames (see container tag 'NOFRAMES'), you can't easily go back/forward in a frame document in the usual way, blind people have severe problems with frames (please be kind), and the transferred data amount is not getting less - originally the reason for introducing frames [in Netscape 3.0 one can choose the color of the frame border by 'BORDERCOLOR', see container tag 'BODY'] - Netscape special and new HTML 4.0 tag;

Implementing help for people using browsers without frame support. The 'help_HTML_text' include HTML operations, which are ignored by a browser which knows frames but are displayed by any other browser - if you want to use frames, don't forget to give here at least a message that one should use a frame supporting browser (Netscape and HTML 4.0 special);

'<IFRAME SRC="URL_of_embedded_HTML_document" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="500" SCROLLING="auto" FRAMEBORDER="1">alternative_text</IFRAME>':
Specifying an inline frame and 'alternative_text' if the browser does not support frames (this tag is similar to 'OBJECT', see also the empty tag 'FRAME') - new HTML 4.0 tag;

'<LAYER ID="layer1" TOP="20pt" LEFT="5pt" BGCOLOR="#CC00EE" WIDTH="200">text_passage</LAYER>':
Combining a 'text_passage' (e.g. out of several 'P'-blocks) to a layer for exact positioning (here giving the layer an identifier, background color and width of 200 pixels); this NN 4.0 special should better be expressed via CSS properties 'position' (value: 'absolute|relative|static|fixed'), 'top', 'left', 'background-color', 'border-width', 'border-color' and 'width' (see chapter 7);

Function like the above 'LAYER' tag, but this layer follows the natural flow of the page - NN 4.0 special;

Giving 'alternative_text' for browsers not supporting 'LAYER' and 'ILAYER' (this makes sense when the layer concent is specified via the 'SRC' option, so 'text_passage' is empty) - NN 4.0 special;

Switches to formula mode (HTML 3.0, not in HTML 3.2 or 4.0!) where one can use special math-commands like 'SUB', 'SUP', 'OVER', 'TEXT', etc. - this was intended to get the standard, but only the former W3C test-bed browser Arena supported this tag; now this tag should be used to embed the XML DTD MathML (specified via the 'META' tag in the header, see example below) in HTML documents, e.g.:
   <META Content-math-Type="text/mathml">
     <mspace/ width="2em"><mi>α</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0.4</mn>
           <mo> ( </mo>
           <mi> a </mi>
           <mi> b </mi>
          <mo> ) </mo>
        <mi> x </mi>
           <mo> → </mo>
           <mtext> maps to </mtext>
        <mi> y </mi>
testing your browser:
x2, α=0.4 ( a b ) , x maps to y
result of the new W3C test-bed browser Amaya 1.3 as picture:
[Math Result]
and programs for converting LATEX documents to MathML are already available.

6. Special Characters

For some characters have special meanings in HTML ('"': '&quot;', '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', and '>': '&gt;'; never type these ASCII characters directly for usage in HTML texts or URLs but only in HTML commands) and to make characters of foreign languages (like the German Umlaute, 'ä' etc.) available in HTML, one can use tokens with a leading ampersand and a finishing semicolon. In case of a '#' followed by a number (160-255), it refers to an ISO Latin-1 character [or 8859-1-] code. Using the code is more secure for most signs, cos the names are mostly Netscape / HTML 3.2 specials (e.g. use '&#160;' instead of '&nbsp;'), except the first four in the list ('&quot;', '&amp;', '&lt;', and '&gt;') and some characteres for foreign languages (like '&ouml;' or '&eacute;'). Note that the codes 128 - 159 may only be available with Microsoft Windows fonts, so instead one should use the names for Unicode characters, see next section (e.g. '&#153;' for the (TM) sign should be replaced by '&trade;' [Unicode: '&#8482;']).
As more and more Unicode characters get available in most browsers (end of 2017 Firefox and Chrome support Unicode 8.0 of 2015 while still not support Unicode 9.0 of mid 2016 – mid July 2019 Firefox 67 is Unicode 11 compatible, Chrome only to Unicode 10, while Unicode 12 was just released waiting to get implemented), it may be suitable to use hexadecimal digits [i.e. 0-9 & A-E] using a leading '&#x'. But beware: when using '<TT>' one may see different font sizes and different level of Unicode support, so I will from time to time show this Code in ".." instead of the standard '..' – same for using special fonts which I do avoid. So anyone can see the default support of his current browser in use.
Even though started as ASCII (standard being characters 0-127; using the 8th bit for 128-255 do have several national implementations; and both code regions contain special characters like Escape: '&#27;' = '&#x1B;'), that code got part of Unicode as well, like the quotation mark " ('&quot;' = '&#34;' = '&#x22;'). The colored versions are called Emoji, e.g. used for Smilies like '😀' ('&#128512;' = '&#x1F600;'), were Unicodes are intended to be emoji, somtimes some characters had been changed to Emoji later giving an inhomogenous look like black joker '🃏' ('&#127183;' = '&#x1F0CF;') not fitting to red joker '🂿' ('&#127167;' = '&#x1F0BF;'), or after staying black/white Unicode  like bouquet of flowers '🎕' ('&#127893;' = '&#x1F395;') another Unicode got the emoji version bouquet '💐' ('&#128144;' = '&#x1F490;').
[The examples are Firefox as seen mid 2019 – may be subjected to further changes.]
So unfortunately there is no full Unicode font but it gets enhanced every year (like Unicode 12.0 of 05.03.2019) staying a moving target for browser manufacturers, web masters and internet users alike and no clear cut was made between black/white and emoji – even using Unicode combinations for e.g. skin tones or male/female careers like Man/Woman Teacher or getting the emoji version of a black/white Unicode like reminder ribbon '🎗' ('&#127895;' = '&#x1F397;') as emoji '🎗️' ('&#127895;&#65039;' = '&#x1F397;&#xFE0F;') and even flags like '🇩🇪': '&#127465;&#127466;' = '&#x1F1E9;&#x1F1EA;', being a composition of '🇩+🇪' (Chrome does not support flags with standard installation under Linux, Firefox does – so I am still using GIF images for flags – and may stay with them for getting combined flags or the -NA- imprint on a fag).
All these possibilities and uncertainties sum up to a real burdon for web designers (concerning background colour problems, non supported Unicodes or code combinations in different browsers or special used fonts by users or websites, with fronts from other sides used to track users and thus having to be stated as such in the 🔑Disclaimer at least in the European Union etc.).

 ) Please note that black on white means foreground/background colour, i.e. on my site black on yellow.
Hint: As emoji ignore a set colour {i.e. foreground colour}, this should be used to better fit to the chosen background in case the website background would not fit to the emoji colours. The current gambling between Firefox and Chrome.

The following huge (and still growing) list starts with all ISO Latin-1 characters, which should be known to all browsers, up to the latest Unicodes/Emojis not part of any browser right now (so that would be no bug) and some further links at the end of the list:
UTF-8 C0 Controls and Basic Latin [Standard ASCII]:
dec. 0-127; hex. 0000-007F !
'"' = '"' = '"':
'&quot;' equals '&#34;' equals '&#x22;' (double quotation marks, HTML 2.0);
'#' = '#' = '#':
'&num;' equals '&#35;' equals '&#x23;' (number sign, hash, sharp, or double cross, cf. '﹟' {small}: '&#xFE5F;' and '#' {fullwidth}: '&#xFF03;');
'$' = '$' = '$':
'&dollar;' equals '&#36;' equals '&#x24;' (dollar sign, cf. '﹩' {small}: '&#xFE69;' and '$' {fullwidth}: '&#xFF04;');
'%' = '%' = '%':
'&percnt;' equals '&#37;' equals '&#x25;' (percent sign, cf. '﹪' {small}: '&#xFE6A;' and '%' {fullwidth}: '&#xFF05;');
'&' = '&' = '&':
'&amp;' equals '&#38;' equals '&#x26;' (ampersand, HTML 2.0, cf. '﹠' {small}: '&#xFE60;' and '&' {fullwidth}: '&#xFF06;');
'*' = '*' = '*':
'&ast;' equals '&#42;' equals '&#x2A;' (asterisk, HTML 2.0, cf. '﹡' {small}: '&#xFE61;' and '*' {fullwidth}: '&#xFF0A;');
'<' = '<' = '<':
'&lt;' equals '&#60;' equals '&#x3C;' (less sign, HTML 2.0);
'>' = '>' = '>':
'&gt;' equals '&#62;' equals '&#x3E;' (greater sign, HTML 2.0);
'@' = '@' = '@':
'&commat;' equals '&#64;' equals '&#x40;' (commercial at, HTML 2.0, cf. '﹫' {small}: '&#xFE6B;' and '@' {fullwidth}: '&#xFF20;');
'^' = '^' = '^':
'&Hat;' equals '&#94;' equals '&#x5E;' (circumflex accent, to the power of, HTML 2.0, cf. '^' {fullwidth}: '&#xFF3E;');

UTF-8 C1 Controls and Latin1 Supplement:
dec. 128-255; hex. 0080-00FF !
' ' = ' ' = ' ' = ' ':
'&NonBreakingSpace;' equals '&nbsp;' equals '&#160;' equals '&#xA0;' (non‑breaking space, some ancient browsers knew the code, NOT the name – no problem today [cf. '&#8209;' = '&#x2011;']);
'¡' = '¡' = '¡':
'&iexcl;' equals '&#161;' equals '&#xA1;' (inverted exclamation mark);
'¢' = '¢' = '¢:
'&cent;' equals '&#162;' equals '&#xA2;' (cent sign);
'£' = '£' = '£':
'&pound;' equals '&#163;' equals '&#xA3;' (pound sterling sign);
'¤' = '¤' = '¤':
'&curren;' equals '&#164;' equals '&#xA4;' (general currency sign);
'¥' = '¥' = '¥':
'&yen;' equals '&#165;' equals '&#xA5;' (yen sign);
'¦' = '¦' = '¦':
'&brvbar;' equals '&#166;' equals '&#xA6;' (broken vertical bar);
'§' = '§' = '§':
'&sect;' equals '&#167;' equals '&#xA7;' (section sign);
'¨' = '¨' = '¨':
'&uml;' equals '&#168;' equals '&#xA8;' (Umlaut – dieresis);
'©' = '©' = '©':
'&copy;' equals '&#169;' equals '&#xA9;' ((C) – copyright);
'ª' = 'ª' = 'ª':
'&ordf;' equals '&#170;' equals '&#xAA;' (ordinal indicator, feminine);
'«' = '«' = '«':
'&laquo;' equals '&#171;' equals '&#xAB;' (left angle quotation mark);
'¬' = '¬' = '¬':
'&not;' equals '&#172;' equals '&#xAC;' (not sign);
'­' = '­' = '­':
'&shy;' equals '&#173;' equals '&#xAD;' (soft hyphen);
'®' = '®' = '®':
'&reg;' equals '&#174;' equals '&#xAE;' ((R) registered trademark);
'¯' = '¯' = '¯':
'&macr;' equals '&#175;' equals '&#xAF;' (macron);
'°' = '°' = '°':
'&deg;' equals '&#176;' equals '&#xB0;' (degree sign);
'±' = '±' = '±':
'&plusmn;' equals '&#177;' equals '&#xB1;' (plusminus);
'²' = '²' = '²':
'&sup2;' equals '&#178;' equals '&#xB2;' (squared – to the 2nd – superscript two);
'³' = '³' = '³':
'&sup3;' equals '&#179;' equals '&#xB3;' (cubed – to the 3rd – superscript three);
'´' = '´' = '´':
'&acute;' equals '&#180;' equals '&#xB4;' (acute accent);
'µ' = 'µ' = 'µ':
'&micro;' equals '&#181;' equals '&#xB5;' (mu – Greek alphabet – micro sign);
'¶' = '¶' = '¶':
'&para;' equals '&#182;' equals '&#xB6;' (pilcrow – paragraph sign);
'·' = '·' = '·':
'&middot;' equals '&#183;' equals '&#xB7;' (small central dot);
'¸' = '¸' = '¸':
'&cedil;' equals '&#184;' equals '&#xB8;' (the French cédille accent);
'¹' = '¹' = '¹':
'&sup1;' equals '&#185;' equals '&#xB9;' (to the 1st – superscript one);
'º' = 'º' = 'º':
'&ordm;' equals '&#186;' equals '&#xBA;' (ordinal indicator – masculine);
'»' = '»' = '»':
'&raquo;' equals '&#187;' equals '&#xBB;' (right angle quotation mark);
'¼' = '¼' = '¼':
'&frac14;' equals '&#188;' equals '&#xBC;' (1/4 – one fourth – one quarter);
'½' = '½' = '½':
'&frac12;' equals '&#189;' equals '&#xBD;' (1/2 – one half);
'¾' = '¾' = '¾':
'&frac34;' equals '&#190;' equals '&#xBE;' (3/4 – three fourth);
'¿' = '¿' = '¿':
'&iquest;' equals '&#191;' equals '&#xBF;' (inverted question mark);
'À' = 'À' = 'À':
'&Agrave;' equals '&#192;' equals '&#xC0;' (the French A with accent grave);
'Á' = 'Á' = 'Á':
'&Aacute;' equals '&#193;' equals '&#xC1;' (the French A with accent aigu);
'Â' = 'Â' = 'Â':
'&Acirc;' equals '&#194;' equals '&#xC2;' (the French A with accent circonflexe);
'Ã' = 'Ã' = 'Ã':
'&Atilde;' equals '&#195;' equals '&#xC3;' (A with tilde);
'Ä' = 'Ä' = 'Ä':
'&Auml;' equals '&#196;' equals '&#xC4;' (the German Ae);
'Å' = 'Å' = 'Å':
'&Aring;' equals '&#197;' equals '&#xC5;' (A with ring);
'Æ' = 'Æ' = 'Æ':
'&AElig;' equals '&#198;' equals '&#xC6;' (capital AE diphtong – ligature);
'Ç' = 'Ç' = 'Ç':
'&Ccedil;' equals '&#199;' equals '&#xC7;' (the French C with cédille);
'È' = 'È' = 'È':
'&Egrave;' equals '&#200;' equals '&#xC8;' (the French E with accent grave);
'É' = 'É' = 'É':
'&Eacute;' equals '&#201;' equals '&#xC9;' (the French E with accent aigu);
'Ê' = 'Ê' = 'Ê':
'&Ecirc;' equals '&#202;' equals '&#xCA;' (the French E with accent circonflexe);
'Ë' = 'Ë' = 'Ë':
'&Euml;' equals '&#203;' equals '&#xCB;' (E with dieresis);
'Ì' = 'Ì' = 'Ì':
'&Igrave;' equals '&#204;' equals '&#xCC;' (the French I with accent grave);
'Í' = 'Í' = 'Í':
'&Iacute;' equals '&#205;' equals '&#xCD;' (the French I with accent aigu);
'Î' = 'Î' = 'Î':
'&Icirc;' equals '&#206;' equals '&#xCE;' (the French I with accent circonflexe);
'Ï' = 'Ï' = 'Ï':
'&Iuml;' equals '&#207;' equals '&#xCF;' (I with dieresis);
'Ð' = 'Ð' = 'Ð':
'&ETH;' equals '&#208;' equals '&#xD0;' (the Icelandic Eth);
'Ñ' = 'Ñ' = 'Ñ':
'&Ntilde;' equals '&#209;' equals '&#xD1;' (N with tilde);
'Ò' = 'Ò' = 'Ò':
'&Ograve;' equals '&#210;' equals '&#xD2;' (the French O with accent grave);
'Ó' = 'Ó' = 'Ó':
'&Oacute;' equals '&#211;' equals '&#xD3;' (the French O with accent aigu);
'Ô' = 'Ô' = 'Ô':
'&Ocirc;' equals '&#212;' equals '&#xD4;' (the French O with accent circonflexe);
'Õ' = 'Õ' = 'Õ':
'&Otilde;' equals '&#213;' equals '&#xD5;' (O with tilde);
'Ö' = 'Ö' = 'Ö':
'&Ouml;' equals '&#214;' equals '&#xD6;' (the German Oe);
'×' = '×' = '×':
'&times;' equals '&#215;' equals '&#xD7;' (x – times);
'Ø' = 'Ø' = 'Ø':
'&Oslash;' equals '&#216;' equals '&#xD8;' (O slash – empty set);
'Ù' = 'Ù' = 'Ù':
'&Ugrave;' equals '&#217;' equals '&#xD9;' (the French U with accent grave);
'Ú' = 'Ú' = 'Ú':
'&Uacute;' equals '&#218;' equals '&#xDA;' (the French U with accent aigu);
'Û' = 'Û' = 'Û':
'&Ucirc;' equals '&#219;' equals '&#xDB;' (the French U with accent circonflexe);
'Ü' = 'Ü' = 'Ü':
'&Uuml;' equals '&#220;' equals '&#xDC;' (the German Ue);
'Ý' = 'Ý' = 'Ý':
'&Yacute;' equals '&#221;' equals '&#xDD;' (Y with acute accent);
'Þ' = 'Þ' = 'Þ':
'&THORN;' equals '&#222;' equals '&#xDE;' (the Icelandic capital THORN);
'ß' = 'ß' = 'ß':
'&szlig;' equals '&#223;' equals '&#xDF;' (the German sz);
'à' = 'à' = 'à':
'&agrave;' equals '&#224;' equals '&#xE0;' (the French a with accent grave);
'á' = 'á' = 'á':
'&aacute;' equals '&#225;' equals '&#xE1;' (the French a with accent aigu);
'â' = 'â' = 'â':
'&acirc;' equals '&#226;' equals '&#xE2;' (the French a with accent circonflexe);
'ã' = 'ã' = 'ã':
'&atilde;' equals '&#227;' equals '&#xE3;' (a with tilde);
'ä' = 'ä' = 'ä':
'&auml;' equals '&#228;' equals '&#xE4;' (the German ae);
'å' = 'å' = 'å':
'&aring;' equals '&#229;' equals '&#xE5;' (a with ring);
'æ' = 'æ' = 'æ':
'&aelig;' equals '&#230;' equals '&#xE6;' (small ae diphtong – ligature);
'ç' = 'ç' = 'ç':
'&ccedil;' equals '&#231;' equals '&#xE7;' (the French c with cédille);
'è' = 'è' = 'è':
'&egrave;' equals '&#232;' equals '&#xE8;' (the French e with accent grave);
'é' = 'é' = 'é':
'&eacute;' equals '&#233;' equals '&#xE9;' (the French e with accent aigu);
'ê' = 'ê' = 'ê':
'&ecirc;' equals '&#234;' equals '&#xEA;' (the French e with accent circonflexe);
'ë' = 'ë' = 'ë':
'&euml;' equals '&#235;' equals '&#xEB;' (e with dieresis);
'ì' = 'ì' = 'ì':
'&igrave;' equals '&#236;' equals '&#xEC;' (the French i with accent grave);
'í' = 'í' = 'í':
'&iacute;' equals '&#237;' equals '&#xED;' (the French i accent aigu);
'î' = 'î' = 'î':
'&icirc;' equals '&#238;' equals '&#xEE;' (the French i accent circonflexe);
'ï' = 'ï' = 'ï':
'&iuml;' equals '&#239;' equals '&#xEF;' (i with dieresis);
'ð' = 'ð' = 'ð':
'&eth;' equals '&#240;' equals '&#xF0;' (the Icelandic eth);
'ñ' = 'ñ' = 'ñ':
'&ntilde;' equals '&#241;' equals '&#xF1;' (n with tilde);
'ò' = 'ò' = 'ò':
'&ograve;' equals '&#242;' equals '&#xF2;' (the French o with accent grave);
'ó' = 'ó' = 'ó':
'&oacute;' equals '&#243;' equals '&#xF3;' (the French o accent aigu);
'ô' = 'ô' = 'ô':
'&ocirc;' equals '&#244;' equals '&#xF4;' (the French o accent circonflexe);
'õ' = 'õ' = 'õ':
'&otilde;' equals '&#245;' equals '&#xF5;' (o with tilde);
'ö' = 'ö' = 'ö':
'&ouml;' equals '&#246;' equals '&#xF6;' (the German oe);
'÷' = '÷' = '÷':
'&divide;' equals '&#247;' equals '&#xF7;' (division sign);
'ø' = 'ø' = 'ø':
'&oslash;' equals '&#248;' equals '&#xF8;' (o slash – empty set);
'ù' = 'ù' = 'ù':
'&ugrave;' equals '&#249;' equals '&#xF9;' (the French u with accent grave);
'ú' = 'ú' = 'ú':
'&uacute;' equals '&#250;' equals '&#xFA;' (the French u with accent aigu);
'û' = 'û' = 'û':
'&ucirc;' equals '&#251;' equals '&#xFB;' (the French u with accent circonflexe);
'ü' = 'ü' = 'ü':
'&uuml;' equals '&#252;' equals '&#xFC;' (the German ue);
'ý' = 'ý' = 'ý':
'&yacute;' equals '&#253;' equals '&#xFD;' (y with acute accent);
'þ' = 'þ' = 'þ':
'&thorn;' equals '&#254;' equals '&#xFE;' (the Icelandic small thorn);
'ÿ' = 'ÿ' = 'ÿ':
'&yuml;' equals '&#255;' equals '&#xFF;' (y with dieresis).
Historical Statement of the 1990s from me – just as it came so true:
If the mathematical environment becomes standard (see HTML 3.0 container tag '<MATH>'), there are plenty of additional special characters, for example:
'α': '&alpha;' (1st Greek character), '&ldots;': '&ldots;' ('...', low dots), 'a': '<VEC>a</VEC>':, etc. But it is doubtful whether this will get standard.

It is more probable that the support of the Unicode after ISO/IEC 10646 [I18N], proposed by the W3C in HTML 4.0 (since 10th November: Proposed Recommendation), will be part of all new browsers. This 16-bit extension of the above described 8-bit ISO-8859-1 Code will contain many special characters, e.g. the total Greek alphabet necessary for scientific publications.
[Until now its use is only possible by a big amount of GIF pictures grabbed normally from the screen output of 📜TEX DVI viewer.]
Special symbols (e.g. ♠|♠|♠) are available as entity (e.g. '&spades;'), decimal code (e.g. '&#9824;'), or hex. code (e.g. '&#x2660;'). For ranges see the following table:

Unicode ranges for HTML (see HTML5 UTF-8 Character Codes)
dec.8192-8303 8352-8399 8448-8527 8592-8703 8704-8959 9472-9599 9600-9631 9632-9727 9728-9983 9984-10175 

Just look at the following table of codes (which had been all unknown to former browsers, except Amaya 1.3a [and higher] knowing the entity names [not the codes] and delivering the right shape/display, so one should not have bothered about the beginning – it was just a test for future releases of browsers pretending to support HTML 4.0; which made new rendering engines necessary, so we had to wait for NN 5.xx and IE 5.xx; as we are now waiting for Firefox 6x+ and Chrome 7x+ to support latest Unicodes and Emojis – nothing has really changed after 25 years):
Latin Extended A:
dec. 256-383; hex. 0100-017F !
'Œ' = 'Œ' = 'Œ':
'&OElig;' equals '&#338;' equals '&#x152;' (latin capital ligature OE);
'œ' = 'œ' = 'œ':
'&oelig;' equals '&#339;' equals '&#x153;' (latin small ligature oe);
'Š' = 'Š' = 'Š':
'&Scaron;' equals '&#352;' equals '&#x160;' (latin capital letter S with caron);
'š' = 'š' = 'š':
'&scaron;' equals '&#353;' equals '&#x161;' (latin small letter s with caron);
'Ÿ' = 'Ÿ' = 'Ÿ':
'&Yuml;' equals '&#376;' equals '&#x178;' (latin capital letter Y with diaeresis);

Spacing Modifier Letters:
dec. 688-767; hex. 02B0-02FF !
'ˆ' = 'ˆ' = 'ˆ':
'&circ;' equals '&#710;' equals '&#x2C6;' (modifier letter circumflex accent);
'˜' = '˜' = '˜':
'&tilde;' equals '&#732;' equals '&#x2DC;' (small tilde);

Diacritical Marks  (example with o, usable with any letter):
dec. 768-879; hex. 0300-036F !
'ò' = 'ò':
'o&#768;' equals 'o&#x0300;' (grave accent);
'ó' = 'ó':
'o&#769;' equals 'o&#x0301;' (acute accent);
'ô' = 'ô':
'o&#770;' equals 'o&#x0302;' (circumflex accent);
'õ' = 'õ':
'o&#771;' equals 'o&#x0303;' (tilde);
'ō' = 'ō':
'o&#772;' equals 'o&#x0304;' (macron);
'o̅' = 'o̅':
'o&#773;' equals 'o&#x0305;' (overline);
'ŏ' = 'ŏ':
'o&#774;' equals 'o&#x0306;' (breve);
'ȯ' = 'ȯ':
'o&#775;' equals 'o&#x0307;' (dot above);
'ö' = 'ö':
'o&#776;' equals 'o&#x0308;' (diaeresis);
'ỏ' = 'ỏ':
'o&#777;' equals 'o&#x0309;' (hook above);
'o̊' = 'o̊':
'o&#778;' equals 'o&#x030A;' (ring above);
'ő' = 'ő':
'o&#779;' equals 'o&#x030B;' (double acute accent);
'ǒ' = 'ǒ':
'o&#780;' equals 'o&#x030C;' (caron);
'o̍' = 'o̍':
'o&#781;' equals 'o&#x030D;' (vertical line above);
'o̎' = 'o̎':
'o&#782;' equals 'o&#x030E;' (double vertical line above);
'ȍ' = 'ȍ':
'o&#783;' equals 'o&#x030F;' (double grave accent);
'o̐' = 'o̐':
'o&#784;' equals 'o&#x0310;' (candrabindu);
'ȏ' = 'ȏ':
'o&#785;' equals 'o&#x0311;' (inverted breve);
'o̒' = 'o̒':
'o&#786;' equals 'o&#x0312;' (turned comma above);
'o̓' = 'o̓':
'o&#787;' equals 'o&#x0313;' (comma above);
'o̔' = 'o̔':
'o&#788;' equals 'o&#x0314;' (reversed comma above);
'o̕' = 'o̕':
'o&#789;' equals 'o&#x0315;' (comma above right);
'o̖' = 'o̖':
'o&#790;' equals 'o&#x0316;' (grave accent below);
'o̗' = 'o̗':
'o&#791;' equals 'o&#x0317;' (acute accent below);
'o̘' = 'o̘':
'o&#792;' equals 'o&#x0318;' (left tack below);
'o̙' = 'o̙':
'o&#793;' equals 'o&#x0319;' (right tack below);
'o̚' = 'o̚':
'o&#794;' equals 'o&#x031A;' (left angle above);
'ơ' = 'ơ':
'o&#795;' equals 'o&#x031B;' (horn);
'o̜' = 'o̜':
'o&#796;' equals 'o&#x031C;' (left half ring below);
'o̝' = 'o̝':
'o&#797;' equals 'o&#x031D;' (up tack below);
'o̞' = 'o̞':
'o&#798;' equals 'o&#x031E;' (down tack below);
'o̟' = 'o̟':
'o&#799;' equals 'o&#x031F;' (plus sign below);
'o̠' = 'o̠':
'o&#800;' equals 'o&#x0320;' (minus sign below);
'o̡' = 'o̡':
'o&#801;' equals 'o&#x0321;' (palatalized hook below);
'o̢' = 'o̢':
'o&#802;' equals 'o&#x0322;' (retroflex hook below);
'ọ' = 'ọ':
'o&#803;' equals 'o&#x0323;' (dot below);
'o̤' = 'o̤':
'o&#804;' equals 'o&#x0324;' (diaeresis below);
'o̥' = 'o̥':
'o&#805;' equals 'o&#x0325;' (ring below);
'o̦' = 'o̦':
'o&#806;' equals 'o&#x0326;' (comma below);
'o̧' = 'o̧':
'o&#807;' equals 'o&#x0327;' (cedilla);
'ǫ' = 'ǫ':
'o&#808;' equals 'o&#x0328;' (ogonek);
'o̩' = 'o̩':
'o&#809;' equals 'o&#x0329;' (vertical line below);
'o̪' = 'o̪':
'o&#810;' equals 'o&#x032A;' (bridge below);
'o̫' = 'o̫':
'o&#811;' equals 'o&#x032B;' (inverted double arch below);
'o̬' = 'o̬':
'o&#812;' equals 'o&#x032C;' (caron below);
'o̭' = 'o̭':
'o&#813;' equals 'o&#x032D;' (circumflex accent below);
'o̮' = 'o̮':
'o&#814;' equals 'o&#x032E;' (breve below);
'o̯' = 'o̯':
'o&#815;' equals 'o&#x032F;' (inverted breve below);
'o̰' = 'o̰':
'o&#816;' equals 'o&#x0330;' (tilde below);
'o̱' = 'o̱':
'o&#817;' equals 'o&#x0331;' (macron below);
'o̲' = 'o̲':
'o&#818;' equals 'o&#x0332;' (low line below);
'o̳' = 'o̳':
'o&#819;' equals 'o&#x0333;' (double low line below);
'o̴' = 'o̴':
'o&#820;' equals 'o&#x0334;' (tilde overlay);
'o̵' = 'o̵':
'o&#821;' equals 'o&#x0335;' (short stroke overlay);
'o̶' = 'o̶':
'o&#822;' equals 'o&#x0336;' (long stroke overlay);
'o̷' = 'o̷':
'o&#823;' equals 'o&#x0337;' (short solidus overlay);
'o̸' = 'o̸':
'o&#824;' equals 'o&#x0338;' (long solidus overlay);
'o̹' = 'o̹':
'o&#825;' equals 'o&#x0339;' (right half ring below);
'o̺' = 'o̺':
'o&#826;' equals 'o&#x033A;' (inverted bridge below);
'o̻' = 'o̻':
'o&#827;' equals 'o&#x033B;' (square below);
'o̼' = 'o̼':
'o&#828;' equals 'o&#x033C;' (seagull below);
'o̽' = 'o̽':
'o&#829;' equals 'o&#x033D;' (x above);
'o̾' = 'o̾':
'o&#830;' equals 'o&#x033E;' (vertical tilde);
'o̿' = 'o̿':
'o&#831;' equals 'o&#x033F;' (double overline);
'ò' = 'ò':
'o&#832;' equals 'o&#x0340;' (grave tone mark);
'ó' = 'ó':
'o&#833;' equals 'o&#x0341;' (acute tone mark);
'o͂' = 'o͂':
'o&#834;' equals 'o&#x0342;' (greek perispomeni);
'o̓' = 'o̓':
'o&#835;' equals 'o&#x0343;' (greek coronis);
'ö́' = 'ö́':
'o&#836;' equals 'o&#x0344;' (greek dialytika tonos);
'oͅ' = 'oͅ':
'o&#837;' equals 'o&#x0345;' (greek ypogegrammeni);
'o͆' = 'o͆':
'o&#838;' equals 'o&#x0346;' (bridge above);
'o͇' = 'o͇':
'o&#839;' equals 'o&#x0347;' (equals sign below);
'o͈' = 'o͈':
'o&#840;' equals 'o&#x0348;' (double vertical line below);
'o͉' = 'o͉':
'o&#841;' equals 'o&#x0349;' (left angle below);
'o͊' = 'o͊':
'o&#842;' equals 'o&#x034A;' (not tilde above);
'o͋' = 'o͋':
'o&#843;' equals 'o&#x034B;' (homothetic above);
'o͌' = 'o͌':
'o&#844;' equals 'o&#x034C;' (almost equal to above);
'o͍' = 'o͍':
'o&#845;' equals 'o&#x034D;' (left right arrow below);
'o͎' = 'o͎':
'o&#846;' equals 'o&#x034E;' (upwards arrow below);
'o͏' = 'o͏':
'o&#847;' equals 'o&#x034F;' (grapheme joiner [CGJ]);
'o͐' = 'o͐':
'o&#848;' equals 'o&#x0350;' (right arrowhead above);
'o͑' = 'o͑':
'o&#849;' equals 'o&#x0351;' (left half ring above);
'o͒' = 'o͒':
'o&#850;' equals 'o&#x0352;' (fermata);
'o͓' = 'o͓':
'o&#851;' equals 'o&#x0353;' (x below);
'o͔' = 'o͔':
'o&#852;' equals 'o&#x0354;' (left arrowhead below);
'o͕' = 'o͕':
'o&#853;' equals 'o&#x0355;' (right arrowhead below);
'o͖' = 'o͖':
'o&#854;' equals 'o&#x0356;' (right arrowhead and up arrowhead below);
'o͗' = 'o͗':
'o&#855;' equals 'o&#x0357;' (right half ring above);
'o͘' = 'o͘':
'o&#856;' equals 'o&#x0358;' (dot above right);
'o͙' = 'o͙':
'o&#857;' equals 'o&#x0359;' (asterisk below);
'o͚' = 'o͚':
'o&#858;' equals 'o&#x035A;' (double ring below);
'o͛' = 'o͛':
'o&#859;' equals 'o&#x035B;' (zigzag above);
'o͜o' = 'o͜o':
'o&#860;o' equals 'o&#x035C;o' (combining double breve below);
'o͝o' = 'o͝o':
'o&#861;o' equals 'o&#x035D;o' (combining double breve);
'o͞o' = 'o͞o':
'o&#862;o' equals 'o&#x035E;o' (combining double macron);
'o͟o' = 'o͟o':
'o&#863;o' equals 'o&#x035F;o' (combining double macron below);
'o͠o' = 'o͠o':
'o&#864;o' equals 'o&#x0360;o' (combining double tilde);
'o͡o' = 'o͡o':
'o&#865;o' equals 'o&#x0361;o' (combining double inverted breve);
'o͢o' = 'o͢o':
'o&#866;o' equals 'o&#x0362;o' (combining double rightwards arrow below);
'oͣ' = 'oͣ':
'o&#867;' equals 'o&#x0363;' (Latin small letter A above);
'oͤ' = 'oͤ':
'o&#868;' equals 'o&#x0364;' (Latin small letter E above);
'oͥ' = 'oͥ':
'o&#869;' equals 'o&#x0365;' (Latin small letter I above);
'oͦ' = 'oͦ':
'o&#870;' equals 'o&#x0366;' (Latin small letter O above);
'oͧ' = 'oͧ':
'o&#871;' equals 'o&#x0367;' (Latin small letter U above);
'oͨ' = 'oͨ':
'o&#872;' equals 'o&#x0368;' (Latin small letter C above);
'oͩ' = 'oͩ':
'o&#873;' equals 'o&#x0369;' (Latin small letter D above);
'oͪ' = 'oͪ':
'o&#874;' equals 'o&#x036A;' (Latin small letter H above);
'oͫ' = 'oͫ':
'o&#875;' equals 'o&#x036B;' (Latin small letter M above);
'oͬ' = 'oͬ':
'o&#876;' equals 'o&#x036C;' (Latin small letter R above);
'oͭ' = 'oͭ':
'o&#877;' equals 'o&#x036D;' (Latin small letter T above);
'oͮ' = 'oͮ':
'o&#878;' equals 'o&#x036E;' (Latin small letter V above);
'oͯ' = 'oͯ':
'o&#879;' equals 'o&#x036F;' (Latin small letter X above);

Greek and Coptic:
dec. 880-1023; hex. 0370-03FF !
'Ͱ' = 'Ͱ':
'&#880;' equals '&#x0370;' (Greek capital letter Heta);
'Α' = 'Α' = 'Α':
'&Alpha;' equals '&#913;' equals '&#x391;' (greek capital letter alpha);
'Β' = 'Β' = 'Β':
'&Beta;' equals '&#914;' equals '&#x392;' (greek capital letter beta);
'Γ' = 'Γ' = 'Γ':
'&Gamma;' equals '&#915;' equals '&#x393;' (greek capital letter gamma);
'Δ' = 'Δ' = 'Δ':
'&Delta;' equals '&#916;' equals '&#x394;' (greek capital letter delta);
'Ε' = 'Ε' = 'Ε':
'&Epsilon;' equals '&#917;' equals '&#x395;' (greek capital letter epsilon);
'Ζ' = 'Ζ' = 'Ζ':
'&Zeta;' equals '&#918;' equals '&#x396;' (greek capital letter zeta);
'Η' = 'Η' = 'Η':
'&Eta;' equals '&#919;' equals '&#x397;' (greek capital letter eta);
'Θ' = 'Θ' = 'Θ':
'&Theta;' equals '&#920;' equals '&#x398;' (greek capital letter theta);
'ϴ' = 'ϴ':
'&#1012;' equals '&#x3F4;' (greek capital theta symbol);
'Ι' = 'Ι' = 'Ι':
'&Iota;' equals '&#921;' equals '&#x399;' (greek capital letter iota);
'Κ' = 'Κ' = 'Κ':
'&Kappa;' equals '&#922;' equals '&#x39A;' (greek capital letter kappa);
'Λ' = 'Λ' = 'Λ':
'&Lambda;' equals '&#923;' equals '&#x39B;' (greek capital letter lambda);
'Μ' = 'Μ' = 'Μ':
'&Mu;' equals '&#924;' equals '&#x39C;' (greek capital letter mu);
'Ν' = 'Ν' = 'Ν':
'&Nu;' equals '&#925;' equals '&#x39D;' (greek capital letter nu);
'Ξ' = 'Ξ' = 'Ξ':
'&Xi;' equals '&#926;' equals '&#x39E;' (greek capital letter xi);
'Ο' = 'Ο' = 'Ο':
'&Omicron;' equals '&#927;' equals '&#x39F;' (greek capital letter omicron);
'Π' = 'Π' = 'Π':
'&Pi;' equals '&#928;' equals '&#x3A0;' (greek capital letter pi);
'Ρ' = 'Ρ' = 'Ρ':
'&Rho;' equals '&#929;' equals '&#x3A1;' (greek capital letter rho);
'Σ' = 'Σ' = 'Σ':
'&Sigma;' equals '&#931;' equals '&#x3A3;' (greek capital letter sigma);
'Τ' = 'Τ' = 'Τ':
'&Tau;' equals '&#932;' equals '&#x3A4;' (greek capital letter tau);
'Υ' = 'Υ' = 'Υ':
'&Upsilon;' equals '&#933;' equals '&#x3A5;' (greek capital letter upsilon);
'Φ' = 'Φ' = 'Φ':
'&Phi;' equals '&#934;' equals '&#x3A6;' (greek capital letter phi);
'Χ' = 'Χ' = 'Χ':
'&Chi;' equals '&#935;' equals '&#x3A7;' (greek capital letter chi);
'Ψ' = 'Ψ' = 'Ψ':
'&Psi;' equals '&#936;' equals '&#x3A8;' (greek capital letter psi);
'Ω' = 'Ω' = 'Ω':
'&Omega;' equals '&#937;' equals '&#x3A9;' (greek capital letter omega);
'α' = 'α' = 'α':
'&alpha;' equals '&#945;' equals '&#x3B1;' (greek small letter alpha);
'β' = 'β' = 'β':
'&beta;' equals '&#946;' equals '&#x3B2;' (greek small letter beta);
'ϐ' = 'ϐ':
'&#976;' equals '&#x3D0;' (greek beta symbol);
'γ' = 'γ' = 'γ':
'&gamma;' equals '&#947;' equals '&#x3B3;' (greek small letter gamma);
'δ' = 'δ' = 'δ':
'&delta;' equals '&#948;' equals '&#x3B4;' (greek small letter delta);
'ε' = 'ε' = 'ε':
'&epsilon;' equals '&#949;' equals '&#x3B5;' (greek small letter epsilon);
'ζ' = 'ζ' = 'ζ':
'&zeta;' equals '&#950;' equals '&#x3B6;' (greek small letter zeta);
'η' = 'η' = 'η':
'&eta;' equals '&#951;' equals '&#x3B7;' (greek small letter eta);
'ϑ' = 'ϑ' = 'ϑ':
'&thetasym;' equals '&#977;' equals '&#x3D1;' (greek small letter theta symbol – small greek script character);
'θ' = 'θ' = 'θ':
'&theta;' equals '&#952;' equals '&#x3B8;' (greek small letter theta symbol – small greek print character);
'ι' = 'ι' = 'ι':
'&iota;' equals '&#953;' equals '&#x3B9;' (greek small letter iota);
'κ' = 'κ' = 'κ':
'&kappa;' equals '&#954;' equals '&#x3BA;' (greek small letter kappa);
'ϰ' = 'ϰ' = 'ϰ':
'&varkappa;' equals '&#1008;' equals '&#x3F0;' (greek kappa symbol);
'λ' = 'λ' = 'λ':
'&lambda;' equals '&#955;' equals '&#x3BB;' (greek small letter lambda);
'μ' = 'μ' = 'μ':
'&mu;' equals '&#956;' equals '&#x3BC;' (greek small letter mu);
'ν' = 'ν' = 'ν':
'&nu;' equals '&#957;' equals '&#x3BD;' (greek small letter nu);
'ξ' = 'ξ' = 'ξ':
'&xi;' equals '&#958;' equals '&#x3BE;' (greek small letter xi);
'ο' = 'ο' = 'ο':
'&omicron;' equals '&#959;' equals '&#x3BF;' (greek small letter omicron);
'π' = 'π' = 'π':
'&pi;' equals '&#960;' equals '&#x3C0;' (greek small letter pi);
'ρ' = 'ρ' = 'ρ':
'&rho;' equals '&#961;' equals '&#x3C1;' (greek small letter rho);
'ϱ' = 'ϱ' = 'ϱ':
'&rhov;' equals '&#1009;' equals '&#x3F1;' (greek rho symbol);
'ς' = 'ς' = 'ς':
'&sigmaf;' equals '&#962;' equals '&#x3C2;' (greek small letter final sigma);
'σ' = 'σ' = 'σ':
'&sigma;' equals '&#963;' equals '&#x3C3;' (greek small letter sigma);
'τ' = 'τ' = 'τ':
'&tau;' equals '&#964;' equals '&#x3C4;' (greek small letter tau);
'υ' = 'υ' = 'υ':
'&upsilon;' equals '&#965;' equals '&#x3C5;' (greek small letter upsilon);
'φ' = 'φ' = 'φ':
'&phi;' equals '&#966;' equals '&#x3C6;' (greek small letter phi – small greek script character);
'ϕ' = 'ϕ' = 'ϕ':
'&straightphi;' equals '&#981;' equals '&#x3D5;' (greek phi symbol – small greek print character);
'χ' = 'χ' = 'χ':
'&chi;' equals '&#967;' equals '&#x3C7;' (greek small letter chi);
'ψ' = 'ψ' = 'ψ':
'&psi;' equals '&#968;' equals '&#x3C8;' (greek small letter psi);
'ω' = 'ω' = 'ω':
'&omega;' equals '&#969;' equals '&#x3C9;' (greek small letter omega);
'ϒ' = 'ϒ' = 'ϒ':
'&upsih;' equals '&#978;' equals '&#x3D2;' (greek upsilon with hook symbol);
'ϖ' = 'ϖ' = 'ϖ' = 'ϖ':
'&varpi;' equals '&piv;' equals '&#982;' equals '&#x3D6;' (greek pi symbol);

-NN-  (4 categories):
dec. 1024-1535; hex. 0400-05FF !

0600..06FF; Arabic:
dec. 1536-1791; hex. 0600..06FF!
'ا' = 'ا':
'&#1575;' equals '&#x627;' (arabic letter alef);
'ح' = 'ح':
'&#1581;' equals '&#x62D;' (arabic letter hah);
'حلال' = 'حلال':
'&#1581;&#1604;&#1575;&#1604;' equals '&#x62D;&#x644;&#x627;&#x644;' (Halal {meaning permissible, i.e. lawful in traditional Islamic law; no emoji version, meaning this is intended to display only as a black and white glyph});
'ل' = 'ل':
'&#1604;' equals '&#x644;' (arabic letter lam);

-NN-  (58 categories):
dec. 1582-8191; hex. 0700-1FFF !

General Punctuation:
dec. 8192-8303; hex. 2000-206F !
' ' = ' ' = ' ':
'&emsp;' equals '&#8195;' equals '&#x2003;' (em space);
' ' = ' ' = ' ':
'&ensp;' equals '&#8194;' equals '&#x2002;' (en space; just for comparison non-breaking hyphen: ...);
' ' = ' ' = ' ' = ' ':
'&NonBreakingSpace;' equals '&nbsp;' equals '&#160;' equals '&#xA0;' (non‑breaking space, some ancient browsers knew the code, NOT the name – no problem today [cf. '&#8209;' = '&#x2011;']);
' ' = ' ' = ' ':
'&thinsp;' equals '&#8201;' equals '&#x2009;' (thin space);
'‌' = '‌' = '‌':
'&zwnj;' equals '&#8204;' equals '&#x200C;' (zero width non-joiner);
'‍' = '‍' = '‍' = '‍':
'&zwj;' equals '&#8205;' equals '&#x200D;' equals '&#x200D;' (zero width joiner {used to combine emojis to result in a new emoji [see man|woman teacher]});
'‎' = '‎' = '‎':
'&lrm;' equals '&#8206;' equals '&#x200E;' (left-to-right mark);
'‏' = '‏' = '‏':
'&rlm;' equals '&#8207;' equals '&#x200F;' (right-to-left mark);
'‑' = '‑' = '‑':
'&#8209;' equals '&#x2011;' equals '&#x2011;' (non-breaking hyphen  [cf. '&#160;' = '&nbsp;');
'–' = '–' = '–':
'&ndash;' equals '&#8211;' equals '&#x2013;' (en dash);
'—' = '—' = '—':
'&mdash;' equals '&#8212;' equals '&#x2014;' (em dash);
'‘' = '‘' = '‘':
'&lsquo;' equals '&#8216;' equals '&#x2018;' (left single quotation mark);
'’' = '’' = '’':
'&rsquo;' equals '&#8217;' equals '&#x2019;' (right single quotation mark);
'‚' = '‚' = '‚':
'&sbquo;' equals '&#8218;' equals '&#x201A;' (single low-9 quotation mark);
'“' = '“' = '“':
'&ldquo;' equals '&#8220;' equals '&#x201C;' (left double quotation mark);
'”' = '”' = '”':
'&rdquo;' equals '&#8221;' equals '&#x201D;' (right double quotation mark);
'„' = '„' = '„':
'&bdquo;' equals '&#8222;' equals '&#x201E;' (double low-9 quotation mark);
'†' = '†' = '†':
'&dagger;' equals '&#8224;' equals '&#x2020;' (dagger);
'‡' = '‡' = '‡':
'&Dagger;' equals '&#8225;' equals '&#x2021;' (double dagger);
'•' = '•' = '•':
'&bull;' equals '&#8226;' equals '&#x2022;' (bullet, black small circle);
'…' = '…' = '…':
'&hellip;' equals '&#8230;' equals '&#x2026;' (horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader);
' ' = ' ':
'&#8239;' equals '&#x202F;' (narrow non-break space);
'‰' = '‰' = '‰':
'&permil;' equals '&#8240;' equals '&#x2030;' (per mille sign);
'′' = '′' = '′':
'&prime;' equals '&#8242;' equals '&#x2032;' (prime, symbol for [arc]minutes or feet);
'″' = '″' = '″':
'&Prime;' equals '&#8243;' equals '&#x2033;' (double prime, symbol for [arc]seconds or inches/Zoll);
'‹' = '‹' = '‹':
'&lsaquo;' equals '&#8249;' equals '&#x2039;' (single left-pointing angle quotation mark);
'›' = '›' = '›':
'&rsaquo;' equals '&#8250;' equals '&#x203A;' (single right-pointing angle quotation mark);
'‾' = '‾' = '‾':
'&oline;' equals '&#8254;' equals '&#x203E;' (overline, spacing overscore);
'⁄' = '⁄' = '⁄':
'&frasl;' equals '&#8260;' equals '&#x2044;' (fraction slash);
'⁠' = '⁠' = '⁠':
'&NoBreak;' equals '&#8288;' equals '&#x2060;' (Word Joiner, ZWNBSP = zero width non-breakable space – Unicode 3.2 and HTML5 tag);

Currency Symbols:
dec. 8352-8399; hex. 20A0-20CF !
'₠' = '₠':
'&#8352;' equals '&#x20A0;' (Euro-currency sign);
'€' = '€' = '€':
'&euro;' equals '&#8364;' equals '&#x20AC;' (Euro sign {cf. '💶' = '💶': '&#128182;' equals '&#x1F4B6;'});
'₿' = '₿':
'&#8383;' equals '&#x20BF;' (Bitcoin Sign {part of Unicode 10.0 in 2017; no emoji version available, i.e. intended to display only as a black and white glyph});

Letterlike Symbols:
dec. 8448-8527; hex. 2100-214F !
'ℂ' = 'ℂ':
'&#8450;' equals '&#x2102;' (double-struck capital C - also complex numbers);
'℃' = '℃':
'&#8451;' equals '&#x2103;' (degree Celsius);
'℉' = '℉':
'&#8457;' equals '&#x2109;' (degree Fahrenheit);
'ℊ' = 'ℊ':
'&#8458;' equals '&#x210A;' (script small g);
'ℍ' = 'ℍ':
'&#8461;' equals '&#x210D;' (souble-struck H);
'ℎ' = 'ℎ':
'&#8462;' equals '&#x210E;' (Planck constant);
'ℏ' = 'ℏ':
'&#8463;' equals '&#x210F;' (Planck constant over two pi);
'ℑ' = 'ℑ' = 'ℑ':
'&image;' equals '&#8465;' equals '&#x2111;' (blackletter capital I, imaginary part symbol);
'ℒ' = 'ℒ':
'&#8466;' equals '&#x2112;' (lagran, Laplacetrf);
'ℕ' = 'ℕ':
'&#8469;' equals '&#x2115;' (double-struck capital N – also natural numbers / unsigned integers);
'№' = '№':
'&numero;' equals '&#8470;' equals '&#x2116;' (numero sign);
'℘' = '℘' = '℘':
'&weierp;' equals '&#8472;' equals '&#x2118;' (script capital P, power set);
'ℙ' = 'ℙ':
'&#8473;' equals '&#x2119;' (double-struck capital P);
'ℚ' = 'ℚ':
'&#8474;' equals '&#x211A;' (double-struck capital Q – rational numbers / fractions);
'ℜ' = 'ℜ' = 'ℜ':
'&real;' equals '&#8476;' equals '&#x211C;' (blackletter capital R = real part of complex number symbol);
'ℝ' = 'ℝ':
'&#8477;' equals '&#x211D;' (double-struck capital R – also real numbers);
'℠' = '℠':
'&#8480;' equals '&#x2120;' (service mark);
'™' = '™' = '™':
'&trade;' equals '&#8482;' equals '&#x2122;' (trade mark sign);
'ℤ' = 'ℤ':
'&#8484;' equals '&#x2124;' (double-struck capital Z; signed integers);
'Ω' = 'Ω':
'&#8486;' equals '&#x2126;' (Ohm sign);
'℧' = '℧':
'&#8487;' equals '&#x2127;' (inverted Ohm sign);
'K' = 'K':
'&#8490;' equals '&#x212A;' (Kelvin sign);
'Å' = 'Å':
'&#8491;' equals '&#x212B;' (Angstrom sign);
'ℵ' = 'ℵ' = 'ℵ':
'&alefsym;' equals '&#8501;' equals '&#x2135;' (alef symbol, first transfinite cardinal);
'ℱ' = '':
'&#8497;' equals '&#x2131;' (Fscr; see '&#119995;');
'ℹ' = '':
'&#8505;' equals '&#x2139;' (information source);
'ℹ️' = 'ℹ️':
'&#8505;&#65039;' equals '&#x2139;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of information source {composed emoji of information source – VS16});
'ℼ' = '':
'&#8508;' equals '&#213C;' (doube-struck small pi);

Number Forms:
dec. 8528-8591; hex. 2150-218F !
'⅐' = '':
'&#8528;' equals '&#x2150;' (vulgar fraction one seventh);
'⅑' = '':
'&#8529;' equals '&#x2151;' (vulgar fraction one nineth);
'⅒' = '':
'&#8530;' equals '&#x2152;' (vulgar fraction one tenth);
'⅓' = '':
'&#8531;' equals '&#x2153;' (vulgar fraction one third);
'⅔' = '':
'&#8532;' equals '&#x2154;' (vulgar fraction two third);
'⅕' = '':
'&#8533;' equals '&#x2155;' (vulgar fraction one fifth);
'Ⅰ' = '':
'&#8544;' equals '&#x2160;' (Roman numeral one);
'Ⅱ' = '':
'&#8545;' equals '&#x2161;' (Roman numeral two);
'Ⅲ' = '':
'&#8546;' equals '&#x2162;' (Roman numeral three);
'Ⅳ' = '':
'&#8547;' equals '&#x2163;' (Roman numeral four);
'Ⅴ' = '':
'&#8548;' equals '&#x2164;' (Roman numeral five);
'Ⅵ' = '':
'&#8549;' equals '&#x2165;' (Roman numeral six);
'Ⅶ' = '':
'&#8550;' equals '&#x2166;' (Roman numeral seven);
'Ⅷ' = '':
'&#8551;' equals '&#x2167;' (Roman numeral eight);
'Ⅸ' = '':
'&#8552;' equals '&#x2168;' (Roman numeral nine);
'Ⅹ' = '':
'&#8553;' equals '&#x2169;' (Roman numeral ten);
'Ⅺ' = '':
'&#8554;' equals '&#x216A;' (Roman numeral eleven);
'Ⅻ' = '':
'&#8555;' equals '&#x216B;' (Roman numeral twelve);
'Ⅼ' = '':
'&#8556;' equals '&#x216C;' (Roman numeral fifty);
'Ⅽ' = '':
'&#8557;' equals '&#x216D;' (Roman numeral one hundred);
'Ⅾ' = '':
'&#8558;' equals '&#x216E;' (Roman numeral five hundred);
'Ⅿ' = '':
'&#8559;' equals '&#x216F;' (Roman numeral one thousand);
'ⅰ' = '':
'&#8560;' equals '&#x2170;' (small Roman numeral one);
'ↁ' = '':
'&#8577;' equals '&#x2181;' (Roman numeral five thousand);
'ↂ' = '':
'&#8578;' equals '&#x2182;' (Roman numeral ten thousand);
'ↇ' = '':
'&#8583;' equals '&#x2187;' (Roman numeral fifty thousand);
'ↈ' = '':
'&#8584;' equals '&#x2188;' (Roman numeral one hundred thousand);

dec. 8592-8703; hex. 2190-21FF !
'←' = '←' = '←':
'&larr;' equals '&#8592;' equals '&#x2190;' (leftwards arrow);
'↑' = '↑' = '↑':
'&uarr;' equals '&#8593;' equals '&#x2191;' (upwards arrow);
'→' = '→' = '→':
'&rarr;' equals '&#8594;' equals '&#x2192;' (rightwards arrow);
'↓' = '↓' = '↓':
'&darr;' equals '&#8595;' equals '&#x2193;' (downwards arrow);
'↔' = '↔' = '↔':
'&harr;' equals '&#8596;' equals '&#x2194;' (left right arrow);
'↕' = '↕':
'&#8597;' equals '&#x2195;' (up down arrow);
'↜' = '↜':
'&#8604;' equals '&#x219C;' (leftwards wave arrow);
'↝' = '↝':
'&#8605;' equals '&#x219D;' (rightwards wave arrow);
'↤' = '↤':
'&#8612;' equals '&#x21A4;' (leftwards arrow from bar);
'↥' = '↥':
'&#8613;' equals '&#x21A5;' (upwards arrow from bar);
'↦' = '↦':
'&#8614;' equals '&#x21A6;' (rightwards arrow from bar);
'↧' = '↧':
'&#8615;' equals '&#x21A7;' (downwards arrow from bar);
'↨' = '↨':
'&#8616;' equals '&#x21A8;' (up down arrow with base);
'↩' = '↩':
'&#8617;' equals '&#x21A8;' (leftwards arrow with hook);
'↪' = '↪':
'&#8618;' equals '&#x21AA;' (rightwards arrow with hook);
'↯' = '↯':
'&#8623;' equals '&#x21AF;' (downwards zigzag arrow – similar to lightning);
'↵' = '↵' = '↵':
'&crarr;' equals '&#8629;' equals '&#x21B5;' (downwards arrow with corner leftwards, carriage return sign);
'↶' = '↶':
'&#8630;' equals '&#x21B6;' (anticlockwise top semicircle arrow);
'↷' = '↷':
'&#8631;' equals '&#x21B7;' (clockwise top semicircle arrow);
'↹' = '↹':
'&#8633;' equals '&#x21B9;' (leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar);
'↺' = '↺':
'&#8634;' equals '&#x21BA;' (anticlockwise open circle arrow);
'↻' = '↻':
'&#8635;' equals '&#x21BB;' (clockwise open circle arrow);
'↾' = '↾':
'&#8638;' equals '&#x21BE;' (upwards harpoon with barb rightwards);
'↿' = '↿':
'&#8639;' equals '&#x21BF;' (upwards harpoon with barb leftwards);
'⇂' = '⇂':
'&#8642;' equals '&#x21C2;' (downwards harpoon with barb rightwards);
'⇃' = '⇃':
'&#8643;' equals '&#x21C3;' (downwards harpoon with barb leftwards);
'⇄' = '⇄':
'&#8644;' equals '&#x21C4;' (rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow);
'⇅' = '⇅':
'&#8645;' equals '&#x21C5;' (upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow);
'⇌' = '⇌':
'&#8652;' equals '&#x21CC;' (rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon);
'⇍' = '⇍':
'&#8653;' equals '&#x21CD;' (leftwards double arrow with stroke, 'is not implied by' symbol);
'⇎' = '⇎':
'&#8654;' equals '&#x21CE;' (left right double arrow with stroke, 'is not equivalent with' symbol);
'⇏' = '⇏':
'&#8655;' equals '&#x21CF;' (rightwards double arrow with stroke, 'does not imply' symbol);
'⇐' = '⇐' = '⇐':
'&lArr;' equals '&#8656;' equals '&#x21D0;' (leftwards double arrow, 'is implied by' symbol);
'⇑' = '⇑' = '⇑':
'&uArr;' equals '&#8657;' equals '&#x21D1;' (upwards double arrow);
'⇒' = '⇒' = '⇒':
'&rArr;' equals '&#8658;' equals '&#x21D2;' (rightwards double arrow, 'implies' symbol);
'⇓' = '⇓' = '⇓':
'&dArr;' equals '&#8659;' equals '&#x21D3;' (downwards double arrow);
'⇔' = '⇔' = '⇔':
'&hArr;' equals '&#8660;' equals '&#x21D4;' (left right double arrow, 'is equivalent' symbol);
'⇕' = '⇕':
'&#8661;' equals '&#x21D5;' (up down double arrow);
'⇜' = '⇜':
'&#8668;' equals '&#x21DC;' (leftwards squiggle arrow);
'⇝' = '⇝':
'&#8669;' equals '&#x21DD;' (rightwards squiggle arrow);
'⇦' = '⇦':
'&#8678;' equals '&#x21E6;' (leftwards white arrow);
'⇧' = '⇧':
'&#8679;' equals '&#x21E7;' (upwards white arrow);
'⇨' = '⇨':
'&#8680;' equals '&#x21E8;' (rightwards white arrow);
'⇩' = '⇩':
'&#8681;' equals '&#x21E9;' (downwards white arrow);
'⇰' = '⇰':
'&#8688;' equals '&#x21F0;' (rightwards white arrow from wall);
'⇳' = '⇳':
'&#8691;' equals '&#x21F3;' (up down white arrow);
'⇽' = '⇽':
'&#8701;' equals '&#x21FD;' (leftwards open-headed arrow);
'⇾' = '⇾':
'&#8702;' equals '&#x21FE;' (rightwards open-headed arrow);
'⇿' = '⇿':
'&#8703;' equals '&#x21FF;' (left right open-headed arrow);

Mathematical Operators:
dec. 8704-8959; hex. 2200-22FF !
'∀' = '∀' = '':
'&forall;' equals '&#8704;' equals '&#x2200;' (for all);
'∁' equals '':
'&#8705;' equals '&#x2201;' (complement);
'∂' = '∂' = '':
'&part;' equals '&#8706;' equals '&#x2202;' (partial differential);
'∃' = '∃' = '':
'&exist;' equals '&#8707;' equals '&#x2203;' (there exists);
'∄' = '∄':
'&#8708;' equals '&#x2204;' (there does not exists);
'∅' = '∅' = '':
'&empty;' equals '&#8709;' equals '&#x2205;' (empty set = null set, diameter sign);
'∆' = '∆':
'&#8710;' equals '&#x2206;' (increment);
'∇' = '∇' = '':
'&nabla;' equals '&#8711;' equals '&#x2207;' (nabla, backward difference);
'∈' = '∈' = '':
'&isin;' equals '&#8712;' equals '&#x2208;' (element of);
'∉' = '∉' = '':
'&notin;' equals '&#8713;' equals '&#x2209;' (not an element of);
'∋' = '∋' = '':
'&ni;' equals '&#8715;' equals '&#x220B;' (contains as member);
'∎' = '∎':
'&#8718;' equals '&#x220E;' (end of proof);
'∏' = '∏' = '∏':
'&prod;' equals '&#8719;' equals '&#x220F;' (n-ary product, product sign);
'∑' = '∑' = '∑':
'&sum;' equals '&#8721;' equals '&#x2211;' (n-ary summation);
'−' = '−' = '−':
'&minus;' equals '&#8722;' equals '&#x2212;' (minus sign);
'∓' = '∓':
'&#8723;' equals '&#x2213;' (minus-or-plus sign);
'∗' = '∗' = '∗':
'&lowast;' equals '&#8727;' equals '&#x2217;' (asterisk operator);
'√' = '√' = '√':
'&radic;' equals '&#8730;' equals '&#x221A;' (square root, radical sign);
'∛' = '∛':
'&#8731;' equals '&#x221B;' (cube root, radical sign);
'∜' = '∜':
'&#8732;' equals '&#x221C;' (fourth root);
'∝' = '∝' = '∝':
'&prop;' equals '&#8733;' equals '&#x221D;' (proportional to sign);
'∞' = '∞' = '∞':
'&infin;' equals '&#221E;' equals '&#x267E;' (infinity sign; cf. '♾️' = '♾️': '&#9854;' equals '&#x267E;'});
'∟' = '∟':
'&#8735;' equals '&#x221F;' (right angle);
'∠' = '∠' = '∠':
'&ang;' equals '&#8736;' equals '&#x2220;' (angle);
'∡' = '∡':
'&#8737;' equals '&#x2221;' (measured angle);
'∢' = '∢':
'&#8738;' equals '&#x2222;' (spherical angle);
'∥' equals '':
'&#8741;' equals '&#x2225;' (parallel to);
'∦' equals '&#x2226;':
'&#8742;' equals '&#x2226;' (not parallel to);
'∧' = '∧' = '∧':
'&and;' equals '&#8743;' equals '&#x2227;' (logical and sign, wedge);
'∨' = '∨' = '∨':
'&or;' equals '&#8744;' equals '&#x2228;' (logical or sign, vee);
'∩' = '∩' = '∩':
'&cap;' equals '&#8745;' equals '&#x2229;' (intersection symbol, cap);
'∪' = '∪' = '∪':
'&cup;' equals '&#8746;' equals '&#x222A;' (union symbol, cup);
'∫' = '∫' = '∫':
'&int;' equals '&#8747;' equals '&#x222B;' (integral);
'∬' = '∬':
'&#8748;' equals '&#x222C;' (double integral);
'∭' = '∭':
'&#8749;' equals '&#x222D;' (triple integral);
'∮' = '∮':
'&#8750;' equals '&#x222E;' (contour integral);
'∯' = '∯':
'&#8751;' equals '&#x222F;' (surface integral);
'∰' = '∰':
'&#8752;' equals '&#x2230;' (volume integral);
'∱' = '∱':
'&#8753;' equals '&#x2231;' (clockwise integral);
'∴' = '∴' = '∴':
'&there4;' equals '&#8756;' equals '&#x2234;' (therefore);
'∸' = '∸':
'&#8760;' equals '&#x2238;' (dot minus);
'∼' = '∼' = '∼':
'&sim;' equals '&#8764;' equals '&#x223C;' (tilde operator, varies with or similar to sign);
'∿' = '∿':
'&#8767;' equals '&#x223F;' (sine wave);
'≅' = '≅' = '≅':
'&cong;' equals '&#8773;' equals '&#x2245;' (approximately equal to);
'≈' = '≈' = '≈':
'&asymp;' equals '&#8776;' equals '&#x2248;' (almost equal to sign, asymptotic to);
'≙' = '':
'&#8793;' equals '&#x2259;' (estimates; means same as);
'≝' = '':
'&#8797;' equals '&#x225D;' (equal to by definition; also :=);
'≠' = '≠' = '≠':
'&ne;' equals '&#8800;' equals '&#x2260;' (not equal to sign);
'≡' = '≡' = '≡':
'&equiv;' equals '&#8801;' equals '&#x2261;' (identical to sign);
'≤' = '≤' = '≤':
'&le;' equals '&#8804;' equals '&#x2264;' (less-than or equal to sign);
'≥' = '≥' = '≥':
'&ge;' equals '&#8805;' equals '&#x2265;' (greater-than or equal to sign);
'⊂' = '⊂' = '⊂':
'&sub;' equals '&#8834;' equals '&#x2282;' (subset of);
'⊃' = '⊃' = '⊃':
'&sup;' equals '&#8835;' equals '&#x2283;' (superset of);
'⊄' = '⊄' = '⊄':
'&nsub;' equals '&#8836;' equals '&#x2284;' (not a subset of);
'⊆' = '⊆' = '⊆':
'&sube;' equals '&#8838;' equals '&#x2286;' (subset of or equal to);
'⊇' = '⊇' = '⊇':
'&supe;' equals '&#8839;' equals '&#x2287;' (superset of or equal to);
'⊕' = '⊕' = '⊕':
'&oplus;' equals '&#8853;' equals '&#x2295;' (circled plus, direct sum);
'⊖' = '':
'&#8854;' equals '&#x2296;' (circled minus);
'⊗' = '⊗' = '⊗':
'&otimes;' equals '&#8855;' equals '&#x2297;' (circled times, vector product);
'⊘' = '':
'&#8856;' equals '&#x2298;' (circled division slash);
'⊙' = '':
'&#8857;' equals '&#x2299;' (circled dot operator);
'⊛' = '':
'&#8859;' equals '&#x229B;' (circled asterisk operator);
'⊜' = '':
'&#8860;' equals '&#x229C;' (circled equals);
'⊥' = '⊥' = '⊥':
'&perp;' equals '&#8869;' equals '&#x22A5;' (up tack, orthogonal to = perpendicular);
'⊻' = '⊻':
'&#8891;' = '&#x22BB;' (XOR);
'⊼' = '⊼':
'&#8892;' = '&#x22BC;' (NAND);
'⊽' = '⊽':
'&#8893;' = '&#x22BD;' (NOR);
'⋅' = '⋅' = '⋅':
'&sdot;' equals '&#8901;' equals '&#x22C5;' (dot operator);
'⌈' = '⌈' = '⌈':
'&lceil;' equals '&#8968;' equals '&#x2308;' (left ceiling, apl upstile);
'⌉' = '⌉' = '⌉':
'&rceil;' equals '&#8969;' equals '&#x2309;' (right ceiling);
'⌊' = '⌊' = '⌊':
'&lfloor;' equals '&#8970;' equals '&#x230A;' (left floor, apl downstile);
'⌋' = '⌋' = '⌋':
'&rfloor;' equals '&#8971;' equals '&#x230B;' (right floor);
'⌨' = '⌨':
'&#9000;' equals '&#x2328;' (keyboard {Unicode 1.1 in 1993});
'⌨️' = '⌨️':
'&#9000;&#65039;' equals '&#x2328;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of keyboard {composed emoji of keyboard – VS16; Emoji 1.0 in 2015});
'⟨' = '〈' = '〈':
'&lang;' equals '&#9001;' equals '&#x2329;' (left-pointing angle bracket, bra);
'⟩' = '〉' = '〉':
'&rang;' equals '&#9002;' equals '&#x232A;' (right-pointing angle bracket, ket);

Box Drawings:
dec. 9472-9599; hex. 2500-257F !
'┅' = '┅':
'&#9477;' equals '&#x2505;' (box drawings heavy triple dash horizontal);

Block Elements:
dec. 9600-9631; hex. 2580-259F !
'▒' = '▒':
'&#9618;' equals '&#x2592;' (medium shade);

Geometric Shapes:
dec. 9632-9727; hex. 25A0-25FF !
'■' = '■':
'&#9632;' equals '&#x25A0;' (black square);
'□' = '□':
'&#9633;' equals '&#x25A1;' (white square);
'▢' = '▢':
'&#9634;' equals '&#x25A2;' (white square with rounded corners);
'◊' = '◊' = '◊':
'&loz;' equals '&#9674;' equals '&#x25CA;' (lozenge);
'◎' = '◎':
'&#9678;' equals '&#x25CE;' (bullseye);
'◘' = '◘':
'&#9688;' equals '&#x25D8;' (inverse bullet);

Miscellaneous Symbols:
dec. 9728-9983; hex. 2600-26FF !
'☀' = '':
'&#9728;' equals '&#x2600;' (black sun with rays);
'☁' = '':
'&#9729;' equals '&#x2601;' (cloud);
'☂' = '':
'&#9730;' equals '&#x2602;' (umbrella);
'☃' = '':
'&#9731;' equals '&#x2603;' (snowman);
'☃️' = '☃️':
'&#9731;&#65039;' equals '&#x2603;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of snowman {composed emoji of snowman – VS16});
'☄' = '':
'&#9732;' equals '&#x2604;' (comet);
'☄️' = '☄️':
'&#9732;&#65039;' equals '&#x2604;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of comet {composed emoji of comet – VS16});
'★' = '':
'&#9733;' equals '&#x2605;' (bigstar);
'☉' = '':
'&#9737;' equals '&#x2609;' (sun {Unicode 1.1 in 1993});
'☍' = '':
'&#9741;' equals '&#x260D;' (opposition {Unicode 1.1 in 1993});
'☎' = '':
'&#9742;' equals '&#x260E;' (black telephone);
'☎️' = '☎️':
'&#9742;&#65039;' equals '&#x260E;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of classic telephone {composed emoji of black telephone – VS16; most platforms depict a red, push-button phone with the handset on the base});
'☏' = '':
'&#9743;' equals '&#x26oF;' (white telephone {no emoji version available});
'☐' = '':
'&#9744;' equals '&#x2610;' (ballot box {no emoji version available});
'☑' = '':
'&#9745;' equals '&#x2611;' (ballot box with check);
'☑️' = '☑️':
'&#9745;&#65039;' equals '&#x2611;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of ballot box with check {composed emoji of ballot box with check – VS16});
'☒' = '':
'&#9746;' equals '&#x2612;' (ballot box with X {no emoji version available});
'☔' = '':
'&#9748;' equals '&#x2614;' (umbrella with raindrops);
'☕' = '':
'&#9749;' equals '&#x2615;' (Hot Beverage);
'☘' = '':
'&#9752;' equals '&#x2618;' (shamrock or three-leaf clover);
'☘️' = '☘️':
'&#9752;&#65039;' equals '&#x2618;&#xFE0F;' (shamrock or three-leaf clover emoji {composed emoji of shamrock – VS16});
'☚' = '':
'&#9754;' equals '&#x261A;' (black left pointing index {emoji versions for skin tones available});
'☚🏽' = '☚🏽':
'&#9754;&#127997;' equals '&#x261A;&#x1F3FD;' (left pointing index with medium skin tone {part of Emoji 2.0});
'☚🏿' = '☚🏿':
'&#9754;&#127999;' equals '&#x261A;&#x1F3FF;' (left pointing index with dark skin tone {part of Emoji 2.0});
'☛' = '':
'&#9755;' equals '&#x261B;' (black right pointing index);
'☛🏿' = '☛🏿':
'&#9755;&#127999;' equals '&#x261B;&#x1F3FF;' (black right pointing index with dark skin tone {not recommended as emoji});
'☜' = '':
'&#9756;' equals '&#x261C;' (white left pointing index);
'☝' = '':
'&#9757;' equals '&#x261D;' (white up pointing index);
'☞' = '':
'&#9758;' equals '&#x261E;' (white right pointing index);
'☟' = '':
'&#9759;' equals '&#x261F;' (white down pointing index);
'☠' = '':
'&#9760;' equals '&#x2620;' (skull and crossbones);
'☠️' = '☠️':
'&#9760;&#65039;' equals '&#x2620;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of skull and crossbones {composed emoji of skull and crossbones – VS16});
'☡' = '':
'&#9761;' equals '&#x2621;' (caution sign {no emoji version available});
'☢' = '':
'&#9762;' equals '&#x2622;' (radioactive sign);
'☢️' = '☢️':
'&#9762;&#65039;' equals '&#x2622;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of radioactive sign {composed emoji of radioactive sign – VS16});
'☣' = '':
'&#9763;' equals '&#x2623;' (biohazard sign);
'☣️' = '☣️':
'&#9763;&#65039;' equals '&#x2623;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of biohazard sign {composed emoji of biohazard sign – VS16});
'☦' = '':
'&#9766;' equals '&#x2626;' (orthodox cross);
'☦️' = '☦️':
'&#9766;&#65039;' equals '&#x2626;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of orthodox cross {composed emoji of orthodox cross – VS16});
'☪' = '':
'&#9770;' equals '&#x262A;' (star and crescent / crescent moon and star {often associated with the religion of Islam});
'☪️' = '☪️':
'&#9770;&#65039;' equals '&#x262A;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of star and crescent {composed emoji of star and crescent – VS16});
'☮' = '':
'&#9774;' equals '&#x262E;' (peace symbol);
'☮️' = '☮️':
'&#9774;&#65039;' equals '&#x262E;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of peace symbol {composed emoji of peace symbol – VS16});
'☯' = '':
'&#9775;' equals '&#x262F;' (Yin Yang {often used in relation with Taoism – or for ballance of life});
'☯️' = '☯️':
'&#9775;&#65039;' equals '&#x262F;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of Yin Yang {composed emoji of Yin Yang – VS16});
'☸' = '':
'&#9784;' equals '&#x2638;' (wheel of Dharma);
'☸️' = '☸️':
'&#9784;&#65039;' equals '&#x2638;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of wheel of Dharma {composed emoji of wheel of Dharma – VS16});
'☹' = '':
'&#9785;' equals '&#x2639;' (white frowning face);
'☺' = '':
'&#9786;' equals '&#x263A;' (white smiling face);
'☻' = '':
'&#9787;' equals '&#x263B;' (black smiling face);
'☼' = '':
'&#9788;' equals '&#x263C;' (white sun with rays);
'☽' = '':
'&#9789;' equals '&#x263D;' (first quater moon);
'☾' = '':
'&#9790;' equals '&#x263E;' (last quater moon);
'♀' = '':
'&#9792;' equals '&#x2640;' (female sign);
'♁' = '':
'&#9793;' equals '&#x2641;' (earth);
'♂' = '':
'&#9794;' equals '&#x2642;' (male sign);
'♠' = '♠' = '♠':
'&spades;' equals '&#9824;' equals '&#x2660;' (black spade suit);
'♣' = '♣' = '♣':
'&clubs;' equals '&#9827;' equals '&#x2663;' (black club suit, shamrock);
'♥' = '♥' = '♥':
'&hearts;' equals '&#9829;' equals '&#x2665;' (black heart suit, valentine);
'♥️' = '♥️' = '♥️':
'&hearts;&#65039;' equals '&#9829;&#65039;' equals '&#x2665;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of black heart suit, valentine {composed emoji of black heart suit – VS16});
'♦' = '♦' = '♦':
'&diams;' equals '&#9830;' equals '&#x2666;' (black diamond suit);
'♩' = '':
'&#9833;' equals '&#x2669;' (quarter note);
'♪' = '':
'&#9834;' equals '&#x266A;' (eigth note);
'♫' = '':
'&#9835;' equals '&#x266B;' (beamed eighth note);
'♬' = '':
'&#9836;' equals '&#x266C;' (beamed sixteenth note);
'♭' = '':
'&#9837;' equals '&#x266D;' (music flat sign);
'♮' = '':
'&#9838;' equals '&#x266E;' (music natural sign);
'♯' = '':
'&#9839;' equals '&#x266F;' (music sharp sign);
'♰' = '':
'&#9840;' equals '&#x2670;' (west Syriac cross);
'♱' = '':
'&#9841;' equals '&#x2671;' (east Syriac cross);
'♲' = '':
'&#9842;' equals '&#x2672;' (universal recycling symbol);
'♻' = '':
'&#9851;' equals '&#x267B;' (black universal recycling symbol);
'♻️' = '♻️':
'&#9851;&#65039;' equals '&#x267B;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of universal recycling symbol {composed emoji of black universal recycling symbol – VS16});
'♾' = '♾':
'&#9854;' equals '&#x267E;' (permanent paper sign / circled infinity sign; cf. '∞' = '∞' = '∞': '&infin;' equals '&#221E;' equals '&#x267E;');
'♾️' = '♾️':
'&#9854;&#65039;' equals '&#x267E;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of infinity sign {composed emoji of infinity sign – VS16});
'♿' = '♿':
'&#9855;' equals '&#x267F;' (wheelchair symbol);
'⚀' = '⚀':
'&#9856;' equals '&#x2680;' (die face-1 {no emoji version available; cf. '🎲' = '🎲': '&#127922;' equals '&#x1F3B2;'});
'⚁' = '⚁':
'&#9857;' equals '&#x2681;' (die face-2 {no emoji version available});
'⚂' = '⚂':
'&#9858;' equals '&#x2682;' (die face-3 {no emoji version available});
'⚃' = '⚃':
'&#9859;' equals '&#x2683;' (die face-4 {no emoji version available});
'⚄' = '⚄':
'&#9860;' equals '&#x2684;' (die face-5 {no emoji version available});
'⚅' = '⚅':
'&#9861;' equals '&#x2685;' (die face-6 {no emoji version available});
'⚆' = '⚆':
'&#9862;' equals '&#x2686;' (white circle with dot right {no emoji version available});
'⚇' = '⚇':
'&#9863;' equals '&#x2687;' (white circle with two dots {no emoji version available});
'⚈' = '⚈':
'&#9864;' equals '&#x2688;' (black circle with white dot right {no emoji version available});
'⚉' = '⚉':
'&#9865;' equals '&#x2689;' (black circle with two white dots {no emoji version available});
'⚊' = '⚊':
'&#9866;' equals '&#x268A;' (monogram for yang {no emoji version available});
'⚋' = '⚋':
'&#9867;' equals '&#x268B;' (monogram for yin {no emoji version available});
'⚌' = '⚌':
'&#9868;' equals '&#x268C;' (monogram for greater yang {no emoji version available});
'⚍' = '⚍':
'&#9869;' equals '&#x268D;' (monogram for lesser yin {no emoji version available});
'⚎' = '⚎':
'&#9870;' equals '&#x268E;' (monogram for lesser yang {no emoji version available});
'⚏' = '⚏':
'&#9871;' equals '&#x268F;' (monogram for greater yang {no emoji version available});
'⚐' = '':
'&#9872;' equals '&#x2690;' (white flag {no emoji version available; cf. '🏳️' = '🏳️': '&#127987;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3F3;️'});
'⚑' = '':
'&#9873;' equals '&#x2691;' (black flag {no emoji version available; cf. '🏴' = '🏴': '&#127988;' equals '&#x1F3F4;'});
'⚒' = '':
'&#9874;' equals '&#x2692;' (hammer and pick);
'⚒️' = '⚒️':
'&#9874;&#65039;' equals '&#x2692;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of hammer and pick {composed emoji of hammer and pick – VS16});
'⚓' = '':
'&#9875;' equals '&#x2693;' (anchor);
'⚔' = '':
'&#9876;' equals '&#x2694;' (crossed swords);
'⚔️' = '⚔️':
'&#9876;&#65039;' equals '&#x2694;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of crossed swords {composed emoji of crossed swords – VS16});
'⚕' = '':
'&#9877;' equals '&#x2695;' (staff of Aesculapius {rod with a snake entwined around the outside in a downward-spiral shape} / medical symbol);
'⚕️' = '⚕️':
'&#9877;&#65039;' equals '&#x2695;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of staff of Aesculapius / medical symbol {composed emoji of staff of Aesculapius – VS16});
'⚖' = '':
'&#9878;' equals '&#x2696;' (scales);
'⚖️' = '⚖️':
'&#9878;&#65039;' equals '&#x2696;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of scales {composed emoji of scales – VS16});
'⚗' = '':
'&#9879;' equals '&#x2697;' (alembic);
'⚗️' = '⚗️':
'&#9879;&#65039;' equals '&#x2697;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of alembic {composed emoji of alembic – VS16});
'⚘' = '':
'&#9880;' equals '&#x2698;' (flower &ndash {no emoji version available});
'⚙' = '':
'&#9881;' equals '&#x2699;' (gear);
'⚙️' = '⚙️':
'&#9881;&#65039;' equals '&#x2699;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of gear {composed emoji of gear – VS16});
'⚛' = '':
'&#9883;' equals '&#x269B;' (atom symbol);
'⚛️' = '⚛️':
'&#9883;&#65039;' equals '&#x269B;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of atom symbol{composed emoji of atom symbol – VS16});
'⚜' = '':
'&#9884;' equals '&#x269C;' (fleur-de-lis {decorative symbol that appears like a golden flower, but found in all manner of logos, symbols, and patterns});
'⚜️' = '⚜️':
'&#9884;&#65039;' equals '&#x269C;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of fleur-de-lis {composed emoji of fleur-de-lis – VS16});
'⚠' = '':
'&#9888;' equals '&#x26A0;' (warning sign);
'⚠️' = '⚠️':
'&#9888;&#65039;' equals '&#x26A0;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of warning sign {composed emoji of warning sign – VS16; red background for visibility});
'⚡' = '':
'&#9889;' equals '&#x26A1;' (high voltage sign);
'⚦' = '':
'&#9894;' equals '&#x26A6;' (male with stroke sign {used to represent those in the transgender community});
'⚧' = '':
'&#9895;' equals '&#x26A7;' (transgender symbol);
'⚧️' = '⚧️':
'&#9895;&#65039;' equals '&#x26A7;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of transgender symbol {Unicode 13.0 in 2019});
'⚭' = '':
'&#9901;' equals '&#x26AD;' (marriage symbol {no emoji version available});
'⚰' = '':
'&#9904;' equals '&#x26B0;' (coffin);
'⚰️' = '⚰️':
'&#9904;&#65039;' equals '&#x26B0;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of coffin {composed emoji of coffin – VS16});
'⚱' = '':
'&#9905;' equals '&#x26B1;' (funeral urn);
'⚱️' = '⚱️':
'&#9905;&#65039;' equals '&#x26B1;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of funeral urn {composed emoji of funeral urn – VS16});
'⚽' = '':
'&#9917;' equals '&#x26BD;' (soccer ball);
'⛄' = '':
'&#9924;' equals '&#x26C4;' (snowman without snow);
'⛅' = '':
'&#9925;' equals '&#x26C5;' (sun behind cloud);
'⛈' = '':
'&#9928;' equals '&#x26C8;' (thunder cloud and rain);
'⛈️' = '⛈️':
'&#9928;&#65039;' equals '&#x26C8;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of thunder cloud and rain {composed emoji of thunder cloud and rain – VS16});
'⛑' = '':
'&#9937;' equals '&#x26D1;' (helmet with white cross {Unicode 5.2 in 2009});
'⛑️' = '⛑️':
'&#9937;&#65039;' equals '&#x26D1;&#xFE0F;' (rescue worker's helmet {Emoji 1.0 in 2015; composed emoji of helmet with white cross – VS16});
'⛓' = '':
'&#9939;' equals '&#x26D3;' (chains; sometimes used before a hyperlink or for metaphorical connections);
'⛓️' = '⛓️':
'&#9939;&#65039;' equals '&#x26D3;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of chains {composed emoji of chains – VS16}; sometimes used before a hyperlink or for metaphorical connections);
'⛔' = '':
'&#9940;' equals '&#x26D4;' (no entry);
'⛩' = '':
'&#9961;' equals '&#x26E9;' (Shinto Shrine);
'' = '':
'&#9962;' equals '&#x26EA;' (church {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'⛫' = '':
'&#9963;' equals '&#x26EB;' (castle {no emoji version available; cf. '🏰' = '🏰': '&#127984;' equals '&#x1F3F0;'});
'⛭' = '':
'&#9965;' equals '&#x26ED;' (gear without hub {no emoji version available});
'⛯' = '':
'&#9967;' equals '&#x26EF;' (map symbol for lighthouse {no emoji version available});
'⛰' = '':
'&#9968;' equals '&#x26F0;' (mountain {cf. '🏔' = '🏔': '&#127956;' equals '&#x1F3D4;'});
'⛰️' = '⛰️':
'&#9968;&#65039;' equals '&#x26F0;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of mountain {composed emoji of mountain – VS16; cf. '🏔️' = '🏔️': '&#127956;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3D4;&#xFE0F;'});
'⛱' = '':
'&#9969;' equals '&#x26F1;' (umbrella on ground);
'⛱️' = '⛱️':
'&#9969;&#65039;' equals '&#x26F1;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of umbrella on ground {composed emoji of umbrella on ground – VS16});
'⛲' = '':
'&#9970;' equals '&#x26F2;' (fountain);
'⛳' = '':
'&#9971;' equals '&#x26F3;' (flag in hole);
'⛴' = '':
'&#9972;' equals '&#x26F4;' (ferry);
'⛴️' = '⛴️':
'&#9972;&#65039;' equals '&#x26F4;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of ferry {composed emoji of ferry – VS16});
'⛵' = '':
'&#9973;' equals '&#x26F5;' (sailboat);
'⛷' = '':
'&#9975;' equals '&#x26F7;' (skier);
'⛷️' = '⛷️':
'&#9975;&#65039;' equals '&#x26F7;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of skier {composed emoji of skier – VS16});
'⛸' = '':
'&#9976;' equals '&#x26F8;' (ice skate);
'⛸️' = '⛸️':
'&#9976;&#65039;' equals '&#x26F8;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of ice skate {composed emoji of ice skate – VS16});
'⛹' = '':
'&#9977;' equals '&#x26F9;' (person with ball);
'⛹️' = '⛹️':
'&#9977;&#65039;' equals '&#x26F9;&#xFE0F;' (peson bouncing ball {composed emoji of person with ball– VS16; brown background for visibility});
'' = '':
'&#9978;' equals '&#x26FA;' (tent {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'⛻' = '':
'&#9979;' equals '&#x26FB;' (Japanese bank symbol {no emoji version available});
'⛼' = '':
'&#9980;' equals '&#x26FC;' (headstone graveyard symbol {no emoji version available});
'⛽' = '':
'&#9981;' equals '&#x26FD;' (fuel pump);
'⛾' = '':
'&#9982;' equals '&#x26FE;' (cup on black square {no emoji version available});
'⛿' = '':
'&#9983;' equals '&#x26FF;' (white flag with horizontal middle black stripe {no emoji version available});

dec. 9984-10175; hex. 2700-27BF !
'✀' = '':
'&#9984;' equals '&#x2700;' (black safety scissors);
'✁' = '':
'&#9985;' equals '&#x2701;' (upper blade scissor);
'✂' = '':
'&#9986;' equals '&#x2702;' (black scissor);
'✂️' = '✂️':
'&#9986;&#65039;' equals '&#x2702;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of black scissor {composed emoji of black scissor – VS16});
'✃' = '':
'&#9987;' equals '&#x2703;' (lower blade scissor);
'✄' = '':
'&#9988;' equals '&#x2704;' (white scissor);
'✅' = '':
'&#9989;' equals '&#x2705;' (white heavy check mark {typically as emoji});
'✆' = '':
'&#9990;' equals '&#x2706;' (telephone location sign);
'✇' = '':
'&#9991;' equals '&#x2707;' (tape drive);
'✈' = '':
'&#9992;' equals '&#x2708;' (airplane);
'✉' = '':
'&#9993;' equals '&#x2709;' (envelope);
'' = '':
'&#9994;' equals '&#x270A;' (raised fist {brown background for visibility});
'' = '':
'&#9995;' equals '&#x270B;' (raised hand {brown background for visibility});
'✌' = '':
'&#9996;' equals '&#x270C;' (victory hand);
'✍' = '':
'&#9997;' equals '&#x270D;' (writing hand);
'✎' = '':
'&#9998;' equals '&#x270E;' (lower right pencil);
'✏' = '':
'&#9999;' equals '&#x270F;' (pencil {to the right});
'✏️' = '✏️':
'&#9999;&#65039;' equals '&#x270F;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of pencil {to the right; composed emoji of pencil – VS16});
'✐' = '':
'&#10000;' equals '&#x2710;' (upper right pencil);
'✑' = '':
'&#10001;' equals '&#x2711;' (white nib);
'✒' = '':
'&#10002;' equals '&#x2712;' (black nib);
'✓' = '':
'&#10003;' equals '&#x2713;' (check mark);
'✔' = '':
'&#10004;' equals '&#x2714;' (heavy check mark);
'✕' = '':
'&#10005;' equals '&#x2715;' (multiplication X);
'✖' = '':
'&#10006;' equals '&#x2716;' (heavy multiplication X);
'✖️' = '✖️':
'&#10006;&#65039;' equals '&#x2716;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of heavy multiplication X {composed emoji of heavy multiplication X – VS16});
'✗' = '':
'&#10007;' equals '&#x2717;' (ballot X);
'✘' = '':
'&#10008;' equals '&#x2718;' (heavy ballot X);
'✙' = '':
'&#10009;' equals '&#x2719;' (outlined Greek cross);
'✚' = '':
'&#10010;' equals '&#x271A;' (heavy Greek cross);
'✛' = '':
'&#10011;' equals '&#x271B;' (open center cross);
'✜' = '':
'&#10012;' equals '&#x271C;' (heavy open center cross);
'✝' = '':
'&#10013;' equals '&#x271D;' (Latin cross {known as a Christian cross});
'✝️' = '✝️':
'&#10013;&#65039;' equals '&#x271D;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of Latin cross {composed emoji of Latin cross – VS16});
'✞' = '':
'&#10014;' equals '&#x271E;' (shadowed white Latin cross);
'✟' = '':
'&#10015;' equals '&#x271F;' (outlined Latin cross);
'✠' = '':
'&#10016;' equals '&#x2720;' (Maltese cross);
'✡' = '':
'&#10017;' equals '&#x2721;' (star of David {often used in relation to the religion of Judaism});
'✡️' = '✡️':
'&#10017;&#65039;' equals '&#x2721;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of star of David {composed emoji of star of David – VS16});
'✢' = '':
'&#10018;' equals '&#x2722;' (four teardrip-spoked asterisk);
'✣' = '':
'&#10019;' equals '&#x2723;' (four balloon-spoked asterisk);
'✤' = '':
'&#10020;' equals '&#x2724;' (heavy four balloon-spoked asterisk);
'✥' = '':
'&#10021;' equals '&#x2725;' (four club-spoked asterisk);
'✦' = '':
'&#10022;' equals '&#x2726;' (black four pointed star);
'✧' = '':
'&#10023;' equals '&#x2727;' (white four pointed star);
'✨' = '':
'&#10024;' equals '&#x2728;' (sparkles);
'✩' = '':
'&#10025;' equals '&#x2729;' (stress outlined white star);
'✪' = '':
'&#10026;' equals '&#x272A;' (circled white star);
'✫' = '':
'&#10027;' equals '&#x272B;' (open centre black star);
'✬' = '':
'&#10028;' equals '&#x272C;' (black centre white star);
'✭' = '':
'&#10029;' equals '&#x272D;' (outlined black star);
'✮' = '':
'&#10030;' equals '&#x272E;' (heavy outlined black star);
'✯' = '':
'&#10031;' equals '&#x272F;' (pinwheel star);
'✰' = '':
'&#10032;' equals '&#x2730;' (shadowed white star);
'✱' = '':
'&#10033;' equals '&#x2731;' (heavy asterisk);
'✲' = '':
'&#10034;' equals '&#x2732;' (open centre asterisk);
'✳' = '':
'&#10035;' equals '&#x2733;' (eight spoked asterisk);
'✴' = '':
'&#10036;' equals '&#x2734;' (eight pointed black star);
'✴️' = '✴️':
'&#10036;&#65039;' equals '&#x2734;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of eight pointed black star {composed emoji of eight pointed black star – VS16});
'✵' = '':
'&#10037;' equals '&#x2735;' (eight pointed pinwheel star);
'✶' = '':
'&#10038;' equals '&#x2736;' (six pointed black star);
'✷' = '':
'&#10039;' equals '&#x2737;' (eight pointed rectilinear black star);
'✸' = '':
'&#10040;' equals '&#x2738;' (heavy eight pointed rectilinear black star);
'✹' = '':
'&#10041;' equals '&#x2739;' (twelve pointed black star);
'✺' = '':
'&#10042;' equals '&#x273A;' (sixteen pointed asterisk);
'✻' = '':
'&#10043;' equals '&#x273B;' (teardrop-spoked asterisk);
'✼' = '':
'&#10044;' equals '&#x273C;' (open centre teardrop-spoked asterisk);
'✽' = '':
'&#10045;' equals '&#x273D;' (heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk);
'✾' = '':
'&#10046;' equals '&#x273E;' (six petalled black and white florette);
'✿' = '':
'&#10047;' equals '&#x273F;' (black florette);
'❀' = '':
'&#10048;' equals '&#x2740;' (white florette);
'❁' = '':
'&#10049;' equals '&#x2741;' (eight petalled outlined black florette);
'❂' = '':
'&#10050;' equals '&#x2742;' (circled open centre eight pointed star);
'❃' = '':
'&#10051;' equals '&#x2743;' (heavy teardrop-spoked pinwheel asterisk);
'❄' = '':
'&#10052;' equals '&#x2744;' (snowflake);
'❅' = '':
'&#10053;' equals '&#x2745;' (tight trifoliate snowflake);
'❆' = '':
'&#10054;' equals '&#x2746;' (heavy chevron snowflake);
'❇' = '':
'&#10055;' equals '&#x2747;' (sparkle);
'❈' = '':
'&#10056;' equals '&#x2748;' (heavy sparkle);
'❉' = '':
'&#10057;' equals '&#x2749;' (baloon spoked asterisk);
'❊' = '':
'&#10058;' equals '&#x274A;' (eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk);
'❋' = '':
'&#10059;' equals '&#x274B;' (heavy eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk);
'❌' = '':
'&#10060;' equals '&#x274C;' (cross mark {Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and Emoji 1.0 in 2015});
'❍' = '':
'&#10061;' equals '&#x274D;' (shadowed white circle);
'❎' = '':
'&#10062;' equals '&#x274E;' (negative squared cross mark {shown as emoji});
'❏' = '':
'&#10063;' equals '&#x274F;' (lower right drop-shadowed white square);
'❐' = '':
'&#10064;' equals '&#x2750;' (upper right drop-shadowed white square);
'❑' = '':
'&#10065;' equals '&#x2751;' (lower right shadowed white square);
'❒' = '':
'&#10066;' equals '&#x2752;' (upper right shadowed white square);
'❓' = '':
'&#10067' equals '&#x2753;' (black question mark ornament);
'' = '':
'&#10068;' equals '&#x2754;' (white question mark ornament {brown background for visibility});
'' = '':
'&#10069;' equals '&#x2755;' (white exclamation mark ornament {brown background for visibility});
'❖' = '':
'&#10070;' equals '&#x2756;' (black diamond minus white X);
'❗' = '':
'&#10071;' equals '&#x2757;' (heavy exclamation mark ornament);
'❘' = '':
'&#10072;' equals '&#x2758;' (light vertical bar);
'❙' = '':
'&#10073;' equals '&#x2759;' (medium vertical bar);
'❚' = '':
'&#10074;' equals '&#x275A;' (heavy vertical bar);
'❛' = '':
'&#10075;' equals '&#x275B;' (heavy single turned comma quotation mark ornament);
'❜' = '':
'&#10076;' equals '&#x275C;' (heavy single comma quotation mark ornament);
'❝' = '':
'&#10077;' equals '&#x275D;' (heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament);
'❞' = '':
'&#10078;' equals '&#x275E;' (heavy double comma quotation mark ornament);
'❟' = '':
'&#10079;' equals '&#x275F;' (heavy low single comma quotation mark ornament);
'❠' = '':
'&#10080;' equals '&#x2760;' (heavy low double comma quotation mark ornament);
'❡' = '':
'&#10081;' equals '&#x2761;' (curved stem paragraph sign ornament);
'❢' = '':
'&#10082;' equals '&#x2762;' (heavy exclamation mark ornament);
'❣' = '':
'&#10083;' equals '&#x2763;' (heavy heart exclamation mark ornament);
'❤' = '':
'&#10084;' equals '&#x2764;' (heavy black heart);
'❤️‍🔥' = '❤️‍🔥':
'&#10084;&#65039;&#8205;&#128293;' equals '&#x2764;&#xFE0F;&#x200D;&#x1F525;' (heart on fire {Unicode 13.1 of 2020});
'❤️‍🩹' = '❤️‍🩹':
'&#10084;&#65039;&#8205;&#129657;' equals '&#x2764;&#xFE0F;&#x200D;&#x1FA79;' (mending heart {Unicode 13.1 of 2020});
'❥' = '':
'&#10085;' equals '&#x2765;' (rotated heavy black heart bullet);
'❦' = '':
'&#10086;' equals '&#x2766;' (floral heart);
'❧' = '':
'&#10087;' equals '&#x2767;' (rotated floral heart bullet);
'❨' = '':
'&#10088;' equals '&#x2768;' (medium left parenthesis ornament);
'❩' = '':
'&#10089;' equals '&#x2769;' (medium right parenthesis ornament);
'❲' = '':
'&#10098;' equals '&#x2772;' (light left tortoise shell bracket ornament);
'❳' = '':
'&#10099;' equals '&#x2773;' (light right tortoise shell bracket ornament);
'❶' = '':
'&#10102;' equals '&#x2776;' (dingbat negative circle digit one);
'❷' = '':
'&#10103;' equals '&#x2777;' (dingbat negative circle digit two);
'❸' = '':
'&#10104;' equals '&#x2778;' (dingbat negative circle digit three);
'❹' = '':
'&#10105;' equals '&#x2779;' (dingbat negative circle digit four);
'❺' = '':
'&#10106;' equals '&#x277A;' (dingbat negative circle digit five);
'❻' = '':
'&#10107;' equals '&#x277B;' (dingbat negative circle digit six);
'❼' = '':
'&#10108;' equals '&#x277C;' (dingbat negative circle digit seven);
'❽' = '':
'&#10109;' equals '&#x277D;' (dingbat negative circle digit eigt);
'❾' = '':
'&#10110;' equals '&#x277E;' (dingbat negative circle digit nine);
'❿' = '':
'&#10111;' equals '&#x277F;' (dingbat negative circle digit ten);
'➀' = '':
'&#10112;' equals '&#x2780;' (dingbat circle sans-serif digit one);
'➁' = '':
'&#10113;' equals '&#x2781;' (dingbat circle sans-serif digit two);
'➂' = '':
'&#10114;' equals '&#x2782;' (dingbat circle sans-serif digit three);
'➃' = '':
'&#10115;' equals '&#x2783;' (dingbat circle sans-serif digit four);
'➄' = '':
'&#10116;' equals '&#x2784;' (dingbat circle sans-serif digit five);
'➅' = '':
'&#10117;' equals '&#x2785;' (dingbat circle sans-serif digit six);
'➆' = '':
'&#10118;' equals '&#x2786;' (dingbat circle sans-serif digit seven);
'➇' = '':
'&#10119;' equals '&#x2787;' (dingbat circle sans-serif digit eigt);
'➈' = '':
'&#10120;' equals '&#x2788;' (dingbat circle sans-serif digit nine);
'➉' = '':
'&#10121;' equals '&#x2789;' (dingbat circle sans-serif digit ten);
'➊' = '':
'&#10122;' equals '&#x278A;' (dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit one);
'➒' = '':
'&#10130;' equals '&#x2792;' (dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit nine);
'➓' = '':
'&#10131;' equals '&#x2793;' (dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit ten);
'➔' = '':
'&#10132;' equals '&#x2794;' (heavy wide-headed rightwards arrow);
'➕' = '':
'&#10133;' equals '&#x2795;' (heavy plus sign);
'➖' = '':
'&#10134;' equals '&#x2796;' (heavy minus minus sign);
'➗' = '':
'&#10135;' equals '&#x2797;' (heavy division sign);
'➜' = '':
'&#10140;' equals '&#x279C;' (heavy round-tipped rightwards arrow);
'➟' = '':
'&#10143;' equals '&#x279F;' (dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow);
'➠' = '':
'&#10144;' equals '&#x27A0;' (heavy dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow);
'➡' = '':
'&#10145;' equals '&#x27A1;' (black rightwards arrow);
'➢' = '':
'&#10146;' equals '&#x27A2;' (three-d top-lighted rightawards arrowhead);
'➣' = '':
'&#10147;' equals '&#x27A3;' (three-d bottom-lighted rightawards arrowhead);
'➤' = '':
'&#10148;' equals '&#x27A4;' (black rightawards arrowhead);
'➥' = '':
'&#10149;' equals '&#x27A5;' (heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow);
'➦' = '':
'&#10150;' equals '&#x27A6;' (heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow);
'➧' = '':
'&#10151;' equals '&#x27A76;' (squat black rightwards arrow);
'➨' = '':
'&#10152;' equals '&#x27A78;' (heavy concave-pointed black rightwards arrow);
'➩' = '':
'&#10153;' equals '&#x27A9;' (right-shaded white rightwards arrow);
'➪' = '':
'&#10154;' equals '&#x27AA;' (left-shaded white rightwards arrow);
'➫' = '':
'&#10155;' equals '&#x27AB;' (back-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow);
'➬' = '':
'&#10156;' equals '&#x27AC;' (front-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow);
'➭' = '':
'&#10157;' equals '&#x27AD;' (heavy lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow);
'➮' = '':
'&#10158;' equals '&#x27AE;' (heavy upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow);
'➯' = '':
'&#10159;' equals '&#x27AF;' (notched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow);
'➰' = '':
'&#10160;' equals '&#x27B0;' (curly loop);
'➱' = '':
'&#10161;' equals '&#x27B1;' (notched upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow);
'➲' = '':
'&#10162;' equals '&#x27B2;' (circled heavy white rightwards arrow);
'➾' = '':
'&#10174;' equals '&#x27BE;' (open-outlined rightwards arrow);
'➿' = '➿' = "":
'&#10175;' equals '&#x27BF;' (double curly loop);

Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A:
dec. 10176-10223; hex. 27C0-27EF !
'⟀' = '':
'&#10176;' equals '&#x27C0;' (three dimensional angle);
'⟁' = '':
'&#10177;' equals '&#x27C1;' (white triangle containing small white triangle);
'⟂' = '':
'&#10178;' equals '&#x27C2;' (perpendicular);
'⟋' = '':
'&#10187;' equals '&#x27CB;' (mathematical rising diagonal);
'⟍' = '':
'&#10189;' equals '&#x27CD;' (mathematical falling diagonal);
'⟎' = '':
'&#10190;' equals '&#x27CE;' (squared logical and);
'⟏' = '':
'&#10191;' equals '&#x27CF;' (squared logical or);
'⟐' = '':
'&#10192;' equals '&#x27D0;' (white diamond with centred dot);
'⟒' = '':
'&#10194;' equals '&#x27D2;' (element of opening upwards);
'⟛' = '':
'&#10203;' equals '&#x27DB;' (left and right tack; looks like a capacitor symbol);
'⟡' = '':
'&#10209;' equals '&#x27E1;' (white concave-sided diamond);
'⟢' = '':
'&#10210;' equals '&#x27E2;' (white concave-sided diamond with leftwards tick);
'⟣' = '':
'&#10211;' equals '&#x27E3;' (white concave-sided diamond with rightwards tick);

Supplemental Arrows-A:
dec. 10224-10239; hex. 27F0-27FF !
'⟰' = '':
'&#10224;' equals '&#x27F0;' (upwards quadruple arrow);
'⟱' = '':
'&#10225;' equals '&#x27F1;' (downwards quadruple arrow);
'⟼' = '':
'&#10236;' equals '&#x27FC;' (long rightwards arrow from bar);
'⟿' = '':
'&#10239;' equals '&#x27FF;' (dzigrarr);

Braille Patterns:
dec. 10239-10495; hex. 2800-28FF !
'⠿' = '':
'&#10303;' equals '&#x283F;' (Braille pattern dots-123456);
'⣿' = '':
'&#10495;' equals '&#x28FF;' (Braille pattern dots-12345678);

Supplemental Arrows-B:
dec. 10496-10623; hex. 2900-297F !
'⤴' = '':
'&#10548;' equals '&#x2934;' (arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards);
'⤵' = '':
'&#10549;' equals '&#x2935;' (arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards);
'⤶' = '':
'&#10550;' equals '&#x2936;' (arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards);
'⤷' = '':
'&#10551;' equals '&#x2937;' (arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards);
'⤸' = '':
'&#10552;' equals '&#x2938;' (right-side arc clockwise arrow);
'⤹' = '':
'&#10553;' equals '&#x2939;' (left-side arc anticlockwise arrow);
'⤺' = '':
'&#10554;' equals '&#x293A;' (top arc anticlockwise arrow);
'⤻' = '':
'&#10555;' equals '&#x293B;' (bottom arc anticlockwise arrow);
'⥀' = '':
'&#10560;' equals '&#x2940;' (anticlockwise closed circle arrow);
'⥁' = '':
'&#10561;' equals '&#x2941;' (clockwise closed circle arrow);

Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B:
dec. 10624-10751; hex. 2980-29FF !
'⦀' = '':
'&#10624;' equals '&#x2980;' (triple vertical bar delimiter);
'⦾' = '':
'&#10686;' equals '&#x29BE;' (circled white bullet);
'⦿' = '⦿':
'&#10687;' equals '&#x29BF;' (circled bullet);
'⧄' = '':
'&#10692;' equals '&#x29C4;' (squared rising diagonal slash);
'⧅' = '':
'&#10693;' equals '&#x29C5;' (squared falling diagonal slash);
'⧆' = '':
'&#10694;' equals '&#x29C6;' (squared asterisk);
'⧇' = '':
'&#10695;' equals '&#x29C7;' (squared small circle);
'⧈' = '':
'&#10696;' equals '&#x29C8;' (squared square);
'⧝' = '':
'&#10717;' equals '&#x029DD;' (infintie);

Supplemental Mathematical Operators:
dec. 10752-11007; hex. 2A00-2AFF !
'⩮' = '':
'&#10862;' equals '&#x2A6E;' (easter);

Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows:
dec. 11008-11263; hex. 2B00-2BFF !
'⬒' = '':
'&#11026;' equals '&#x2B12;' (square with bottom half black');
'⬓' = '':
'&#11027;' equals '&#x2B13;' (square with top half black');
'⬔' = '':
'&#11028;' equals '&#x2B14;' (square with upper right diagonal half black');
'⬕' = '':
'&#11029;' equals '&#x2B15;' (square with upper left diagonal half black');
'⭐' = '':
'&#11088;' equals '&#x2B50;' (star {five-point star of pale-yellow color, i.e. being shown as emoji}');

dec. 11264-11359; hex. 2C00-2C5F !
'Ⰻ' = '':
'&#11275;' equals '&#x2C0B;' (Glagolitic capital letter I');

Latin Extended-C:
dec. 11360-11391; hex. 2C60-2C7F !
'Ɐ' = '':
'&#11375;' equals '&#x2C6F;' (Latin Capital Letter Turned A - also Allquantor);

-NN-  (9 categories [+]):
dec. 11392-12287; hex. 2C80-2FFF !

CJK Symbols and Punctuation:
dec. 12288-12351; hex. 3000-303F !
'〽' = '':
'&#12349;' equals '&#x303D;' (part alternation mark used in traditional Japanese music);
'〽️' = '〽️':
'&#12349;&#65039;' equals '&#x303D;&#xFE0F;' (part alternation mark emoji used in traditional Japanese music – M-shaped symbol indicating the start of a song/the singer's part {white background for visibility});

-NN-  (48 categories [+]):
dec. 12352-65023; hex. 3040-FDFF !

Variation Selectors:
dec. 65024-65039; hex. FE00-FE0F !
'️' = '':
'&#65039;' equals '&#xFE0F;' (variation selector-16 {VS16; for composing sequence of emojis to new emoji});

-NN-  (109 categories [+]):
dec. 65040-119679; hex. FE10-1D37F !

Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols:
dec. 119808-120831; hex. 1D400-1D7FF !
'𝒜' = '𝒜' = '𝒜':
'&Ascr;' equals '&#119964;' equals '&#x1D49C;' (Mathematical Script Capital A: Ascr);
'𝒻' = '𝒻':
'&#119995;' equals '&#x1D4BB;' (mathematical script small f: fscr; see '&#8497;');
'𝒽' = '𝒽':
'&#119997;' equals '&#x1D4BD;' (mathematical script small h);
'𝒾' = '𝒾':
'&#119998;' equals '&#x1D4BE;' (mathematical script small i);
'𝒿' = '𝒿':
'&#119999;' equals '&#x1D4BF;' (mathematical script small j);
'𝓑' = '𝓑':
'&#120017;' equals '&#x1D4D1;' (mathematical bold script capital B);
'𝓙' = '𝓙':
'&#120025;' equals '&#x1D4D9;' (mathematical bold script capital J);
'𝓜' = '𝓜':
'&#120028;' equals '&#x1D4DC;' (mathematical bold script capital M);
'𝔅' = '𝔅':
'&#120069;' equals '&#x1D505;' (mathematical fraktur capital B);
'𝔍' = '𝔍':
'&#120077;' equals '&#x1D50D;' (mathematical fraktur capital J);
'𝔐' = '𝔐':
'&#120080;' equals '&#x1D510;' (mathematical fraktur capital M);
'𝔻' = '𝔻':
'&#120123;' equals '&#x1D53B;' (mathematical double-struck capital D: symbol for definition set);
'𝔾' = '𝔾':
'&#120126;' equals '&#x1D53E;' (mathematical double-struck capital G: symbol for graph as point set);
'𝕂' = '𝕂':
'&#120130;' equals '&#x1D542;' (mathematical double-struck capital K);
'𝕃' = '𝕃':
'&#120131;' equals '&#x1D543;' (mathematical double-struck capital L: symbol for solution set);
'𝕎' = '𝕎':
'&#120142;' equals '&#x1D54E;' (mathematical double-struck capital W: symbol for value set);

-NN-  (7 categories):
dec. 120832-126719; hex. 1D800-1EEFF !

Mahjong Tiles: 
dec. 126976-127023; hex. 1F000-1F02F !
'🀇' = '🀇':
'&#126983;' equals '&#x1F007;' (mahjong tile one of characters {no emoji version available});

Domino Tiles: 
dec. 127024-127135; hex. 1F030-1F09F !
'🀰' = '🀰':
'&#127024;' equals '&#x1F030;' (domino tile horizontal back);
'🀱' = '🀱':
'&#127025;' equals '&#x1F031;' (domino tile horizontal 00-00);
'🁡' = '🁡':
'&#127073;' equals '&#x1F061;' (domino tile horizontal 06-06);
'🁢' = '🁢':
'&#127074;' equals '&#x1F062;' (domino tile vertical back);
'🁣' = '🁣':
'&#127075;' equals '&#x1F063;' (domino tile vertical 00-00);
'🂓' = '🂓':
'&#127123;' equals '&#x1F093;' (domino tile vertical 06-06);

Playing Cards: 
dec. 120832-127231; hex. 1F0A0-1F0FF !
'🂠' = '🂠':
'&#127136;' equals '&#x1F0A0;' (playing card back);
'🂡' = '🂡':
'&#127137;' equals '&#x1F0A1;' (playing card ace of spades);
'🂱' = '🂱':
'&#127153;' equals '&#x1F0B1;' (playing card ace of hearts);
'🂿' = '🂿':
'&#127167;' equals '&#x1F0BF;' (playing card red joker);
'🃁' = '🃁':
'&#127169;' equals '&#x1F0C1;' (playing card ace of diamonds);
'🃏' = '🃏':
'&#127183;' equals '&#x1F0CF;' (playing card black joker);
'🃑' = '🃑':
'&#127185;' equals '&#x1F0D1;' (playing card ace of clubs);
'🃟' = '🃟':
'&#127199;' equals '&#x1F0DF;' (playing card white joker);
'🃴' = '🃴':
'&#127220;' equals '&#x1F0F4;' (playing card trump-20);
'🃵' = '🃵':
'&#127221;' equals '&#x1F0F5;' (playing card trump-21);

Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement: 
dec. 127232-127487; hex. 1F100-1F1FF !
'🄀' = '🄀':
'&#127232;' equals '&#x1F100;' (digit zero full stop);
'🄁' = '🄁':
'&#127233;' equals '&#x1F101;' (digit zero comma);
'🄂' = '🄂':
'&#127234;' equals '&#x1F102;' (digit one comma);
'🄄' = '🄄':
'&#127236;' equals '&#x1F104;' (digit three comma);
'🄇' = '🄇':
'&#127239;' equals '&#x1F107;' (digit six comma);
'🄊' = '🄊':
'&#127242;' equals '&#x1F10A;' (digit nine comma);
'🄐' = '🄐':
'&#127248;' equals '&#x1F110;' (parenthesized Latin capital letter A);
'🄜' = '🄜':
'&#127260;' equals '&#x1F11C;' (parenthesized Latin capital letter M);
'🄩' = '🄩':
'&#127273;' equals '&#x1F129;' (parenthesized Latin capital letter Z);
'🄯' = '🄯':
'&#127279;' equals '&#x1F12F;' (copyleft sign);
'🄰' = '🄰':
'&#127280;' equals '&#x1F130;' (squared Latin capital letter A);
'🄼' = '🄼':
'&#127292;' equals '&#x1F13C;' (squared Latin capital letter M);
'🅉' = '🅉':
'&#127305;' equals '&#x1F149;' (squared Latin capital letter Z);
'🅐' = '🅐':
'&#127312;' equals '&#x1F150;' (round negative Latin capital letter A);
'🅜' = '🅜':
'&#127324;' equals '&#x1F15C;' (round negative Latin capital letter M);
'🅩' = '🅩':
'&#127337;' equals '&#x1F169;' (round negative Latin capital letter Z);
'🅰' = '🅰':
'&#127344;' equals '&#x1F170;' (squared negative Latin capital letter A);
'🅼' = '🅼':
'&#127356;' equals '&#x1F17C;' (squared negative Latin capital letter M);
'🆉' = '🆉':
'&#127369;' equals '&#x1F189;' (squared negative Latin capital letter Z);
'🆊' = '🆊':
'&#127370;' equals '&#x1F18A;' (squared negative crossed P {no parking / closed});
'🆋' = '🆋':
'&#127371;' equals '&#x1F18B;' (squared IC {interchange / ramp});
'🆌' = '🆌':
'&#127372;' equals '&#x1F18C;' (squared PA {parking area});
'🆍' = '🆍':
'&#127373;' equals '&#x1F18D;' (squared SA {service area});
'🆎' = '🆎':
'&#127374;' equals '&#x1F18E;' (squared AB {blood type AB});
'🆏' = '🆏':
'&#127375;' equals '&#x1F18F;' (squared WC {water closet, i.e. public toilet});
'🆐' = '🆐':
'&#127376;' equals '&#x1F190;' (squared DJ {DiskJockey});
'🆑' = '🆑':
'&#127377;' equals '&#x1F191;' (squared CL {clear});
'🆒' = '🆒':
'&#127378;' equals '&#x1F192;' (squared COOL);
'🆓' = '🆓':
'&#127379;' equals '&#x1F193;' (squared FREE);
'🆔' = '🆔':
'&#127380;' equals '&#x1F194;' (squared ID {identification});
'🆕' = '🆕':
'&#127381;' equals '&#x1F195;' (squared NEW button);
'🆖' = '🆖':
'&#127382;' equals '&#x1F196;' (squared NG button {no good});
'🆗' = '🆗':
'&#127383;' equals '&#x1F197;' (squared OK button);
'🆘' = '🆘':
'&#127384;' equals '&#x1F198;' (squared SOS button {save our souls});
'🆙' = '🆙':
'&#127385;' equals '&#x1F199;' (squared UP! button {for update});
'🆚' = '🆚':
'&#127386;' equals '&#x1F19A;' (squared VS button {versus});
'🆛' = '🆛':
'&#127387;' equals '&#x1F19B;' (squared three D {3-dimensional});
'🆜' = '🆜':
'&#127388;' equals '&#x1F19C;' (squared 2nd Scr {second screen});
'🆝' = '🆝':
'&#127389;' equals '&#x1F19D;' (squared two K {2 thousand, video resolution about full HD = 1920×1080 pix; standard resolution since end of 2009});
'🆞' = '🆞':
'&#127390;' equals '&#x1F19E;' (squared four K {4 thousand, video resolution of UHD = 3840×2160 pix; standard resolution since end of 2016});
'🆟' = '🆟':
'&#127391;' equals '&#x1F19F;' (squared eight K {8 thousand, video resolution of full UHD = 7680×4320 pix; hopefully standard resolution since end of 2018});
'🆠' = '🆠':
'&#127392;' equals '&#x1F1A0;' (squared [Wikipedia-en-Icon]five point one {audio format for six channel surround sound with 5 speakers: 3 in front, 2 at rear plus 1 subwoofers for LFE; starting in 1976});
'🆡' = '🆡':
'&#127393;' equals '&#x1F1A1;' (squared [Wikipedia-en-Icon]seven point one {audio format for home theatre aka SDDS with 7 speakers: 5 in front, 2 at the sides plus 2 subwoofers used with Blu‑ray Discs});
'🆢' = '🆢':
'&#127394;' equals '&#x1F1A2;' (squared [Wikipedia-en-Icon]twenty-two point two {audio format aka Hamasaki surround sound using 22 speakers arranged in 3 layers plus 2 subwoofers – sound starting in 2005 and used with SHV});
'🆣' = '🆣':
'&#127395;' equals '&#x1F1A3;' (squared sixty P {60 frames per second pregressive mode; standard for TFT screens});
'🆤' = '🆤':
'&#127396;' equals '&#x1F1A4;' (squared one hundred twenty P {120 frames per second pregressive mode});
'🆥' = '🆥':
'&#127397;' equals '&#x1F1A5;' (squared Latin small letter d {data});
'🆦' = '🆦':
'&#127398;' equals '&#x1F1A6;' (squared HC {hybrid cast});
'🆧' = '🆧':
'&#127399;' equals '&#x1F1A7;' (squared HDR {[Wikipedia-en-Icon]high dynamic range});
'🆨' = '🆨':
'&#127400;' equals '&#x1F1A8;' (squared Hi-Res {high resolution});
'🆩' = '🆩':
'&#127401;' equals '&#x1F1A9;' (squared lossless {for compression without loss in quality, e.g. for music, images or movies});
'🆪' = '🆪':
'&#127402;' equals '&#x1F1AA;' (squared SHV {[Wikipedia-en-Icon]Super Hi-Vision aka 8k});
'🆫' = '🆫':
'&#127403;' equals '&#x1F1AB;' (squared UHD {[Wikipedia-en-Icon]Ultra High Density: 3840 × 2160 or 7680 × 4320 pixel, i.e. 4k|8k});
'🆬' = '🆬':
'&#127404;' equals '&#x1F1AC;' (squared VOD {Video on Demand});
'🇦' = '🇦':
'&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1E6;' (regional indicator symbol letter A);
'🇧' = '🇧':
'&#127463;' equals '&#x1F1E7;' (regional indicator symbol letter B);
'🇨' = '🇨':
'&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1E8;' (regional indicator symbol letter C);
'🇩' = '🇩':
'&#127465;' equals '&#x1F1E9;' (regional indicator symbol letter D);
'🇪' = '🇪':
'&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1EA;' (regional indicator symbol letter E);
'🇫' = '🇫':
'&#127467;' equals '&#x1F1EB;' (regional indicator symbol letter F);
'🇬' = '🇬':
'&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1EC;' (regional indicator symbol letter G);
'🇭' = '🇭':
'&#127469;' equals '&#x1F1ED;' (regional indicator symbol letter H);
'🇮' = '🇮':
'&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1EE;' (regional indicator symbol letter I);
'🇯' = '🇯':
'&#127471;' equals '&#x1F1EF;' (regional indicator symbol letter J);
'🇰' = '🇰':
'&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1F0;' (regional indicator symbol letter K);
'🇱' = '🇱':
'&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1F1;' (regional indicator symbol letter L);
'🇲' = '🇲':
'&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1F2;' (regional indicator symbol letter M);
'🇳' = '🇳':
'&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1F3;' (regional indicator symbol letter N);
'🇴' = '🇴':
'&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1F4;' (regional indicator symbol letter O);
'🇵' = '🇵':
'&#127477;' equals '&#x1F1F5;' (regional indicator symbol letter P);
'🇶' = '🇶':
'&#127478;' equals '&#x1F1F6;' (regional indicator symbol letter Q);
'🇷' = '🇷':
'&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1F7;' (regional indicator symbol letter R);
'🇸' = '🇸':
'&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1F8;' (regional indicator symbol letter S);
'🇹' = '🇹':
'&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1F9;' (regional indicator symbol letter T);
'🇺' = '🇺':
'&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1FA;' (regional indicator symbol letter U);
'🇻' = '🇻':
'&#127483;' equals '&#x1F1FB;' (regional indicator symbol letter V);
'🇼' = '🇼':
'&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1FC;' (regional indicator symbol letter W);
'🇽' = '🇽':
'&#127485;' equals '&#x1F1FD;' (regional indicator symbol letter X);
'🇾' = '🇾':
'&#127486;' equals '&#x1F1FE;' (regional indicator symbol letter Y);
'🇿' = '🇿':
'&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1FF;' (regional indicator symbol letter Z);

Flag Category  (special using two regional indicator symbols for providing a flag):
double dec. 127462-127487; double hex. 1F1E6-1F1FF !
List of country flag emojis (of which 🇨🇳CN, 🇩🇪DE, 🇪🇸ES, 🇫🇷FR, 🇬🇧GB 🇮🇹IT, 🇯🇵JP, 🇰🇷KR, 🇷🇺RU, and 🇺🇸US are supported on all major platforms – otherwise displaying two‑letter country codes, i.e. [Wikipedia-en-Icon]ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, instead of emoji flag images).
As of 2019 England, Scotland and Wales are the only RGI {Recommended for General Interchange by Unicode} subdivision flags (see white pennant / waving black flag below for minor special flags).
'🇦🇨' = '🇦🇨' (i.e. 🇦+🇨=A+C):
'&#127462;&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1E8;' (flag of Ascension Island {same flag is used for St. Helena and Tristan Da Cunha});
'🇦🇩' = '🇦🇩' (i.e. 🇦+🇩=A+D):
'&#127462;&#127465;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1E9;' (flag of Andorra);
'🇦🇪' = '🇦🇪' (i.e. 🇦+🇪=A+E):
'&#127462;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of United Arab Emirates);
'🇦🇫' = '🇦🇫' (i.e. 🇦+🇫=A+F):
'&#127462;&#127467;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1EB;' (flag of Afghanistan);
'🇦🇬' = '🇦🇬' (i.e. 🇦+🇬=A+G):
'&#127462;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Antigua & Barbuda);
'🇦🇮' = '🇦🇮' (i.e. 🇦+🇮=A+I):
'&#127462;&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1EE;' (flag of Anguilla);
'🇦🇱' = '🇦🇱' (i.e. 🇦+🇱=A+L):
'&#127462;&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1F1;' (flag of Albania);
'🇦🇲' = '🇦🇲' (i.e. 🇦+🇲=A+M):
'&#127462;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Armenia);
'🇦🇴' = '🇦🇴' (i.e. 🇦+🇴=A+O):
'&#127462;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of Angola);
'🇦🇶' = '🇦🇶' (i.e. 🇦+🇶=A+Q):
'&#127462;&#127478;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1F6;' (flag of Antarctica);
'🇦🇷' = '🇦🇷' (i.e. 🇦+🇷=A+R):
'&#127462;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Argentina);
'🇦🇸' = '🇦🇸' (i.e. 🇦+🇸=A+S):
'&#127462;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of American Samoa);
'🇦🇹' = '🇦🇹' (i.e. 🇦+🇹=A+T):
'&#127462;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Austria);
'🇦🇺' = '🇦🇺' (i.e. 🇦+🇺=A+U):
'&#127462;&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1FA;' (flag of Australia);
'🇦🇼' = '🇦🇼' (i.e. 🇦+🇼=A+W):
'&#127462;&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1FC;' (flag of Aruba);
'🇦🇽' = '🇦🇽' (i.e. 🇦+🇽=A+X):
'&#127462;&#127485;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1FD;' (flag of Åland Islands);
'🇦🇿' = '🇦🇿' (i.e. 🇦+🇿=A+Z):
'&#127462;&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1E6;&#x1F1FF;' (flag of Azerbaijan);
'🇧🇦' = '🇧🇦' (i.e. 🇧+🇦=B+A):
'&#127463;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Bosnia & Herzegovina);
'🇧🇧' = '🇧🇧' (i.e. 🇧+🇧=B+B):
'&#127463;&#127463;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1E7;' (flag of Barbados);
'🇧🇩' = '🇧🇩' (i.e. 🇧+🇩=B+D):
'&#127463;&#127465;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1E9;' (flag of Bangladesh);
'🇧🇪' = '🇧🇪' (i.e. 🇧+🇪=B+E):
'&#127463;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Belgium);
'🇧🇫' = '🇧🇫' (i.e. 🇧+🇫=B+F):
'&#127463;&#127467;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1EB;' (flag of Burkina Faso);
'🇧🇬' = '🇧🇬' (i.e. 🇧+🇬=B+G):
'&#127463;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Bulgaria);
'🇧🇭' = '🇧🇭' (i.e. 🇧+🇭=B+H):
'&#127463;&#127469;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1ED;' (flag of Bahrain);
'🇧🇮' = '🇧🇮' (i.e. 🇧+🇮=B+I):
'&#127463;&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1EE;' (flag of Burundi);
'🇧🇯' = '🇧🇯' (i.e. 🇧+🇯=B+J):
'&#127463;&#127471;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1EF;' (flag of Benin);
'🇧🇱' = '🇧🇱' (i.e. 🇧+🇱=B+L):
'&#127463;&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1F1;' (flag of St. Barthélemy);
'🇧🇲' = '🇧🇲' (i.e. 🇧+🇲=B+M):
'&#127463;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Bermuda);
'🇧🇳' = '🇧🇳' (i.e. 🇧+🇳=B+N):
'&#127463;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of Brunei);
'🇧🇴' = '🇧🇴' (i.e. 🇧+🇴=B+O):
'&#127463;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of Bolivia);
'🇧🇶' = '🇧🇶' (i.e. 🇧+🇶=B+Q):
'&#127463;&#127478;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1F6;' (flag of Caribbean Netherlands);
'🇧🇷' = '🇧🇷' (i.e. 🇧+🇷=B+R):
'&#127463;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Brazil);
'🇧🇸' = '🇧🇸' (i.e. 🇧+🇸=B+S):
'&#127463;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of Bahamas);
'🇧🇹' = '🇧🇹' (i.e. 🇧+🇹=B+T):
'&#127463;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Bhutan);
'🇧🇻' = '🇧🇻' (i.e. 🇧+🇻=B+V):
'&#127463;&#127483;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1FB;' (flag of Bouvet Island {same as Norway});
'🇧🇼' = '🇧🇼' (i.e. 🇧+🇼=B+W):
'&#127463;&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1FC;' (flag of Botswana);
'🇧🇾' = '🇧🇾' (i.e. 🇧+🇾=B+Y):
'&#127463;&#127486;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1FE;' (flag of Belarus);
'🇧🇿' = '🇧🇿' (i.e. 🇧+🇿=B+Z):
'&#127463;&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1E7;&#x1F1FF;' (flag of Belize);
'🇨🇦' = '🇨🇦' (i.e. 🇨+🇦=C+A):
'&#127464;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Canada);
'🇨🇨' = '🇨🇨' (i.e. 🇨+🇨=C+C):
'&#127464;&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1E8;' (flag of Cocos [Keeling] Islands);
'🇨🇩' = '🇨🇩' (i.e. 🇨+🇩=C+D):
'&#127464;&#127465;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1E9;' (flag of Congo – Kinshasa);
'🇨🇫' = '🇨🇫' (i.e. 🇨+🇫=C+F):
'&#127464;&#127467;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1EB;' (flag of Central African Republic);
'🇨🇬' = '🇨🇬' (i.e. 🇨+🇬=C+G):
'&#127464;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Congo – Brazzaville);
'🇨🇭' = '🇨🇭' (i.e. 🇨+🇭=C+H):
'&#127464;&#127469;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1ED;' (flag of Switzerland);
'🇨🇮' = '🇨🇮' (i.e. 🇨+🇮=C+I):
'&#127464;&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1EE;' (flag of Côte d'Ivoire);
'🇨🇰' = '🇨🇰' (i.e. 🇨+🇰=C+K):
'&#127464;&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1F0;' (flag of Cook Islands);
'🇨🇱' = '🇨🇱' (i.e. 🇨+🇱=C+L):
'&#127464;&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1F1;' (flag of Chile);
'🇨🇲' = '🇨🇲' (i.e. 🇨+🇲=C+M):
'&#127464;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Cameroon);
'🇨🇳' = '🇨🇳' (i.e. 🇨+🇳=C+N):
'&#127464;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of China);
'🇨🇴' = '🇨🇴' (i.e. 🇨+🇴=C+O):
'&#127464;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of Colombia);
'🇨🇵' = '🇨🇵' (i.e. 🇨+🇵=C+P):
'&#127464;&#127477;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1F5;' (flag of Clipperton Island {same as France});
'🇨🇷' = '🇨🇷' (i.e. 🇨+🇷=C+R):
'&#127464;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Costa Rica);
'🇨🇺' = '🇨🇺' (i.e. 🇨+🇺=C+U):
'&#127464;&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1FA;' (flag of Cuba);
'🇨🇻' = '🇨🇻' (i.e. 🇨+🇻=C+V):
'&#127464;&#127483;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1FB;' (flag of Cape Verde);
'🇨🇼' = '🇨🇼' (i.e. 🇨+🇼=C+W):
'&#127464;&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1FC;' (flag of Curaçao);
'🇨🇽' = '🇨🇽' (i.e. 🇨+🇽=C+X):
'&#127464;&#127485;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1FD;' (flag of Christmas Island);
'🇨🇾' = '🇨🇾' (i.e. 🇨+🇾=C+Y):
'&#127464;&#127486;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1FE;' (flag of Cyprus);
'🇨🇿' = '🇨🇿' (i.e. 🇨+🇿=C+Z):
'&#127464;&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1FF;' (flag of Czechia);
'🇩🇪' = '🇩🇪' (i.e. 🇩+🇪=D+E):
'&#127465;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1E9;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Germany);
'🇩🇬' = '🇩🇬' (i.e. 🇩+🇬=D+G):
'&#127465;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1E9;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Diego Garcia);
'🇩🇯' = '🇩🇯' (i.e. 🇩+🇯=D+J):
'&#127465;&#127471;' equals '&#x1F1E9;&#x1F1EF;' (flag of Djibouti);
'🇩🇰' = '🇩🇰' (i.e. 🇩+🇰=D+K):
'&#127465;&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1E9;&#x1F1F0;' (flag of Denmark);
'🇩🇲' = '🇩🇲' (i.e. 🇩+🇲=D+M):
'&#127465;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1E9;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Dominica);
'🇩🇴' = '🇩🇴' (i.e. 🇩+🇴=D+O):
'&#127465;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1E9;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of Dominican Republic);
'🇩🇿' = '🇩🇿' (i.e. 🇩+🇿=D+Z):
'&#127465;&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1E9;&#x1F1FF;' (flag of Algeria);
'🇪🇦' = '🇪🇦' (i.e. 🇪+🇦=E+A):
'&#127466;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1EA;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Ceuta & Melilla {same as Spain});
'🇪🇨' = '🇪🇨' (i.e. 🇪+🇨=E+C):
'&#127466;&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1EA;&#x1F1E8;' (flag of Ecuador);
'🇪🇪' = '🇪🇪' (i.e. 🇪+🇪=E+E):
'&#127466;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1EA;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Estonia);
'🇪🇬' = '🇪🇬' (i.e. 🇪+🇬=E+G):
'&#127466;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1EA;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Egypt);
'🇪🇭' = '🇪🇭' (i.e. 🇪+🇭=E+H):
'&#127466;&#127469;' equals '&#x1F1EA;&#x1F1ED;' (flag of Western Sahara);
'🇪🇷' = '🇪🇷' (i.e. 🇪+🇷=E+R):
'&#127466;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1EA;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Eritrea);
'🇪🇸' = '🇪🇸' (i.e. 🇪+🇸=E+S):
'&#127466;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1EA;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of Spain);
'🇪🇹' = '🇪🇹' (i.e. 🇪+🇹=E+T):
'&#127466;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1EA;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Ethiopia);
'🇪🇺' = '🇪🇺' (i.e. 🇪+🇺=E+U):
'&#127466;&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1EA;&#x1F1FA;' (flag of the European Union);
'🇫🇮' = '🇫🇮' (i.e. 🇫+🇮=F+I):
'&#127467;&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1EB;&#x1F1EE;' (flag of Finland);
'🇫🇯' = '🇫🇯' (i.e. 🇫+🇯=F+J):
'&#127467;&#127471;' equals '&#x1F1EB;&#x1F1EF;' (flag of Fiji);
'🇫🇰' = '🇫🇰' (i.e. 🇫+🇰=F+K):
'&#127467;&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1EB;&#x1F1F0;' (flag of Falkland Islands);
'🇫🇲' = '🇫🇲' (i.e. 🇫+🇲=F+M):
'&#127467;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1EB;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Micronesia);
'🇫🇴' = '🇫🇴' (i.e. 🇫+🇴=F+O):
'&#127467;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1EB;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of Faroe Islands);
'🇫🇷' = '🇫🇷' (i.e. 🇫+🇷=F+R):
'&#127467;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1EB;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of France);
'🇬🇦' = '🇬🇦' (i.e. 🇬+🇦=G+A):
'&#127468;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Gabon);
'🇬🇧' = '🇬🇧' (i.e. 🇬+🇧=G+B):
'&#127468;&#127463;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1E7;' (flag of Great Britan aka United Kingdom);
'🇬🇩' = '🇬🇩' (i.e. 🇬+🇩=G+D):
'&#127468;&#127465;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1E9;' (flag of Grenada);
'🇬🇪' = '🇬🇪' (i.e. 🇬+🇪=G+E):
'&#127468;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Georgia);
'🇬🇫' = '🇬🇫' (i.e. 🇬+🇫=G+F):
'&#127468;&#127467;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1EB;' (flag of Georgia);
'🇬🇬' = '🇬🇬' (i.e. 🇬+🇬=G+G):
'&#127468;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Guernsey);
'🇬🇭' = '🇬🇭' (i.e. 🇬+🇭=G+H):
'&#127468;&#127469;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1ED;' (flag of Ghana);
'🇬🇮' = '🇬🇮' (i.e. 🇬+🇮=G+I):
'&#127468;&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1EE;' (flag of Gibraltar);
'🇬🇱' = '🇬🇱' (i.e. 🇬+🇱=G+L):
'&#127468;&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1F1;' (flag of Greenland);
'🇬🇲' = '🇬🇲' (i.e. 🇬+🇲=G+M):
'&#127468;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Gambia);
'🇬🇳' = '🇬🇳' (i.e. 🇬+🇳=G+N):
'&#127468;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of Guinea);
'🇬🇵' = '🇬🇵' (i.e. 🇬+🇵=G+P):
'&#127468;&#127477;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1F5;' (flag of Guadeloupe);
'🇬🇶' = '🇬🇶' (i.e. 🇬+🇶=G+Q):
'&#127468;&#127478;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1F6;' (flag of Equatorial Guinea);
'🇬🇷' = '🇬🇷' (i.e. 🇬+🇷=G+R):
'&#127468;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Greece);
'🇬🇸' = '🇬🇸' (i.e. 🇬+🇸=G+S):
'&#127468;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands);
'🇬🇹' = '🇬🇹' (i.e. 🇬+🇹=G+T):
'&#127468;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Guatemala);
'🇬🇺' = '🇬🇺' (i.e. 🇬+🇺=G+U):
'&#127468;&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1FA;' (flag of Guam);
'🇬🇼' = '🇬🇼' (i.e. 🇬+🇼=G+W):
'&#127468;&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1FC;' (flag of Guinea-Bissau);
'🇬🇾' = '🇬🇾' (i.e. 🇬+🇾=G+Y):
'&#127468;&#127486;' equals '&#x1F1EC;&#x1F1FE;' (flag of Guyana);
'🇭🇰' = '🇭🇰' (i.e. 🇭+🇰=H+K):
'&#127469;&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1ED;&#x1F1F0;' (flag of Hong Kong SAR China);
'🇭🇲' = '🇭🇲' (i.e. 🇭+🇲=H+M):
'&#127469;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1ED;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Heard & McDonald Islands);
'🇭🇳' = '🇭🇳' (i.e. 🇭+🇳=H+N):
'&#127469;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1ED;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of Honduras);
'🇭🇷' = '🇭🇷' (i.e. 🇭+🇷=H+R):
'&#127469;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1ED;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Croatia);
'🇭🇹' = '🇭🇹' (i.e. 🇭+🇹=H+T):
'&#127469;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1ED;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Haiti);
'🇭🇺' = '🇭🇺' (i.e. 🇭+🇺=H+U):
'&#127469;&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1ED;&#x1F1FA;' (flag of Hungaria);
'🇮🇨' = '🇮🇨' (i.e. 🇮+🇨=I+C):
'&#127470;&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1E8;' (flag of Canary Islands);
'🇮🇩' = '🇮🇩' (i.e. 🇮+🇩=I+D):
'&#127470;&#127465;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1E9;' (flag of Indonesia);
'🇮🇪' = '🇮🇪' (i.e. 🇮+🇪=I+E):
'&#127470;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Ireland);
'🇮🇱' = '🇮🇱' (i.e. 🇮+🇱=I+L):
'&#127470;&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1F1;' (flag of Israel);
'🇮🇲' = '🇮🇲' (i.e. 🇮+🇲=I+M):
'&#127470;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Isle of Man);
'🇮🇳' = '🇮🇳' (i.e. 🇮+🇳=I+N):
'&#127470;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of India);
'🇮🇴' = '🇮🇴' (i.e. 🇮+🇴=I+O):
'&#127470;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of British Indian Ocean Territory);
'🇮🇶' = '🇮🇶' (i.e. 🇮+🇶=I+Q):
'&#127470;&#127478;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1F6;' (flag of Iraq);
'🇮🇷' = '🇮🇷' (i.e. 🇮+🇷=I+R):
'&#127470;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Iran);
'🇮🇸' = '🇮🇸' (i.e. 🇮+🇸=I+S):
'&#127470;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of Iceland);
'🇮🇹' = '🇮🇹' (i.e. 🇮+🇹=I+T):
'&#127470;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1EE;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Italy);
'🇯🇪' = '🇯🇪' (i.e. 🇯+🇪=J+E):
'&#127471;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1EF;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Jersey);
'🇯🇲' = '🇯🇲' (i.e. 🇯+🇲=J+M):
'&#127471;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1EF;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Jamaica);
'🇯🇴' = '🇯🇴' (i.e. 🇯+🇴=J+O):
'&#127471;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1EF;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of Jordan);
'🇯🇵' = '🇯🇵' (i.e. 🇯+🇵=J+P):
'&#127471;&#127477;' equals '&#x1F1EF;&#x1F1F5;' (flag of Japan);
'🇰🇪' = '🇰🇪' (i.e. 🇰+🇪=K+E):
'&#127472;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Kenya);
'🇰🇬' = '🇰🇬' (i.e. 🇰+🇬=K+G):
'&#127472;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Kyrgyzstan);
'🇰🇭' = '🇰🇭' (i.e. 🇰+🇭=K+H):
'&#127472;&#127469;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1ED;' (flag of Cambodia);
'🇰🇮' = '🇰🇮' (i.e. 🇰+🇮=K+I):
'&#127472;&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1EE;' (flag of Kiribati);
'🇰🇲' = '🇰🇲' (i.e. 🇰+🇲=K+M):
'&#127472;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Comoros);
'🇰🇳' = '🇰🇳' (i.e. 🇰+🇳=K+N):
'&#127472;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of St. Kitts & Nevis);
'🇰🇵' = '🇰🇵' (i.e. 🇰+🇵=K+P):
'&#127472;&#127477;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1F5;' (flag of North Korea);
'🇰🇷' = '🇰🇷' (i.e. 🇰+🇷=K+R):
'&#127472;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of South Korea; cf. 🥋background of the Korean flag[Flag: just German translation]);
'🇰🇼' = '🇰🇼' (i.e. 🇰+🇼=K+W):
'&#127472;&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1FC;' (flag of Kuwait);
'🇰🇾' = '🇰🇾' (i.e. 🇰+🇾=K+Y):
'&#127472;&#127486;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1FE;' (flag of Cayman Islands);
'🇰🇿' = '🇰🇿' (i.e. 🇰+🇿=K+Z):
'&#127472;&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1F0;&#x1F1FF;' (flag of Kazakhstan);
'🇱🇦' = '🇱🇦' (i.e. 🇱+🇦=L+A):
'&#127473;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Laos);
'🇱🇧' = '🇱🇧' (i.e. 🇱+🇧=L+B):
'&#127473;&#127463;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1E7;' (flag of Lebanon);
'🇱🇨' = '🇱🇨' (i.e. 🇱+🇨=L+C):
'&#127473;&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1E8;' (flag of St. Lucia);
'🇱🇮' = '🇱🇮' (i.e. 🇱+🇮=L+I):
'&#127473;&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1EE;' (flag of Liechtenstein);
'🇱🇰' = '🇱🇰' (i.e. 🇱+🇰=L+K):
'&#127473;&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1F0;' (flag of Sri Lanka);
'🇱🇷' = '🇱🇷' (i.e. 🇱+🇷=L+R):
'&#127473;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Liberia);
'🇱🇸' = '🇱🇸' (i.e. 🇱+🇸=L+S):
'&#127473;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of Lesotho);
'🇱🇹' = '🇱🇹' (i.e. 🇱+🇹=L+T):
'&#127473;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Lithuania);
'🇱🇺' = '🇱🇺' (i.e. 🇱+🇺=L+U):
'&#127473;&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1FA;' (flag of Luxembourg);
'🇱🇻' = '🇱🇻' (i.e. 🇱+🇻=L+V):
'&#127473;&#127483;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1FB;' (flag of Latvia);
'🇱🇾' = '🇱🇾' (i.e. 🇱+🇾=L+Y):
'&#127473;&#127486;' equals '&#x1F1F1;&#x1F1FE;' (flag of Libya);
'🇲🇦' = '🇲🇦' (i.e. 🇲+🇦=M+A):
'&#127474;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Morocco);
'🇲🇨' = '🇲🇨' (i.e. 🇲+🇨=M+C):
'&#127474;&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1E8;' (flag of Monaco);
'🇲🇩' = '🇲🇩' (i.e. 🇲+🇩=M+D):
'&#127474;&#127465;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1E9;' (flag of Moldova);
'🇲🇪' = '🇲🇪' (i.e. 🇲+🇪=M+E):
'&#127474;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Montenegro);
'🇲🇫' = '🇲🇫' (i.e. 🇲+🇫=M+F):
'&#127474;&#127467;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1EB;' (flag of St. Martin);
'🇲🇬' = '🇲🇬' (i.e. 🇲+🇬=M+G):
'&#127474;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Madagascar);
'🇲🇭' = '🇲🇭' (i.e. 🇲+🇭=M+H):
'&#127474;&#127469;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1ED;' (flag of Marshall Islands);
'🇲🇰' = '🇲🇰' (i.e. 🇲+🇰=M+K):
'&#127474;&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1F0;' (flag of North Macedonia);
'🇲🇱' = '🇲🇱' (i.e. 🇲+🇱=M+L):
'&#127474;&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1F1;' (flag of Mali);
'🇲🇲' = '🇲🇲' (i.e. 🇲+🇲=M+M):
'&#127474;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Myanmar {Burma});
'🇲🇳' = '🇲🇳' (i.e. 🇲+🇳=M+N):
'&#127474;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of Mongolia);
'🇲🇴' = '🇲🇴' (i.e. 🇲+🇴=M+O):
'&#127474;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of Macau Sar China);
'🇲🇵' = '🇲🇵' (i.e. 🇲+🇵=M+P):
'&#127474;&#127477;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1F5;' (flag of Northern Mariana Islands);
'🇲🇶' = '🇲🇶' (i.e. 🇲+🇶=M+Q):
'&#127474;&#127478;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1F6;' (flag of Martinique);
'🇲🇷' = '🇲🇷' (i.e. 🇲+🇷=M+R):
'&#127474;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Mauritania);
'🇲🇸' = '🇲🇸' (i.e. 🇲+🇸=M+S):
'&#127474;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of Montserrat);
'🇲🇹' = '🇲🇹' (i.e. 🇲+🇹=M+T):
'&#127474;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Malta);
'🇲🇺' = '🇲🇺' (i.e. 🇲+🇺=M+U):
'&#127474;&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1FA;' (flag of Mauritius);
'🇲🇻' = '🇲🇻' (i.e. 🇲+🇻=M+V):
'&#127474;&#127483;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1FB;' (flag of Maldives);
'🇲🇼' = '🇲🇼' (i.e. 🇲+🇼=M+W):
'&#127474;&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1FC;' (flag of Malawi);
'🇲🇽' = '🇲🇽' (i.e. 🇲+🇽=M+X):
'&#127474;&#127485;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1FD;' (flag of Mexico);
'🇲🇾' = '🇲🇾' (i.e. 🇲+🇾=M+Y):
'&#127474;&#127486;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1FE;' (flag of Malaysia);
'🇲🇿' = '🇲🇿' (i.e. 🇲+🇿=M+Z):
'&#127474;&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1F2;&#x1F1FF;' (flag of Mozambique);
'🇳🇦' = '🇳🇦' (i.e. 🇳+🇦=N+A):
'&#127475;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of the Namibia);
'🇳🇨' = '🇳🇨' (i.e. 🇳+🇨=N+C):
'&#127475;&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1E8;' (flag of the New Caledonia);
'🇳🇪' = '🇳🇪' (i.e. 🇳+🇪=N+E):
'&#127475;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of the Niger);
'🇳🇫' = '🇳🇫' (i.e. 🇳+🇫=N+F):
'&#127475;&#127467;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1EB;' (flag of the Norfolk Island);
'🇳🇬' = '🇳🇬' (i.e. 🇳+🇬=N+G):
'&#127475;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of the Nigeria);
'🇳🇮' = '🇳🇮' (i.e. 🇳+🇮=N+I):
'&#127475;&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1EE;' (flag of the Nicaragua);
'🇳🇱' = '🇳🇱' (i.e. 🇳+🇱=N+L):
'&#127475;&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1F1;' (flag of the Netherlands);
'🇳🇴' = '🇳🇴' (i.e. 🇳+🇴=N+O):
'&#127475;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of the Norway);
'🇳🇵' = '🇳🇵' (i.e. 🇳+🇵=N+P):
'&#127475;&#127477;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1F5;' (flag of the Nepal);
'🇳🇷' = '🇳🇷' (i.e. 🇳+🇷=N+R):
'&#127475;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of the Nauru);
'🇳🇺' = '🇳🇺' (i.e. 🇳+🇺=N+U):
'&#127475;&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1FA;' (flag of the Niue);
'🇳🇿' = '🇳🇿' (i.e. 🇳+🇿=N+Z):
'&#127475;&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1F3;&#x1F1FF;' (flag of the New Zealand);
'🇴🇲' = '🇴🇲' (i.e. 🇴+🇲=O+M):
'&#127476;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1F4;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of the Oman);
'🇵🇦' = '🇵🇦' (i.e. 🇵+🇦=P+A):
'&#127477;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Panama);
'🇵🇪' = '🇵🇪' (i.e. 🇵+🇪=P+E):
'&#127477;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Peru);
'🇵🇫' = '🇵🇫' (i.e. 🇵+🇫=P+F):
'&#127477;&#127467;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1EB;' (flag of French Polynesia);
'🇵🇬' = '🇵🇬' (i.e. 🇵+🇬=P+G):
'&#127477;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Papua New Guinea);
'🇵🇭' = '🇵🇭' (i.e. 🇵+🇭=P+H):
'&#127477;&#127469;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1ED;' (flag of Philippines);
'🇵🇰' = '🇵🇰' (i.e. 🇵+🇰=P+K):
'&#127477;&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1F0;' (flag of Pakistan);
'🇵🇱' = '🇵🇱' (i.e. 🇵+🇱=P+L):
'&#127477;&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1F1;' (flag of Poland);
'🇵🇲' = '🇵🇲' (i.e. 🇵+🇲=P+M):
'&#127477;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of St. Pierre & Miquelon);
'🇵🇳' = '🇵🇳' (i.e. 🇵+🇳=P+N):
'&#127477;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of Pitcairn Islands);
'🇵🇷' = '🇵🇷' (i.e. 🇵+🇷=P+R):
'&#127477;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Puerto Rico);
'🇵🇸' = '🇵🇸' (i.e. 🇵+🇸=P+R):
'&#127477;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of Palestinian Territories);
'🇵🇹' = '🇵🇹' (i.e. 🇵+🇹=P+T):
'&#127477;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Portugal);
'🇵🇼' = '🇵🇼' (i.e. 🇵+🇼=P+W):
'&#127477;&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1FC;' (flag of Palau);
'🇵🇾' = '🇵🇾' (i.e. 🇵+🇾=P+Y):
'&#127477;&#127486;' equals '&#x1F1F5;&#x1F1FE;' (flag of Paraguay);
'🇶🇦' = '🇶🇦' (i.e. 🇶+🇦=Q+A):
'&#127478;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1F6;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Qatar);
'🇷🇪' = '🇷🇪' (i.e. 🇷+🇪=R+E):
'&#127479;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1F7;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Réunion; it's official flag is same as France);
'🇷🇴' = '🇷🇴' (i.e. 🇷+🇴=R+O):
'&#127479;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1F7;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of Romania);
'🇷🇸' = '🇷🇸' (i.e. 🇷+🇸=R+S):
'&#127479;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1F7;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of Serbia);
'🇷🇺' = '🇷🇺' (i.e. 🇷+🇺=R+U):
'&#127479;&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1F7;&#x1F1FA;' (flag of Russia);
'🇷🇼' = '🇷🇼' (i.e. 🇷+🇼=R+W):
'&#127479;&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1F7;&#x1F1FC;' (flag of Rwanda);
'🇸🇦' = '🇸🇦' (i.e. 🇸+🇦=S+A):
'&#127480;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Saudi Arabia);
'🇸🇧' = '🇸🇧' (i.e. 🇸+🇧=S+B):
'&#127480;&#127463;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1E7;' (flag of Solomon Islands);
'🇸🇨' = '🇸🇨' (i.e. 🇸+🇨=S+C):
'&#127480;&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1E8;' (flag of Seychelles);
'🇸🇩' = '🇸🇩' (i.e. 🇸+🇩=S+D):
'&#127480;&#127465;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1E9;' (flag of Sudan);
'🇸🇪' = '🇸🇪' (i.e. 🇸+🇪=S+E):
'&#127480;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Sweden);
'🇸🇬' = '🇸🇬' (i.e. 🇸+🇬=S+G):
'&#127480;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Singapore);
'🇸🇭' = '🇸🇭' (i.e. 🇸+🇭=S+H):
'&#127480;&#127469;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1ED;' (flag of St. Helena);
'🇸🇮' = '🇸🇮' (i.e. 🇸+🇮=S+I):
'&#127480;&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1EE;' (flag of Slovenia);
'🇸🇯' = '🇸🇯' (i.e. 🇸+🇯=S+J):
'&#127480;&#127471;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1EF;' (flag of Svalbard & Jan Mayen {same as Norway});
'🇸🇰' = '🇸🇰' (i.e. 🇸+🇰=S+K):
'&#127480;&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1F0;' (flag of Slovakia);
'🇸🇱' = '🇸🇱' (i.e. 🇸+🇱=S+L):
'&#127480;&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1F1;' (flag of Sierra Leone);
'🇸🇲' = '🇸🇲' (i.e. 🇸+🇲=S+M):
'&#127480;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of San Marino);
'🇸🇳' = '🇸🇳' (i.e. 🇸+🇳=S+N):
'&#127480;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of Senegal);
'🇸🇴' = '🇸🇴' (i.e. 🇸+🇴=S+O):
'&#127480;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of Somalia);
'🇸🇷' = '🇸🇷' (i.e. 🇸+🇷=S+R):
'&#127480;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Suriname);
'🇸🇸' = '🇸🇸' (i.e. 🇸+🇸=S+S):
'&#127480;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of South Sudan);
'🇸🇹' = '🇸🇹' (i.e. 🇸+🇹=S+T):
'&#127480;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of São Tomé & Príncipe);
'🇸🇻' = '🇸🇻' (i.e. 🇸+🇻=S+V):
'&#127480;&#127483;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1FB;' (flag of El Salvador);
'🇸🇽' = '🇸🇽' (i.e. 🇸+🇽=S+X):
'&#127480;&#127485;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1FD;' (flag of Sint Maarten);
'🇸🇾' = '🇸🇾' (i.e. 🇸+🇾=S+Y):
'&#127480;&#127486;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1FE;' (flag of Syria);
'🇸🇿' = '🇸🇿' (i.e. 🇸+🇿=S+Z):
'&#127480;&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1F8;&#x1F1FF;' (flag of Swaziland);
'🇹🇦' = '🇹🇦' (i.e. 🇹+🇦=T+A):
'&#127481;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Tristan Da Cunha);
'🇹🇨' = '🇹🇨' (i.e. 🇹+🇨=T+C):
'&#127481;&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1E8;' (flag of Turks & Caicos Islands);
'🇹🇩' = '🇹🇩' (i.e. 🇹+🇩=T+D):
'&#127481;&#127465;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1E9;' (flag of Chad);
'🇹🇫' = '🇹🇫' (i.e. 🇹+🇫=T+F):
'&#127481;&#127467;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1EB;' (flag of French Southern Territories);
'🇹🇬' = '🇹🇬' (i.e. 🇹+🇬=T+G):
'&#127481;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Togo);
'🇹🇭' = '🇹🇭' (i.e. 🇹+🇭=T+H):
'&#127481;&#127469;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1ED;' (flag of Thailand);
'🇹🇯' = '🇹🇯' (i.e. 🇹+🇯=T+J):
'&#127481;&#127471;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1EF;' (flag of Tajikistan);
'🇹🇰' = '🇹🇰' (i.e. 🇹+🇰=T+K):
'&#127481;&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1F0;' (flag of Tokelau);
'🇹🇱' = '🇹🇱' (i.e. 🇹+🇱=T+L):
'&#127481;&#127473;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1F1;' (flag of Timor-Leste);
'🇹🇲' = '🇹🇲' (i.e. 🇹+🇲=T+M):
'&#127481;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Turkmenistan);
'🇹🇳' = '🇹🇳' (i.e. 🇹+🇳=T+N):
'&#127481;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of Tunisia);
'🇹🇴' = '🇹🇴' (i.e. 🇹+🇴=T+O):
'&#127481;&#127476;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1F4;' (flag of Tonga);
'🇹🇷' = '🇹🇷' (i.e. 🇹+🇷=T+R):
'&#127481;&#127479;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1F7;' (flag of Turkey);
'🇹🇹' = '🇹🇹' (i.e. 🇹+🇹=T+T):
'&#127481;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Trinidad & Tobago);
'🇹🇻' = '🇹🇻' (i.e. 🇹+🇻=T+V):
'&#127481;&#127483;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1FB;' (flag of Tuvalu);
'🇹🇼' = '🇹🇼' (i.e. 🇹+🇼=T+W):
'&#127481;&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1FC;' (flag of Taiwan);
'🇹🇿' = '🇹🇿' (i.e. 🇹+🇿=T+Z):
'&#127481;&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1F9;&#x1F1FF;' (flag of Tanzania);
'🇺🇦' = '🇺🇦' (i.e. 🇺+🇦=U+A):
'&#127482;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1FA;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Ukraine);
'🇺🇬' = '🇺🇬' (i.e. 🇺+🇬=U+G):
'&#127482;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1FA;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of Uganda);
'🇺🇲' = '🇺🇲' (i.e. 🇺+🇲=U+M):
'&#127482;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1FA;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of U.S. Outlying Islands {same as United States});
'🇺🇳' = '🇺🇳' (i.e. 🇺+🇳=U+N):
'&#127482;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1FA;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of the United Nations);
'🇺🇸' = '🇺🇸' (i.e. 🇺+🇸=U+S):
'&#127482;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1FA;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of the United States of America);
'🇺🇾' = '🇺🇾' (i.e. 🇺+🇾=U+Y):
'&#127482;&#127486;' equals '&#x1F1FA;&#x1F1FE;' (flag of Uruguay);
'🇺🇿' = '🇺🇿' (i.e. 🇺+🇿=U+Z):
'&#127482;&#127487;' equals '&#x1F1FA;&#x1F1FF;' (flag of Uzbekistan);
'🇻🇦' = '🇻🇦' (i.e. 🇻+🇦=V+A):
'&#127483;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1FB;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of Vatican City);
'🇻🇨' = '🇻🇨' (i.e. 🇻+🇨=V+C):
'&#127483;&#127464;' equals '&#x1F1FB;&#x1F1E8;' (flag of St. Vincent & Grenadines);
'🇻🇪' = '🇻🇪' (i.e. 🇻+🇪=V+E):
'&#127483;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1FB;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Venezuela);
'🇻🇬' = '🇻🇬' (i.e. 🇻+🇬=V+G):
'&#127483;&#127468;' equals '&#x1F1FB;&#x1F1EC;' (flag of British Virgin Islands);
'🇻🇮' = '🇻🇮' (i.e. 🇻+🇮=V+I):
'&#127483;&#127470;' equals '&#x1F1FB;&#x1F1EE;' (flag of U.S. Virgin Islands);
'🇻🇳' = '🇻🇳' (i.e. 🇻+🇳=V+N):
'&#127483;&#127475;' equals '&#x1F1FB;&#x1F1F3;' (flag of Vietnam);
'🇻🇺' = '🇻🇺' (i.e. 🇻+🇺=V+U):
'&#127483;&#127482;' equals '&#x1F1FB;&#x1F1FA;' (flag of Vanuatu);
'🇼🇫' = '🇼🇫' (i.e. 🇼+🇫=W+F):
'&#127484;&#127467;' equals '&#x1F1FC;&#x1F1EB;' (flag of Wallis & Futuna);
'🇼🇸' = '🇼🇸' (i.e. 🇼+🇸=W+S):
'&#127484;&#127480;' equals '&#x1F1FC;&#x1F1F8;' (flag of Samoa);
'🇽🇰' = '🇽🇰' (i.e. 🇽+🇰=X+K):
'&#127485;&#127472;' equals '&#x1F1FD;&#x1F1F0;' (flag of Kosovo);
'🇾🇪' = '🇾🇪' (i.e. 🇾+🇪=Y+E):
'&#127486;&#127466;' equals '&#x1F1FD;&#x1F1EA;' (flag of Yemen);
'🇾🇹' = '🇾🇹' (i.e. 🇾+🇹=Y+T):
'&#127486;&#127481;' equals '&#x1F1FD;&#x1F1F9;' (flag of Mayotte);
'🇿🇦' = '🇿🇦' (i.e. 🇿+🇦=Z+A):
'&#127487;&#127462;' equals '&#x1F1FF;&#x1F1E6;' (flag of South Africa);
'🇿🇲' = '🇿🇲' (i.e. 🇿+🇲=Z+M):
'&#127487;&#127474;' equals '&#x1F1FF;&#x1F1F2;' (flag of Zambia);
'🇿🇼' = '🇿🇼' (i.e. 🇿+🇼=Z+W):
'&#127487;&#127484;' equals '&#x1F1FF;&#x1F1FC;' (flag of Zimbabwe);

Enclosed Ideographic Supplement (CJK chars):
dec. 127488-127743; hex. 1F200-1F2FF !
'🈀' = '🈀':
'&#127488;' equals '&#x1F200;' (Square Hiragana Hoka);

Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs:
dec. 127744-128511; hex. 1F300-1F5FF !
'🌀' = '🌀':
'&#127744;' equals '&#x1F300;' (cyclone);
'🌁' = '🌁':
'&#127745;' equals '&#x1F301;' (foggy cityscape);
'🌂' = '🌂':
'&#127746;' equals '&#x1F302;' (closed umbrella);
'🌃' = '🌃':
'&#127747;' equals '&#x1F303;' (night with stars {and cityscape});
'🌄' = '🌄':
'&#127748;' equals '&#x1F304;' (sunrise over mountains {white background for visibility});
'🌅' = '🌅':
'&#127749;' equals '&#x1F305;' (sunrise over sea {white background for visibility});
'🌆' = '🌆':
'&#127750;' equals '&#x1F306;' (cityscape at dusk);
'🌇' = '🌇':
'&#127751;' equals '&#x1F307;' (cityscape at sunset {white background for visibility});
'🌈' = '🌈':
'&#127752;' equals '&#x1F308;' (rainbow);
'🌉' = '🌉':
'&#127753;' equals '&#x1F309;' (bridge at night);
'🌊' = '🌊':
'&#127754;' equals '&#x1F30A;' (water wave);
'🌋' = '🌋':
'&#127755;' equals '&#x1F30B;' (volcano);
'🌌' = '🌌':
'&#127756;' equals '&#x1F30C;' (milky way);
'🌍' = '🌍':
'&#127757;' equals '&#x1F30D;' (WWW symbol: earth globe EU-Africa);
'🌎' = '🌎':
'&#127758;' equals '&#x1F30E;' (WWW symbol: earth globe Americas);
'🌏' = '🌏':
'&#127759;' equals '&#x1F30F;' (WWW symbol: earth globe Asia-Australia);
'🌐' = '🌐':
'&#127760;' equals '&#x1F310;' (globe with meridians);
'🌚' = '🌚':
'&#127770;' equals '&#x1F31A;' (new moon face);
'🌛' = '🌛':
'&#127771;' equals '&#x1F31B;' (first quarter moon face {brown background for visibility});
'🌜' = '🌜':
'&#127772;' equals '&#x1F31C;' (last quarter moon face {brown background for visibility});
'🌝' = '🌝':
'&#127773;' equals '&#x1F31D;' (full moon face {brown background for visibility});
'🌞' = '🌞':
'&#127774;' equals '&#x1F31E;' (sun with face);
'🌟' = '🌟':
'&#127775;' equals '&#x1F31F;' (glowing star);
'🌠' = '🌠':
'&#127776;' equals '&#x1F320;' (shooting star);
'🌡' = '🌡':
'&#127777;' equals '&#x1F321;' (thermometer);
'🌡️' = '🌡️':
'&#127777;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F321;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of thermometer {composed emoji of thermometer – VS16});
'🌢' = '🌢':
'&#127778;' equals '&#x1F322;' (black droplet {no emoji version available});
'🌣' = '🌣':
'&#127779;' equals '&#x1F323;' (white sun {no emoji version available});
'🌤' = '🌤':
'&#127780;' equals '&#x1F324;' (white sun with small cloud);
'🌤️' = '🌤️':
'&#127780;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F324;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of white sun with small cloud {composed emoji of white sun with small cloud – VS16});
'🌥' = '🌥':
'&#127781;' equals '&#x1F325;' (white sun behind cloud);
'🌥️' = '🌥️':
'&#127781;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F325;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of white sun behind cloud {composed emoji of white sun behind cloud – VS16});
'🌦' = '🌦':
'&#127782;' equals '&#x1F326;' (white sun behind cloud with rain);
'🌦️' = '🌦️':
'&#127782;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F326;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of white sun behind cloud with rain {composed emoji of white sun behind cloud with rain – VS16});
'🌧' = '🌧':
'&#127783;' equals '&#x1F327;' (cloud with rain);
'🌧️' = '🌧️':
'&#127783;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F327;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of cloud with rain {composed emoji of cloud with rain – VS16});
'🌨' = '🌨':
'&#127784;' equals '&#x1F328;' (cloud with snow);
'🌨️' = '🌨️':
'&#127784;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F328;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of cloud with snow {composed emoji of cloud with snow – VS16});
'🌩' = '🌩':
'&#127785;' equals '&#x1F329;' (cloud with lightning);
'🌩️' = '🌩️':
'&#127785;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F329;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of cloud with lightning {composed emoji of cloud with lightning – VS16});
'🌪' = '🌪':
'&#127786;' equals '&#x1F32A;' (cloud with tornado);
'🌪️' = '🌪️':
'&#127786;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F32A;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of tornado {composed emoji of cloud with tornado – VS16});
'🌫' = '🌫':
'&#127787;' equals '&#x1F32B;' (fog);
'🌫️' = '🌫️':
'&#127787;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F32B;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of fog {composed emoji of fog – VS16});
'🌬' = '🌬':
'&#127788;' equals '&#x1F32C;' (wind blowing face);
'🌭' = '🌭':
'&#127789;' equals '&#x1F32D;' (hot dog);
'🌮' = '🌮':
'&#127790;' equals '&#x1F32E;' (taco);
'🌯' = '🌯':
'&#127791;' equals '&#x1F32F;' (burrito {white background for visibility});
'🌰' = '🌰':
'&#127792;' equals '&#x1F330;' (chestnut);
'🌱' = '🌱':
'&#127793;' equals '&#x1F331;' (seedling);
'🌲' = '🌲':
'&#127794;' equals '&#x1F332;' (evergreen tree);
'🌳' = '🌳':
'&#127795;' equals '&#x1F333;' (deciduous tree);
'🌴' = '🌴':
'&#127796;' equals '&#x1F334;' (palm);
'🌵' = '🌵':
'&#127797;' equals '&#x1F335;' (cactus);
'🌶' = '🌶':
'&#127798;' equals '&#x1F336;' (hot pepper);
'🌷' = '🌷':
'&#127799;' equals '&#x1F337;' (tulip);
'🌸' = '🌸':
'&#127800;' equals '&#x1F338;' (cherry blossom);
'🌹' = '🌹':
'&#127801;' equals '&#x1F339;' (rose);
'🌺' = '🌺':
'&#127802;' equals '&#x1F33A;' (hibiscus);
'🌻' = '🌻':
'&#127803;' equals '&#x1F33B;' (sun flower);
'🌼' = '🌼':
'&#127804;' equals '&#x1F33C;' (blossom);
'🌽' = '🌽':
'&#127805;' equals '&#x1F33D;' (ear of maize);
'🌾' = '🌾':
'&#127806;' equals '&#x1F33E;' (ear of rice);
'🌿' = '🌿':
'&#127807;' equals '&#x1F33F;' (herb);
'🍀' = '🍀':
'&#127808;' equals '&#x1F340;' (four leaf clover);
'🍁' = '🍁':
'&#127809;' equals '&#x1F341;' (maple leaf);
'🍂' = '🍂':
'&#127810;' equals '&#x1F342;' (fallen leaf);
'🍃' = '🍃':
'&#127811;' equals '&#x1F343;' (leaf fluttering in wind);
'🍄' = '🍄':
'&#127812;' equals '&#x1F344;' (mushroom);
'🍅' = '🍅':
'&#127813;' equals '&#x1F345;' (tomato);
'🍆' = '🍆':
'&#127814;' equals '&#x1F346;' (aubergine);
'🍇' = '🍇':
'&#127815;' equals '&#x1F347;' (grapes);
'🍈' = '🍈':
'&#127816;' equals '&#x1F348;' (melon);
'🍉' = '🍉':
'&#127817;' equals '&#x1F349;' (watermelon);
'🍊' = '🍊':
'&#127818;' equals '&#x1F34A;' (tangerine);
'🍋' = '🍋':
'&#127819;' equals '&#x1F34B;' (lemon {brown background for visibility});
'🍌' = '🍌':
'&#127820;' equals '&#x1F34C;' (banana {brown background for visibility});
'🍍' = '🍍':
'&#127821;' equals '&#x1F34D;' (pineapple {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🍎' = '🍎':
'&#127822;' equals '&#x1F34E;' (red apple);
'🍏' = '🍏':
'&#127823;' equals '&#x1F34F;' (green apple);
'🍐' = '🍐':
'&#127824;' equals '&#x1F350;' (pear);
'🍑' = '🍑':
'&#127825;' equals '&#x1F351;' (peach);
'🍒' = '🍒':
'&#127826;' equals '&#x1F352;' (cherries);
'🍓' = '🍓':
'&#127827;' equals '&#x1F353;' (strawberry);
'🍔' = '🍔':
'&#127828;' equals '&#x1F354;' (hamburger);
'🍕' = '🍕':
'&#127829;' equals '&#x1F355;' (slice of pizza {brown background for visibility});
'🍖' = '🍖':
'&#127830;' equals '&#x1F356;' (meat on bone {white background for visibility});
'🍗' = '🍗':
'&#127831;' equals '&#x1F357;' (poultry leg {white background for visibility});
'🍘' = '🍘':
'&#127832;' equals '&#x1F358;' (rice cracker);
'🍙' = '🍙':
'&#127833;' equals '&#x1F359;' (rice ball);
'🍚' = '🍚':
'&#127834;' equals '&#x1F35A;' (cooked rice);
'🍛' = '🍛':
'&#127835;' equals '&#x1F35B;' (rice with curry);
'🍜' = '🍜':
'&#127836;' equals '&#x1F35C;' (steaming bowl {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🍝' = '🍝':
'&#127837;' equals '&#x1F35D;' (spaghetti);
'🍞' = '🍞':
'&#127838;' equals '&#x1F35E;' (bread);
'🍟' = '🍟':
'&#127839;' equals '&#x1F35F;' (french fries);
'🍠' = '🍠':
'&#127840;' equals '&#x1F360;' (roasted sweet potato {white background for visibility});
'🍡' = '🍡':
'&#127841;' equals '&#x1F361;' (dango {white background for visibility});
'🍢' = '🍢':
'&#127842;' equals '&#x1F362;' (oden);
'🍣' = '🍣':
'&#127843;' equals '&#x1F363;' (sushi);
'🍤' = '🍤':
'&#127844;' equals '&#x1F364;' (fried shrimp);
'🍥' = '🍥':
'&#127845;' equals '&#x1F365;' (fish cake with swirl design);
'🍦' = '🍦':
'&#127846;' equals '&#x1F366;' (soft ice cream {white background for visibility});
'🍧' = '🍧':
'&#127847;' equals '&#x1F367;' (shaved ice);
'🍨' = '🍨':
'&#127848;' equals '&#x1F368;' (ice cream);
'🍩' = '🍩':
'&#127849;' equals '&#x1F369;' (donut);
'🍪' = '🍪':
'&#127850;' equals '&#x1F36A;' (cookie);
'🍫' = '🍫':
'&#127851;' equals '&#x1F36B;' (chocolate bar);
'🍬' = '🍬':
'&#127852;' equals '&#x1F36C;' (candy);
'🍭' = '🍭':
'&#127853;' equals '&#x1F36D;' (lollipop {white background for visibility});
'🍮' = '🍮':
'&#127854;' equals '&#x1F36E;' (English creme);
'🍯' = '🍯':
'&#127855;' equals '&#x1F36F;' (honey pot {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🍰' = '🍰':
'&#127856;' equals '&#x1F370;' (shortcake);
'🍱' = '🍱':
'&#127857;' equals '&#x1F371;' (bento box);
'🍲' = '🍲':
'&#127858;' equals '&#x1F372;' (pot of food);
'🍳' = '🍳':
'&#127859;' equals '&#x1F373;' (cooking {pan with egg});
'🍴' = '🍴':
'&#127860;' equals '&#x1F374;' (fork and knife);
'🍵' = '🍵':
'&#127861;' equals '&#x1F375;' (teacup without handle);
'🍶' = '🍶':
'&#127862;' equals '&#x1F376;' (sake bottle and cup);
'🍷' = '🍷':
'&#127863;' equals '&#x1F377;' (wine glass);
'🍸' = '🍸':
'&#127864;' equals '&#x1F378;' (cocktail glass);
'🍹' = '🍹':
'&#127865;' equals '&#x1F379;' (tropical drink);
'🍺' = '🍺':
'&#127866;' equals '&#x1F37A;' (beer mug {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🍻' = '🍻':
'&#127867;' equals '&#x1F37B;' (clinking beer mugs {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🍼' = '🍼':
'&#127868;' equals '&#x1F37C;' (baby bottle);
'🍽' = '🍽':
'&#127869;' equals '&#x1F37D;' (fork and knife with plate);
'🍾' = '🍾':
'&#127870;' equals '&#x1F37E;' (bottle with popping cork);
'🍿' = '🍿':
'&#127871;' equals '&#x1F37F;' (popcorn {brown background for visibility});
'🎀' = '🎀':
'&#127872;' equals '&#x1F380;' (ribbon);
'🎁' = '🎁':
'&#127873;' equals '&#x1F381;' (wrapped present {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🎂' = '🎂':
'&#127874;' equals '&#x1F382;' (birthday cake);
'🎃' = '🎃':
'&#127875;' equals '&#x1F383;' (jack-o-lantern);
'🎄' = '🎄':
'&#127876;' equals '&#x1F384;' (Christmas tree);
'🎅' = '🎅':
'&#127877;' equals '&#x1F385;' (Father Christmas / Santa Claus {brown background for visibility});
'🎆' = '🎆':
'&#127878;' equals '&#x1F386;' (fireworks);
'🎇' = '🎇':
'&#127879;' equals '&#x1F387;' (sparkler);
'🎈' = '🎈':
'&#127880;' equals '&#x1F388;' (balloon {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🎉' = '🎉':
'&#127881;' equals '&#x1F389;' (party popper);
'🎊' = '🎊':
'&#127882;' equals '&#x1F38A;' (confetti ball);
'🎋' = '🎋':
'&#127883;' equals '&#x1F38B;' (tanabata tree);
'🎌' = '🎌':
'&#127884;' equals '&#x1F38C;' (crossed {Japanese} flags);
'🎍' = '🎍':
'&#127885;' equals '&#x1F38D;' (pine decoration);
'🎎' = '🎎':
'&#127886;' equals '&#x1F38E;' (Japanese dolls);
'🎏' = '🎏':
'&#127887;' equals '&#x1F38F;' (carp streamer);
'🎐' = '🎐':
'&#127888;' equals '&#x1F390;' (wind chime);
'🎑' = '🎑':
'&#127889;' equals '&#x1F391;' (moon viewing ceremony);
'🎒' = '🎒':
'&#127890;' equals '&#x1F392;' (school satchel, school bag or backpack);
'🎓' = '🎓':
'&#127891;' equals '&#x1F393;' (graduation cap {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🎔' = '🎔':
'&#127892;' equals '&#x1F394;' (heart with tip on the left {no emoji version available});
'🎕' = '🎕':
'&#127893;' equals '&#x1F395;' (bouquet of flowers; cf. emoji version '💐' = '💐': '&#128144;' equals '&#x1F490;');
'🎖' = '🎖':
'&#127894;' equals '&#x1F396;' (military medal);
'🎖️' = '🎖️':
'&#127894;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F396;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of military medal {composed emoji of military medal – VS16; white background for visibility});
'🎗' = '🎗':
'&#127895;' equals '&#x1F397;' (reminder ribbon {awareness ribbon, worn to show support of a cause or group});
'🎗️' = '🎗️':
'&#127895;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F397;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of reminder ribbon {composed emoji of reminder ribbon – VS16; white background for visibility});
'🎘' = '🎘':
'&#127896;' equals '&#x1F398;' (musical keyboard with jacks {no emoji version available});
'🎙' = '🎙':
'&#127897;' equals '&#x1F399;' (studio microphone);
'🎙️' = '🎙️':
'&#127897;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F399;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of studio microphone {composed emoji of studio microphone – VS16});
'🎚' = '🎚':
'&#127898;' equals '&#x1F39A;' (level slider);
'🎚️' = '🎚️':
'&#127898;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F39A;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of level slider {composed emoji of level slider – VS16});
'🎛' = '🎛':
'&#127899;' equals '&#x1F39B;' (control knobs);
'🎛️' = '🎛️':
'&#127899;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F39B;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of control knobs {composed emoji of control knobs – VS16});
'🎜' = '🎜':
'&#127900;' equals '&#x1F39C;' (beamed ascending musical notes {no emoji version available});
'🎝' = '🎝':
'&#127901;' equals '&#x1F39D;' (beamed descending musical notes {no emoji version available});
'🎞' = '🎞':
'&#127902;' equals '&#x1F39E;' (film frames);
'🎞️' = '🎞️':
'&#127902;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F39E;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of film frames {composed emoji of film frames – VS16});
'🎟' = '🎟':
'&#127903;' equals '&#x1F39F;' (admission ticket);
'🎟️' = '🎟️':
'&#127903;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F39F;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of admission ticket {composed emoji of admission ticket – VS16});
'🎠' = '🎠':
'&#127904;' equals '&#x1F3A0;' (carousel horse);
'🎡' = '🎡':
'&#127905;' equals '&#x1F3A1;' (ferris wheel);
'🎢' = '🎢':
'&#127906;' equals '&#x1F3A2;' (roller coaster);
'🎣' = '🎣':
'&#127907;' equals '&#x1F3A3;' (fishing pole and fish);
'🎤' = '🎤':
'&#127908;' equals '&#x1F3A4;' (microphone);
'🎥' = '🎥':
'&#127909;' equals '&#x1F3A5;' (movie camera);
'🎦' = '🎦':
'&#127910;' equals '&#x1F3A6;' (cinema);
'🎧' = '🎧':
'&#127911;' equals '&#x1F3A7;' (headphone);
'🎨' = '🎨':
'&#127912;' equals '&#x1F3A8;' (artist palette);
'🎪' = '🎪':
'&#127914;' equals '&#x1F3AA;' (circus tent);
'🎫' = '🎫':
'&#127915;' equals '&#x1F3AB;' (ticket);
'🎬' = '🎬':
'&#127916;' equals '&#x1F3AC;' (clapper board);
'🎭' = '🎭':
'&#127917;' equals '&#x1F3AD;' (performing arts / drama masks);
'🎮' = '🎮':
'&#127918;' equals '&#x1F3AE;' (video game {Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and shown as emoji being part of Emoji 1.0 of 2015});
'🎯' = '🎯':
'&#127919;' equals '&#x1F3AF;' (direct hit);
'🎰' = '🎰':
'&#127920;' equals '&#x1F3B0;' (slot machine);
'🎱' = '🎱':
'&#127921;' equals '&#x1F3B1;' (billiards - black 8);
'🎲' = '🎲':
'&#127922;' equals '&#x1F3B2;' (game die);
'🎳' = '🎳':
'&#127923;' equals '&#x1F3B3;' (bowling);
'🎴' = '🎴':
'&#127924;' equals '&#x1F3B4;' (flower playing cards);
'🎵' = '🎵':
'&#127925;' equals '&#x1F3B5;' (musical note);
'🎶' = '🎶':
'&#127926;' equals '&#x1F3B6;' (multiple musical notes);
'🎷' = '🎷':
'&#127927;' equals '&#x1F3B7;' (saxophone {brown background for visibility});
'🎸' = '🎸':
'&#127928;' equals '&#x1F3B8;' (guitar);
'🎹' = '🎹':
'&#127929;' equals '&#x1F3B9;' (musical keyboard);
'🎺' = '🎺':
'&#127930;' equals '&#x1F3BA;' (trumpet {brown background for visibility});
'🎻' = '🎻':
'&#127931;' equals '&#x1F3BB;' (violin);
'🎼' = '🎼':
'&#127932;' equals '&#x1F3BC;' (musical score –staff {or stave} showing a treble clef and five horizontal lines);
'🎽' = '🎽':
'&#127933;' equals '&#x1F3BD;' (running shirt with sash {white background for visibility});
'🎾' = '🎾':
'&#127934;' equals '&#x1F3BE;' (tennis ball);
'🎿' = '🎿':
'&#127935;' equals '&#x1F3BF;' (ski and ski boot {brown background for visibility});
'🏀' = '🏀':
'&#127936;' equals '&#x1F3C0;' (basket ball {and hook – after unicode at least});
'🏁' = '🏁':
'&#127937;' equals '&#x1F3C1;' (chequered flag);
'🏂' = '🏂':
'&#127938;' equals '&#x1F3C2;' (snowboarder);
'🏃' = '🏃':
'&#127939;' equals '&#x1F3C3;' (runner /person running {brown background for visibility});
'🏃‍♀️' = '🏃‍♀️':
'&#127939;&#8205;&#9792;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3C3;&#x200D;&#x2640;&#xFE0F;' (woman running {composed emoji of runner – joiner – female sign – VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🏄' = '🏄':
'&#127940;' equals '&#x1F3C4;' (surfer {brown background for visibility});
'🏅' = '🏅':
'&#127941;' equals '&#x1F3C5;' (sports medal);
'🏆' = '🏆':
'&#127942;' equals '&#x1F3C6;' (sports trophy {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🏇' = '🏇':
'&#127943;' equals '&#x1F3C7;' (horse racing {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🏈' = '🏈':
'&#127944;' equals '&#x1F3C8;' (American football);
'🏉' = '🏉':
'&#127945;' equals '&#x1F3C9;' (rugby football);
'🏊' = '🏊':
'&#127946;' equals '&#x1F3CA;' (person swimming {brown background for visibility});
'🏋' = '🏋':
'&#127947;' equals '&#x1F3CB;' (person lifing weights);
'🏋️' = '🏋️':
'&#127947;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3CB;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of person lifing weights {composed emoji of person lifing weights – VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🏌' = '🏌':
'&#127948;' equals '&#x1F3CC;' (golfer);
'🏌️' = '🏌️':
'&#127948;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3CC;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of golfer {composed emoji of golfer – VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🏍' = '🏍':
'&#127949;' equals '&#x1F3CD;' (racing motorcycle);
'🏍️' = '🏍️':
'&#127949;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3CD;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of racing motorcycle {composed emoji of racing motorcycle – VS16});
'🏎' = '🏎':
'&#127950;' equals '&#x1F3CE;' (racing car);
'🏎️' = '🏎️':
'&#127950;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3CE;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of racing car {composed emoji of racing car – VS16});
'🏏' = '🏏':
'&#127951;' equals '&#x1F3CF;' (cricket bat and ball);
'🏐' = '🏐':
'&#127952;' equals '&#x1F3D0;' (volleyball);
'🏑' = '🏑':
'&#127953;' equals '&#x1F3D1;' (field hockey stick and ball);
'🏒' = '🏒':
'&#127954;' equals '&#x1F3D2;' (ice hockey stick and puck);
'🏓' = '🏓':
'&#127955;' equals '&#x1F3D3;' (table tennis {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🏔' = '🏔':
'&#127956;' equals '&#x1F3D4;' (snow capped mountain);
'🏔️' = '🏔️':
'&#127956;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3D4;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of snow-capped mountain {composed emoji of snow capped mountain – VS16});
'🏕' = '🏕':
'&#127957;' equals '&#x1F3D5;' (camping);
'🏕️' = '🏕️':
'&#127957;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3D5;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of camping {composed emoji of camping – VS16});
'🏖' = '🏖':
'&#127958;' equals '&#x1F3D6;' (beach and umbrella);
'🏖️' = '🏖️':
'&#127958;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3D6;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of beach and umbrella {composed emoji of beach and umbrella – VS16});
'🏗' = '🏗':
'&#127959;' equals '&#x1F3D7;' (building construction);
'🏗️' = '🏗️':
'&#127959;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3D7;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of building construction {composed emoji of building construction – VS16});
'🏘' = '🏘':
'&#127960;' equals '&#x1F3D8;' (house buildings);
'🏘️' = '🏘️':
'&#127960;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3D8;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of house buildings {composed emoji of house buildings – VS16});
'🏙' = '🏙':
'&#127961;' equals '&#x1F3D9;' (cityscape);
'🏙️' = '🏙️':
'&#127961;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3D9;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of cityscape {composed emoji of cityscape – VS16});
'🏚' = '🏚':
'&#127962;' equals '&#x1F3DA;' (derelict house building);
'🏚️' = '🏚️':
'&#127962;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3DA;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of derelict house building {composed emoji of derelict house buildings – VS16});
'🏛' = '🏛':
'&#127963;' equals '&#x1F3DB;' (classical building);
'🏛️' = '🏛️':
'&#127963;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3DB;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of classical building {composed emoji of classical building – VS16});
'🏜' = '🏜':
'&#127964;' equals '&#x1F3DC;' (desert);
'🏜️' = '🏜️':
'&#127964;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3DC;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of desert);
'🏝' = '🏝':
'&#127965;' equals '&#x1F3DD;' (desert island);
'🏝️' = '🏝️':
'&#127965;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3DD;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of desert island);
'🏞' = '🏞':
'&#127966;' equals '&#x1F3DE;' (national park);
'🏞️' = '🏞️':
'&#127966;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3DE;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of national park);
'🏟' = '🏟':
'&#127967;' equals '&#x1F3DF;' (stadium);
'🏟️' = '🏟️':
'&#127967;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3DF;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of stadium);
'🏠' = '🏠':
'&#127968;' equals '&#x1F3E0;' (house building);
'🏡' = '🏡':
'&#127969;' equals '&#x1F3E1;' (house with garden {white background for visibility});
'🏢' = '🏢':
'&#127970;' equals '&#x1F3E2;' (office building);
'🏣' = '🏣':
'&#127971;' equals '&#x1F3E3;' (Japanese post office);
'🏤' = '🏤':
'&#127972;' equals '&#x1F3E4;' (European post office);
'🏥' = '🏥':
'&#127973;' equals '&#x1F3E5;' (hospital);
'🏦' = '🏦':
'&#127974;' equals '&#x1F3E6;' (bank);
'🏧' = '🏧':
'&#127975;' equals '&#x1F3E7;' (automatic teller machine);
'🏨' = '🏨':
'&#127976;' equals '&#x1F3E8;' (hotel {white background for visibility});
'🏫' = '🏫':
'&#127979;' equals '&#x1F3EB;' (school {white background for visibility});
'🏭' = '🏭':
'&#127981;' equals '&#x1F3ED;' (factory);
'🏮' = '🏮':
'&#127982;' equals '&#x1F3EE;' (Izakaya lantern);
'🏯' = '🏯':
'&#127983;' equals '&#x1F3EF;' (Japanese castle);
'🏰' = '🏰':
'&#127984;' equals '&#x1F3F0;' (European castle);
'🏱' = '🏱':
'&#127985;' equals '&#x1F3F1;' (white pennant {not available as emoji});
'🏲' = '🏲':
'&#127986;' equals '&#x1F3F2;' (black pennant {no emoji version available});
'🏳' = '🏳':
'&#127987;' equals '&#x1F3F3;' (white flag; see sub-flag emojis below and Flag Category above for main countries);
'🏳️' = '🏳️':
'&#127987;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3F3;️' (emoji version of white flag);
'🏳️‍🌈' = '🏳️‍🌈':
'&#127987;&#65039;&#8205;&#127752;' equals '&#x1F3F3;&#xFE0F;&#x200D;&#x1F308;' (Rainbow Flag / Gay Pride Flag {Emoji 4.0 in 2016; see related gag});
'🏳️‍⚧️' = '🏳️‍⚧️':
'&#127987;&#65039;&#8205;&#9895;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3F3;&#xFE0F;&#x200D;&#x26A7;&#xFE0F;' (Blue, Pink, and White Flag / Transgender Flag {Emoji 13.0 in 2020});
'🏴' = '🏴':
'&#127988;' equals '&#x1F3F4;' (waving black flag; see sub-flag emojis below and Flag Category above for main countries);
'🏴‍☠️' = '🏴‍☠️':
'&#127988;&#8205;&#9760;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F3F4;&#x200D;&#x2620;&#xFE0F;' (pirate flag / skull and crossbones displayed on a black flag {composed emoji of waving black flag – joiner – skull and crossbones – VS16});
'🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿' = '🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿':
'&#127988;&#917607;&#917602;&#917605;&#917614;&#917607;&#917631;' equals '&#x1F3F4;&#xE0067;&#xE0062;&#xE0065;&#xE006E;&#xE0067;&#x󠁿' (flag for England {county in the UK; composed emoji of waving black flag – Tag Latin Small Letter G – Tag Latin Small Letter B – Tag Latin Small Letter E – Tag Latin Small Letter N – Tag Latin Small Letter G – Cancel Tag; may show as gbeng});
'🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿' = '🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿':
'&#127988;&#917607;&#917602;&#917619;&#917603;&#917620;&#917631;' equals '&#x1F3F4;&#xE0067;&#xE0062;&#xE0073;&#xE0063;&#xE0074;&#x󠁿' (flag for Scotland {county in the UK; composed emoji of waving black flag – Tag Latin Small Letter G – Tag Latin Small Letter B – Tag Latin Small Letter S – Tag Latin Small Letter C – Tag Latin Small Letter T – Cancel Tag; may show as gbsct});
'🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿' = '🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿':
'&#127988;&#917607;&#917602;&#917623;&#917612;&#917619;&#917631;' equals '&#x1F3F4;&#xE0067;&#xE0062;&#xE0077;&#xE006C;&#xE0073;&#x󠁿' (flag for Scotland {county in the UK; composed emoji of waving black flag – Tag Latin Small Letter G – Tag Latin Small Letter B – Tag Latin Small Letter W – Tag Latin Small Letter L – Tag Latin Small Letter S – Cancel Tag; may show as gbwls});
'🏴󠁵󠁳󠁴󠁸󠁿' = '🏴󠁵󠁳󠁴󠁸󠁿':
'&#127988;&#917621;&#917619;&#917620;&#917624;&#917631;' equals '&#x1F3F4;&#xE0075;&#xE0073;&#xE0074;&#xE0078;&#x󠁿' (flag for Texas {county in the US; composed emoji of waving black flag – Tag Latin Small Letter U – Tag Latin Small Letter S – Tag Latin Small Letter T – Tag Latin Small Letter X – Cancel Tag; may show as ustx – only limited cross-platform support});
'🏵' = '🏵':
'&#127989;' equals '&#x1F3F5;' (rosette);
'🏶' = '🏶':
'&#127990;' equals '&#x1F3F6;' (black rosette);
'🏷' = '🏷':
'&#127991;' equals '&#x1F3F7;' (label);
'🏸' = '🏸':
'&#127992;' equals '&#x1F3F8;' (badminton racquet and shuttlecock);
'🏹' = '🏹':
'&#127993;' equals '&#x1F3F9;' (bow and arrow);
'🏺' = '🏺':
'&#127994;' equals '&#x1F3FA;' (amphora);
'🏻' = '🏻':
'&#127995;' equals '&#x1F3FB;' (Emoji modifier Fitzpatrick type 1-2: light skin tone [see man|woman teacher]);
'🏼' = '🏼':
'&#127996;' equals '&#x1F3FC;' (Emoji modifier Fitzpatrick type 3: medium-light skin tone [see man|woman teacher]);
'🏽' = '🏽':
'&#127997;' equals '&#x1F3FD;' (Emoji modifier Fitzpatrick type 4: medium skin tone [see man|woman teacher]);
'🏾' = '🏾':
'&#127998;' equals '&#x1F3FE;' (Emoji modifier Fitzpatrick type 5: medium-dark skin tone [see man|woman teacher]);
'🏿' = '🏿':
'&#127999;' equals '&#x1F3FF;' (Emoji modifier Fitzpatrick type 6: dark skin tone [see man|woman teacher]);
'🐀' = '🐀':
'&#128000;' equals '&#x1F400;' (rat);
'🐁' = '🐁':
'&#128001;' equals '&#x1F401;' (mouse {brown background for visibility});
'🐂' = '🐂':
'&#128002;' equals '&#x1F402;' (ox {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🐃' = '🐃':
'&#128003;' equals '&#x1F403;' (water buffalo);
'🐄' = '🐄':
'&#128004;' equals '&#x1F404;' (cow {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🐅' = '🐅':
'&#128005;' equals '&#x1F405;' (tiger {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🐆' = '🐆':
'&#128006;' equals '&#x1F406;' (leopard {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🐇' = '🐇':
'&#128007;' equals '&#x1F407;' (rabbit);
'🐈' = '🐈':
'&#128008;' equals '&#x1F408;' (cat {brown background for visibility});
'🐉' = '🐉':
'&#128009;' equals '&#x1F409;' (dragon);
'🐊' = '🐊':
'&#128010;' equals '&#x1F40A;' (crocodile);
'🐋' = '🐋':
'&#128011;' equals '&#x1F40B;' (whale);
'🐌' = '🐌':
'&#128012;' equals '&#x1F40C;' (snail);
'🐍' = '🐍':
'&#128013;' equals '&#x1F40D;' (snake);
'🐎' = '🐎':
'&#128014;' equals '&#x1F40E;' (horse);
'🐏' = '🐏':
'&#128015;' equals '&#x1F40F;' (ram);
'🐐' = '🐐':
'&#128016;' equals '&#x1F410;' (goat {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🐑' = '🐑':
'&#128017;' equals '&#x1F411;' (sheep {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🐒' = '🐒':
'&#128018;' equals '&#x1F412;' (monkey);
'🐓' = '🐓':
'&#128019;' equals '&#x1F413;' (rooster);
'🐔' = '🐔':
'&#128020;' equals '&#x1F414;' (chicken {face});
'🐕' = '🐕':
'&#128021;' equals '&#x1F415;' (dog);
'🐖' = '🐖':
'&#128022;' equals '&#x1F416;' (pig);
'🐗' = '🐗':
'&#128023;' equals '&#x1F417;' (boar);
'🐘' = '🐘':
'&#128024;' equals '&#x1F418;' (elephant);
'🐙' = '🐙':
'&#128025;' equals '&#x1F419;' (octopus);
'🐚' = '🐚':
'&#128026;' equals '&#x1F41A;' (spiral shell);
'🐛' = '🐛':
'&#128027;' equals '&#x1F41B;' (bug {or better caterpillar?});
'🐜' = '🐜':
'&#128028;' equals '&#x1F41C;' (ant);
'🐝' = '🐝':
'&#128029;' equals '&#x1F41D;' (honeybee {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🐞' = '🐞':
'&#128030;' equals '&#x1F41E;' (lady beetle);
'🐟' = '🐟':
'&#128031;' equals '&#x1F41F;' (fish);
'🐠' = '🐠':
'&#128032;' equals '&#x1F420;' (tropical fish {brown background for visibility});
'🐡' = '🐡':
'&#128033;' equals '&#x1F421;' (blow fish);
'🐢' = '🐢':
'&#128034;' equals '&#x1F422;' (turtle);
'🐣' = '🐣':
'&#128035;' equals '&#x1F423;' (hatching chick {brown background for visibility});
'🐤' = '🐤':
'&#128036;' equals '&#x1F424;' (baby chick {brown background for visibility});
'🐥' = '🐥':
'&#128037;' equals '&#x1F425;' (front facing baby chick {brown background for visibility});
'🐦' = '🐦':
'&#128038;' equals '&#x1F426;' (bird);
'🐧' = '🐧':
'&#128039;' equals '&#x1F427;' (penguin);
'🐨' = '🐨':
'&#128040;' equals '&#x1F428;' (koala);
'🐩' = '🐩':
'&#128041;' equals '&#x1F429;' (poodle);
'🐪' = '🐪':
'&#128042;' equals '&#x1F42A;' (dromedary camel);
'🐫' = '🐫':
'&#128043;' equals '&#x1F42B;' (bactrian camel);
'🐬' = '🐬':
'&#128044;' equals '&#x1F42C;' (dolphin);
'🐭' = '🐭':
'&#128045;' equals '&#x1F42D;' (mouse face);
'🐮' = '🐮':
'&#128046;' equals '&#x1F42E;' (cow face);
'🐯' = '🐯':
'&#128047;' equals '&#x1F42F;' (tiger face {brown background for visibility});
'🐰' = '🐰':
'&#128048;' equals '&#x1F430;' (rabbit face);
'🐱' = '🐱':
'&#128049;' equals '&#x1F431;' (cat face {brown background for visibility});
'🐲' = '🐲':
'&#128050;' equals '&#x1F432;' (dragon face);
'🐳' = '🐳':
'&#128051;' equals '&#x1F433;' (spouting whale);
'🐴' = '🐴':
'&#128052;' equals '&#x1F434;' (horse face);
'🐵' = '🐵':
'&#128053;' equals '&#x1F435;' (monkey face);
'🐶' = '🐶':
'&#128054;' equals '&#x1F436;' (dog face);
'🐷' = '🐷':
'&#128055;' equals '&#x1F437;' (pig face);
'🐸' = '🐸':
'&#128056;' equals '&#x1F438;' (frog face);
'🐹' = '🐹':
'&#128057;' equals '&#x1F439;' (hamster face {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🐺' = '🐺':
'&#128058;' equals '&#x1F43A;' (wolf face);
'🐻' = '🐻':
'&#128059;' equals '&#x1F43B;' (bear face);
'🐼' = '🐼':
'&#128060;' equals '&#x1F43C;' (panda face);
'🐽' = '🐽':
'&#128061;' equals '&#x1F43D;' (pig nose);
'🐾' = '🐾':
'&#128062;' equals '&#x1F43E;' (paw prints);
'🐿' = '🐿':
'&#128063;' equals '&#x1F43F;' (chipmunk);
'👀' = '👀':
'&#128064;' equals '&#x1F440;' (eyes);
'👁' = '👁':
'&#128065;' equals '&#x1F441;' (eye);
'👁️' = '👁️':
'&#128065;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F441;&#xFE0F;' (emojy eye {composed emoji of eye – VS16});
'👁️‍🗨️' = '👁️‍🗨️':
'&#128065;&#65039;&#8205;&#128488;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F441;&#xFE0F;&#x200D;&#x1F5E8;&#xFE0F;' (emojy eye in speech bubble {representing anti-bullying campaign: I Am A Witness; composed emoji of eye – VS16– joiner – left speech bubble – VS16});
'👂' = '👂':
'&#128066;' equals '&#x1F442;' (ear {brown background for visibility});
'👃' = '👃':
'&#128067;' equals '&#x1F443;' (nose {brown background for visibility});
'👄' = '👄':
'&#128068;' equals '&#x1F444;' (mouth);
'👅' = '👅':
'&#128069;' equals '&#x1F445;' (tongue);
'👆' = '👆':
'&#128070;' equals '&#x1F446;' (white up pointing backhand index {brown background for visibility});
'👇' = '👇':
'&#128071;' equals '&#x1F447;' (white down pointing backhand index {brown background for visibility});
'👈' = '👈':
'&#128072;' equals '&#x1F448;' (white left pointing backhand index {brown background for visibility});
'👉' = '👉':
'&#128073;' equals '&#x1F449;' (white right pointing backhand index {brown background for visibility});
'👊' = '👊':
'&#128074;' equals '&#x1F44A;' (fist hand sign {brown background for visibility});
'👋' = '👋':
'&#128075;' equals '&#x1F44B;' (waving hand {brown background for visibility});
'👌' = '👌':
'&#128076;' equals '&#x1F44C;' (OK hand {brown background for visibility});
'👍' = '👍':
'&#128077;' equals '&#x1F44D;' (thumbs up sign {brown background for visibility});
'👎' = '👎':
'&#128078;' equals '&#x1F44E;' (thumbs down sign {brown background for visibility});
'👏' = '👏':
'&#128079;' equals '&#x1F44F;' (clapping hands sign {brown background for visibility});
'👐' = '👐':
'&#128080;' equals '&#x1F450;' (open hands sign {brown background for visibility});
'👑' = '👑':
'&#128081;' equals '&#x1F451;' (crown {brown background for visibility});
'👒' = '👒':
'&#128082;' equals '&#x1F452;' (womans hat {brown background for visibility});
'👓' = '👓':
'&#128083;' equals '&#x1F453;' (glasses);
'👔' = '👔':
'&#128084;' equals '&#x1F454;' (necktie);
'👕' = '👕':
'&#128085;' equals '&#x1F455;' (T-Shirt);
'👖' = '👖':
'&#128086;' equals '&#x1F456;' (jeans);
'👗' = '👗':
'&#128087;' equals '&#x1F457;' (dress);
'👘' = '👘':
'&#128088;' equals '&#x1F458;' (kimono);
'👙' = '👙':
'&#128089;' equals '&#x1F459;' (bikini);
'👚' = '👚':
'&#128090;' equals '&#x1F45A;' (womans clothes);
'👛' = '👛':
'&#128091;' equals '&#x1F45B;' (purse);
'👜' = '👜':
'&#128092;' equals '&#x1F45C;' (handbag {brown background for visibility});
'👝' = '👝':
'&#128093;' equals '&#x1F45D;' (pouch);
'👞' = '👞':
'&#128094;' equals '&#x1F45E;' (mans shoe);
'👟' = '👟':
'&#128095;' equals '&#x1F45F;' (athletic shoe);
'👠' = '👠':
'&#128096;' equals '&#x1F460;' (high-heeled shoe);
'👡' = '👡':
'&#128097;' equals '&#x1F461;' (womans sandal);
'👢' = '👢':
'&#128098;' equals '&#x1F462;' (womans boots);
'👣' = '👣':
'&#128099;' equals '&#x1F463;' (footprints);
'👤' = '👤':
'&#128100;' equals '&#x1F464;' (bust in silhouette);
'👥' = '👥':
'&#128101;' equals '&#x1F465;' (busts in silhouette);
'👦' = '👦':
'&#128102;' equals '&#x1F466;' (boy {white background for visibility});
'👧' = '👧':
'&#128103;' equals '&#x1F467;' (girl {white background for visibility});
'👨' = '👨':
'&#128104;' equals '&#x1F468;' (man {white background for visibility});
'👨‍⚕️' = '👨‍⚕️':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#9877;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x2695;&#xFE0F;' (man health worker {composed emoji of man – joiner – staff of Aesculapius – VS16; white background for visibility});
'👨‍⚖️' = '👨‍⚖️':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#9878;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x2696;&#xFE0F;' (man judge {composed emoji of man – joiner – scales – VS16; white background for visibility});
'👨‍✈️' = '👨‍✈️':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#9992;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x2708;&#xFE0F;' (man pilot {composed emoji of man – airplane – scales – VS16; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🌾' = '👨‍🌾':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#127806;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F33E;' (man farmer {composed emoji of man – joiner – ear of rice; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🍳' = '👨‍🍳':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#127859;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F373;' (man cook {composed emoji of man – joiner – cooking; sky blue background for visibility});
'👨‍🎓' = '👨‍🎓':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#127891;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F393;' (man student {composed emoji of man – joiner – graduation cap; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🎤' = '👨‍🎤':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#127908;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F3A4;' (man singer / rock star {composed emoji of man – joiner – microphone; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🎨' = '👨‍🎨':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#127912;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F3A8;' (man artist {composed emoji of man – joiner – artist palette; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🏫' = '👨‍🏫':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (man teacher {composed emoji of man – joiner – school; white background for visibility}; in the next five Unicode combinations the five possible skin tones are shown – similarly these tones can be invoked on other emoji of people or body parts, especially hand gestures – see also woman teacher and list of emoji modifier sequences);
'👨🏻‍🏫' = '👨🏻‍🏫':
'&#128104;&#127995;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x1F3FB;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (man teacher with light skin tone {composed emoji of man – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-1-2 – joiner – school; white background for visibility});
'👨🏼‍🏫' = '👨🏼‍🏫':
'&#128104;&#127996;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x1F3FC;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (man teacher with medium-light skin tone {composed emoji of man – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-3 – joiner – school; white background for visibility});
'👨🏽‍🏫' = '👨🏽‍🏫':
'&#128104;&#127997;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x1F3FD;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (man teacher with medium skin tone {composed emoji of man – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-4 – joiner – school; white background for visibility});
'👨🏾‍🏫' = '👨🏾‍🏫':
'&#128104;&#127998;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x1F3FE;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (man teacher with medium-dark skin tone {composed emoji of man – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-5 – joiner – school; white background for visibility});
'👨🏿‍🏫' = '👨🏿‍🏫':
'&#128104;&#127999;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x1F3FF;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (man teacher with dark skin tone {composed emoji of man – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-6 – joiner – school; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🏭' = '👨‍🏭':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#127981;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F3ED;' (man factory worker {composed emoji of man – joiner – factory; white background for visibility});
'👨‍💻' = '👨‍💻':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128187;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F4BB;' (man technologist / man behind a computer screen {composed emoji of man – joiner – laptop computer; white background for visibility});
'👨‍💼' = '👨‍💼':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128187;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F4BC;' (man office worker {composed emoji of man – joiner – briefcase; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🔧' = '👨‍🔧':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128295;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F527;' (man mechanic {composed emoji of man – joiner – wrench; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🔬' = '👨‍🔬':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128300;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F52C;' (man scientist {composed emoji of man – joiner – microscope; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🚀' = '👨‍🚀':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128640;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F680;' (man astronaut {composed emoji of man – joiner – rocket; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🚒' = '👨‍🚒':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128658;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F692;' (man firefighter {composed emoji of man – joiner – fire engine; white background for visibility});
'👨‍🦯' = '👨‍🦯':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#129455;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F9AF;' (man with probing cane emoji {composed emoji of man – joiner – probing cane; white background for visibility});
'👩' = '👩':
'&#128105;' equals '&#x1F469;' (woman {white background for visibility});
'👩‍⚕️' = '👩‍⚕️':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#9877;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x2695;&#xFE0F;' (woman health worker {composed emoji of woman – joiner – staff of Aesculapius – VS16; white background for visibility});
'👩‍⚖️' = '👩‍⚖️':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#9878;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x2696;&#xFE0F;' (woman judge {composed emoji of woman – joiner – scales – VS16; white background for visibility});
'👩‍✈️' = '👩‍✈️':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#9992;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x2708;&#xFE0F;' (woman pilot {composed emoji of woman – airplane – scales – VS16; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🌾' = '👩‍🌾':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#127806;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F33E;' (woman farmer {composed emoji of woman – joiner – ear of rice; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🍳' = '👩‍🍳':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#127859;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F373;' (woman cook {composed emoji of woman – joiner – cooking; sky blue background for visibility});
'👩‍🎓' = '👩‍🎓':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#127891;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F393;' (woman student {composed emoji of woman – joiner – graduation cap; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🎤' = '👩‍🎤':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#127908;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F3A4;' (woman singer / rock star {composed emoji of woman – joiner – microphone; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🎨' = '👩‍🎨':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#127912;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F3A8;' (woman artist {composed emoji of woman – joiner – artist palette; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🏫' = '👩‍🏫':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (woman teacher {composed emoji of woman – joiner – school; white background for visibility}; in the next five Unicode combinations the five possible skin tones are shown – similarly these tones can be invoked on other emoji of people or body parts, especially hand gestures – see also man teacher and list of emoji modifier sequences);
'👩🏻‍🏫' = '👩🏻‍🏫':
'&#128105;&#127995;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x1F3FB;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (woman teacher with light skin tone {composed emoji of woman – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-1-2 – joiner – school; white background for visibility});
'👩🏼‍🏫' = '👩🏼‍🏫':
'&#128105;&#127996;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x1F3FC;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (woman teacher with medium-light skin tone {composed emoji of woman – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-3 – joiner – school; white background for visibility});
'👩🏽‍🏫' = '👩🏽‍🏫':
'&#128105;&#127997;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x1F3FD;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (woman teacher with medium skin tone {composed emoji of woman – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-4 – joiner – school; white background for visibility});
'👩🏾‍🏫' = '👩🏾‍🏫':
'&#128105;&#127998;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x1F3FE;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (woman teacher with medium-dark skin tone {composed emoji of woman – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-5 – joiner – school; white background for visibility});
'👩🏿‍🏫' = '👩🏿‍🏫':
'&#128105;&#127999;&#8205;&#127979;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x1F3FF;&#x200D;&#x1F3EB;' (woman teacher with dark skin tone {composed emoji of woman – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-6 – joiner – school; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🏭' = '👩‍🏭':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#127981;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F3ED;' (woman factory worker {composed emoji of woman – joiner – factory; white background for visibility});
'👩‍💻' = '👩‍💻':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128187;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F4BB;' (woman technologist / woman behind a computer screen {composed emoji of woman – joiner – laptop computer; white background for visibility});
'👩‍💼' = '👩‍💼':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128188;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F4BC;' (woman office worker {composed emoji of woman – joiner – briefcase; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🔧' = '👩‍🔧':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128295;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F527;' (woman mechanic {composed emoji of woman – joiner – wrench; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🔬' = '👩‍🔬':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128300;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F52C;' (woman scientist {composed emoji of woman – joiner – microscope; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🚀' = '👩‍🚀':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128640;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F680;' (woman astronaut {composed emoji of woman – joiner – microscope; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🚒' = '👩‍🚒':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128658;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F692;' (woman firefighter {composed emoji of woman – joiner – fire engine; white background for visibility});
'👩‍🦯' = '👩‍🦯':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#129455;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F9AF;' (woman with probing cane emoji {composed emoji of woman – joiner – probing cane; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👦' = '👨‍👦':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128102;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F466;' (family of man and a boy {composed emoji of man – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👧' = '👨‍👧':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128103;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F467;' (family of man and a girl {composed emoji of man – joiner – girl; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👦‍👦' = '👨‍👦‍👦':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128102;&#8205;&#128102;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F466;&#x200D;&#x1F466;' (family: man and two boys {composed emoji of man – joiner – boy – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👧‍👦' = '👨‍👧‍👦':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128103;&#8205;&#128102;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F465;&#x200D;&#x1F466;' (family: man, girl and boy {composed emoji of man – joiner – girl – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👧‍👧' = '👨‍👧‍👧':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128103;&#8205;&#128103;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F467;&#x200D;&#x1F467;' (family: man and two girls {composed emoji of man – joiner – girl – joiner – girl; white background for visibility});
'👩‍👦' = '👩‍👦':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128102;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F466;' (family of woman and a boy {composed emoji of woman – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👩‍👧' = '👩‍👧':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128103;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F467;' (family of woman and a girl {composed emoji of woman – joiner – girl; white background for visibility});
'👩‍👦‍👦' = '👩‍👦‍👦':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128102;&#8205;&#128102;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F466;&#x200D;&#x1F466;' (family: woman and two boys {composed emoji of woman – joiner – boy – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👩‍👧‍👦' = '👩‍👧‍👦':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128103;&#8205;&#128102;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F467;&#x200D;&#x1F466;' (family: woman, girl and boy {composed emoji of woman – joiner – girl – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👩‍👧‍👧' = '👩‍👧‍👧':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128103;&#8205;&#128103;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F467;&#x200D;&#x1F467;' (family: woman and two girls {composed emoji of woman – joiner – girl – joiner – girl; white background for visibility});
'👪' = '👪':
'&#128106;' equals '&#x1F46A;' (family {typically shown as parents & boy; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👨‍👦' = '👨‍👨‍👦':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128104;&#8205;&#128102;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F466;' (family of two men and a boy {composed emoji of man – joiner – man – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👨‍👧' = '👨‍👨‍👧':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128104;&#8205;&#128103;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F467;' (family of two men and a girl {composed emoji of man – joiner – man – joiner – girl; white background for visibility});
'👩‍👩‍👦' = '👩‍👩‍👦':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128105;&#8205;&#128102;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F466;' (family: two women and a boy {composed emoji of woman – joiner – woman – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👩‍👩‍👧' = '👩‍👩‍👧':
'&#128105;&#8205;&#128105;&#8205;&#128103;' equals '&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F467;' (family: two women and a girl {composed emoji of woman – joiner – woman – joiner – girl; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👩‍👧' = '👨‍👩‍👧':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128105;&#8205;&#128103;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F467;' (family: parents & girl {composed emoji of man – joiner – woman – joiner – girl; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👩‍👧‍👦' = '👨‍👩‍👧‍👦':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128105;&#8205;&#128103;&#8205;&#128102;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F467;&#x200D;&#x1F466;' (family: parents, girl, boy {composed emoji of man – joiner – woman – joiner – girl – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👩‍👦‍👦' = '👨‍👩‍👦‍👦':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128105;&#8205;&#128102;&#8205;&#128102;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F466;&#x200D;&#x1F466;' (family: parents, two boys {composed emoji of man – joiner – woman – joiner – boy – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👨‍👩‍👧‍👧' = '👨‍👩‍👧‍👧':
'&#128104;&#8205;&#128105;&#8205;&#128103;&#8205;&#128103;' equals '&#x1F468;&#x200D;&#x1F469;&#x200D;&#x1F467;&#x200D;&#x1F467;' (family: parents, two girls {composed emoji of man – joiner – woman – joiner – boy – joiner – boy; white background for visibility});
'👫' = '👫':
'&#128107;' equals '&#x1F46B;' (man and woman holding hands {white background for visibility});
'👬' = '👬':
'&#128108;' equals '&#x1F46C;' (two men holding hands {white background for visibility});
'👭' = '👭':
'&#128109;' equals '&#x1F46D;' (two women holding hands {white background for visibility});
'👮' = '👮':
'&#128110;' equals '&#x1F46E;' (police officer {white background for visibility});
'👮‍♀️' = '👮‍♀️':
'&#128110;&#8205;&#9792;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F46E;&#x200D;&#x2640;&#xFE0F;' (woman police officer {white background for visibility});
'👯' = '👯':
'&#128111;' equals '&#x1F46F;' (woman with bunny ears {white background for visibility});
'👰' = '👰':
'&#128112;' equals '&#x1F470;' (bride with veil);
'👱' = '👱':
'&#128113;' equals '&#x1F471;' (person with blond hair {white background for visibility});
'👲' = '👲':
'&#128114;' equals '&#x1F472;' (man with gua pi mao {Chinese hat; white background for visibility});
'👳' = '👳':
'&#128115;' equals '&#x1F473;' (man with turban {white background for visibility});
'👴' = '👴':
'&#128116;' equals '&#x1F474;' (older man {white background for visibility});
'👵' = '👵':
'&#128117;' equals '&#x1F475;' (older woman {white background for visibility});
'👶' = '👶':
'&#128118;' equals '&#x1F476;' (baby {white background for visibility});
'👷' = '👷':
'&#128119;' equals '&#x1F477;' (construction worker {white background for visibility});
'👷‍♀️' = '👷‍♀️':
'&#128119;&#8205;&#9792;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F477;&#x200D;&#x2640;&#xFE0F;' (female construction worker {composed emoji of construction worker – joiner – female sign – VS16; white background for visibility});
'👸' = '👸':
'&#128120;' equals '&#x1F478;' (princess);
'👹' = '👹':
'&#128121;' equals '&#x1F479;' (Japanese ogre);
'👺' = '👺':
'&#128122;' equals '&#x1F47A;' (Japanese goblin);
'👻' = '👻':
'&#128123;' equals '&#x1F47B;' (ghost {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'👼' = '👼':
'&#128124;' equals '&#x1F47C;' (baby angel {brown background for visibility});
'👽' = '👽':
'&#128125;' equals '&#x1F47D;' (extraterrestrial alien);
'👾' = '👾':
'&#128126;' equals '&#x1F47E;' (alien monster);
'👿' = '👿':
'&#128127;' equals '&#x1F47F;' (imp; angry face with horns);
'💀' = '💀':
'&#128128;' equals '&#x1F480;' (skull {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'💁' = '💁':
'&#128129;' equals '&#x1F481;' (female person tipping hand / information desk person {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'💁‍♂️' = '💁‍♂️':
'&#128129;&#8205;&#9794;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F481;&#x200D;&#x2642;&#xFE0F;' (male person tipping hand / information desk person {combined emoji of information desk person-joiner-male sign-VS16; sky‑blue background for visibility});
'💂' = '💂':
'&#128130;' equals '&#x1F482;' (British guardsman / foot guard {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'💂‍♀️' = '💂‍♀️':
'&#128130;&#8205;&#9792;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F482;&#x200D;&#x2640;&#xFE0F;' (British woman guard / foot guard {composed emoji of guardsman – joiner – female sign – VS16; sky‑blue background for visibility});
'💃' = '💃':
'&#128131;' equals '&#x1F483;' (dancer {brown background for visibility});
'💄' = '💄':
'&#128132;' equals '&#x1F484;' (lipstick {brown background for visibility});
'💅' = '💅':
'&#128133;' equals '&#x1F485;' (nail polish {brown background for visibility});
'💆' = '💆':
'&#128134;' equals '&#x1F486;' (person getting massage {brown background for visibility});
'💆‍♂️' = '💆‍♂️':
'&#128134;&#8205;&#9794;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F486;&#x200D;&#x2642;&#xFE0F;' (man getting massage {composed emoji of person getting massage – joiner – male sign – VS16; brown background for visibility});
'💇' = '💇':
'&#128135;' equals '&#x1F487;' (haircut {white background for visibility});
'💈' = '💈':
'&#128136;' equals '&#x1F488;' (barber pole);
'💉' = '💉':
'&#128137;' equals '&#x1F489;' (syringe);
'💊' = '💊':
'&#128138;' equals '&#x1F48A;' (pill {white background for visibility});
'💋' = '💋':
'&#128139;' equals '&#x1F48B;' (kiss mark);
'💌' = '💌':
'&#128140;' equals '&#x1F48C;' (love letter);
'💍' = '💍':
'&#128141;' equals '&#x1F48D;' (ring);
'💎' = '💎':
'&#128142;' equals '&#x1F48E;' (gem stone);
'💏' = '💏':
'&#128143;' equals '&#x1F48F;' (kiss {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'💐' = '💐':
'&#128144;' equals '&#x1F490;' (bouquet {often given as a gift for occassions like wedding, mother's or valentine's day; cf. Unicode non-emoji version '🎕' = '🎕': '&#127893;' equals '&#x1F395;'});
'💑' = '💑':
'&#128145;' equals '&#x1F491;' (couple with heart {white background for visibility});
'💒' = '💒':
'&#128146;' equals '&#x1F492;' (wedding);
'💓' = '💓':
'&#128147;' equals '&#x1F493;' (beating heart {brown background for visibility});
'💔' = '💔':
'&#128148;' equals '&#x1F494;' (broken heart);
'💕' = '💕':
'&#128149;' equals '&#x1F495;' (two hearts);
'💖' = '💖':
'&#128150;' equals '&#x1F496;' (sparkling heart {brown background for visibility});
'💗' = '💗':
'&#128151;' equals '&#x1F497;' (growing heart);
'💘' = '💘':
'&#128152;' equals '&#x1F498;' (heart with arrow {brown background for visibility});
'💙' = '💙':
'&#128153;' equals '&#x1F499;' (blue heart);
'💚' = '💚':
'&#128154;' equals '&#x1F49A;' (green heart);
'💛' = '💛':
'&#128155;' equals '&#x1F49B;' (yellow heart {brown background for visibility});
'💜' = '💜':
'&#128156;' equals '&#x1F49C;' (purple heart);
'💝' = '💝'':
'&#128157;' equals '&#x1F49D;' (heart with ribbon {white background for visibility});
'💞' = '💞':
'&#128158;' equals '&#x1F49E;' (revolving hearts);
'💟' = '💟':
'&#128159;' equals '&#x1F49F;' (heart decoration);
'💠' = '💠':
'&#128160;' equals '&#x1F4A0;' (diamond shape with dot inside);
'💡' = '💡':
'&#128161;' equals '&#x1F4A1;' (light bulb {brown background for visibility});
'💢' = '💢':
'&#128162;' equals '&#x1F4A2;' (anger symbol);
'💣' = '💣':
'&#128163;' equals '&#x1F4A3;' (bomb);
'💤' = '💤':
'&#128164;' equals '&#x1F4A4;' (sleeping symbol);
'💥' = '💥':
'&#128165;' equals '&#x1F4A5;' (collision symbol);
'💦' = '💦':
'&#128166;' equals '&#x1F4A6;' (splashing sweat symbol);
'💧' = '💧':
'&#128167;' equals '&#x1F4A7;' (droplet);
'💨' = '💨':
'&#128168;' equals '&#x1F4A8;' (dash symbol {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'💩' = '💩':
'&#128169;' equals '&#x1F4A9;' (pile of poo);
'💪' = '💪':
'&#128170;' equals '&#x1F4AA;' (flexed biceps {brown background for visibility});
'💫' = '💫':
'&#128171;' equals '&#x1F4AB;' (dizzy symbol {brown background for visibility});
'💬' = '💬':
'&#128172;' equals '&#x1F4AC;' (speech/chat balloon {in communication apps indicating another person typing a message; sky‑blue background for visibility});
'💭' = '💭':
'&#128173;' equals '&#x1F4AD;' (thought balloon {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'💮' = '💮':
'&#128174;' equals '&#x1F4AE;' (white flower; used by teachers in Japan as a stamp on school work that is of a high standard, often accompanied by a score written in red);
'💯' = '💯':
'&#128175;' equals '&#x1F4AF;' (hundred points symbol);
'💰' = '💰':
'&#128176;' equals '&#x1F4B0;' (money bag {brown background for visibility});
'💱' = '💱':
'&#128177;' equals '&#x1F4B1;' (currency exchange);
'💲' = '💲':
'&#128178;' equals '&#x1F4B2;' (heavy dollar sign);
'💳' = '💳':
'&#128179;' equals '&#x1F4B3;' (credit card);
'💴' = '💴':
'&#128180;' equals '&#x1F4B4;' (banknote with Yen sign {white background for visibility});
'💵' = '💵':
'&#128181;' equals '&#x1F4B5;' (banknote with Dollar sign);
'💶' = '💶':
'&#128182;' equals '&#x1F4B6;' (banknote with Euro sign {cf. '€' = '€' = '€': '&euro;' equals '&#8364;' equals '&#x20AC;'});
'💷' = '💷':
'&#128183;' equals '&#x1F4B7;' (banknote with Pound sign);
'💸' = '💸':
'&#128184;' equals '&#x1F4B8;' (money with wings {with Dollar sign});
'💹' = '💹':
'&#128185;' equals '&#x1F4B9;' (chart with upwards trend and Yen sign);
'💺' = '💺':
'&#128186;' equals '&#x1F4BA;' (seat);
'💻' = '💻':
'&#128187;' equals '&#x1F4BB;' (PC - personal computer - laptop);
'💼' = '💼':
'&#128188;' equals '&#x1F4BC;' (briefcase);
'💽' = '💽':
'&#128189;' equals '&#x1F4BD;' (minidisc);
'💾' = '💾':
'&#128190;' equals '&#x1F4BE;' (3.5" floppy disk {Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and Emoji 1.0 of 2015});
'💿' = '💿':
'&#128191;' equals '&#x1F4BF;' (optical disk);
'📀' = '📀':
'&#128192;' equals '&#x1F4C0;' (dvd {white background for visibility});
'📁' = '📁':
'&#128193;' equals '&#x1F4C1;' (file folder);
'📁' = '📁':
'&#128193;' equals '&#x1F4C1;' (file folder);
'📂' = '📂':
'&#128194;' equals '&#x1F4C2;' (open file folder);
'📃' = '📃':
'&#128195;' equals '&#x1F4C3;' (page with curl);
'📄' = '📄':
'&#128196;' equals '&#x1F4C4;' (page facing up);
'📅' = '📅':
'&#128197;' equals '&#x1F4C5;' (calendar);
'📆' = '📆':
'&#128198;' equals '&#x1F4C6;' (tear-off calendar);
'📇' = '📇':
'&#128199;' equals '&#x1F4C7;' (card index);
'📈' = '📈':
'&#128200;' equals '&#x1F4C8;' (chart with upward trend);
'📉' = '📉':
'&#128201;' equals '&#x1F4C9;' (chart with downward trend);
'📊' = '📊':
'&#128202;' equals '&#x1F4CA;' (bar chart);
'📋' = '📋':
'&#128203;' equals '&#x1F4CB;' (clipboard);
'📌' = '📌':
'&#128204;' equals '&#x1F4CC;' (pushpin);
'📍' = '📍':
'&#128205;' equals '&#x1F4CD;' (round pushpin);
'📎' = '📎':
'&#128206;' equals '&#x1F4CE;' (paperclip);
'📏' = '📏':
'&#128207;' equals '&#x1F4CF;' (straight ruler {brown background for visibility});
'📐' = '📐':
'&#128208;' equals '&#x1F4D0;' (triangular ruler {brown background for visibility});
'📑' = '📑':
'&#128209;' equals '&#x1F4D1;' (bookmark tabs);
'📒' = '📒':
'&#128210;' equals '&#x1F4D2;' (ledger {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'📓' = '📓':
'&#128211;' equals '&#x1F4D3;' (notebook);
'📔' = '📔':
'&#128212;' equals '&#x1F4D4;' (notebook with decorative cover);
'📕' = '📕':
'&#128213;' equals '&#x1F4D5;' (closed {red} book);
'📖' = '📖':
'&#128214;' equals '&#x1F4D6;' (open book);
'📗' = '📗':
'&#128215;' equals '&#x1F4D7;' (green book);
'📘' = '📘':
'&#128216;' equals '&#x1F4D8;' (blue book);
'📙' = '📙':
'&#128217;' equals '&#x1F4D9;' (orange book);
'📚' = '📚':
'&#128218;' equals '&#x1F4DA;' (books);
'📛' = '📛':
'&#128219;' equals '&#x1F4DB;' (name badge);
'📜' = '📜':
'&#128220;' equals '&#x1F4DC;' (scroll {brown background for visibility});
'📝' = '📝':
'&#128221;' equals '&#x1F4DD;' (memo);
'📞' = '📞':
'&#128222;' equals '&#x1F4DE;' (telephone receiver);
'📟' = '📟':
'&#128223;' equals '&#x1F4DF;' (pager);
'📠' = '📠':
'&#128224;' equals '&#x1F4E0;' (fax machine);
'📡' = '📡':
'&#128225;' equals '&#x1F4E1;' (satellite antenna);
'📢' = '📢':
'&#128226;' equals '&#x1F4E2;' (public address loudspeaker);
'📣' = '📣':
'&#128227;' equals '&#x1F4E3;' (cheering megaphone);
'📤' = '📤':
'&#128228;' equals '&#x1F4E4;' (outbox tray);
'📥' = '📥':
'&#128229;' equals '&#x1F4E5;' (inbox tray);
'📦' = '📦':
'&#128230;' equals '&#x1F4E6;' (package);
'📧' = '📧':
'&#128231;' equals '&#x1F4E7;' (E-Mail symbol);
'📨' = '📨':
'&#128232;' equals '&#x1F4E8;' (incoming envelope);
'📩' = '📩':
'&#128233;' equals '&#x1F4E9;' (envelope with downwards arrow above);
'📪' = '📪':
'&#128234;' equals '&#x1F4EA;' (closed mailbox with lowered flag);
'📫' = '📫':
'&#128235;' equals '&#x1F4EB;' (closed mailbox with raised flag);
'📬' = '📬':
'&#128236;' equals '&#x1F4EC;' (open mailbox with raised flag);
'📭' = '📭':
'&#128237;' equals '&#x1F4ED;' (open mailbox with lowered flag);
'📮' = '📮':
'&#128238;' equals '&#x1F4EE;' (post box);
'📯' = '📯':
'&#128239;' equals '&#x1F4EF;' (postal horn);
'📰' = '📰':
'&#128240;' equals '&#x1F4F0;' (newspaper);
'📱' = '📱':
'&#128241;' equals '&#x1F4F1;' (mobile phone);
'📲' = '📲':
'&#128242;' equals '&#x1F4F2;' (mobile phone with rightwards arrow at left);
'📳' = '📳':
'&#128243;' equals '&#x1F4F3;' (vibration mode);
'📴' = '📴':
'&#128244;' equals '&#x1F4F4;' (mobile phone off);
'📵' = '📵':
'&#128245;' equals '&#x1F4F5;' (no mobile phones);
'📶' = '📶':
'&#128246;' equals '&#x1F4F6;' (antenna with bars);
'📷' = '📷':
'&#128247;' equals '&#x1F4F7;' (camera);
'📸' = '📸':
'&#128248;' equals '&#x1F4F8;' (camera with flash);
'📹' = '📹':
'&#128249;' equals '&#x1F4F9;' (video camera);
'📺' = '📺':
'&#128250;' equals '&#x1F4FA;' (television);
'📻' = '📻':
'&#128251;' equals '&#x1F4FB;' (radio);
'📼' = '📼':
'&#128252;' equals '&#x1F4FC;' (videotape cassette);
'📽' = '📽':
'&#128253;' equals '&#x1F4FD;' (film projector);
'📾' = '📾':
'&#128254;' equals '&#x1F4FE;' (portable stereo);
'📿' = '📿':
'&#128255;' equals '&#x1F4FF;' (string of beads / prayer beads);
'🔀' = '🔀':
'&#128256;' equals '&#x1F500;' (twisted rightwards arrow);
'🔁' = '🔁':
'&#128257;' equals '&#x1F501;' (clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows);
'🔂' = '🔂':
'&#128258;' equals '&#x1F502;' (repeat single button / loop once symbol);
'🔃' = '🔃':
'&#128259;' equals '&#x1F503;' (clockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows);
'🔄' = '🔄':
'&#128260;' equals '&#x1F504;' (anticlockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows);
'🔅' = '🔅':
'&#128261;' equals '&#x1F505;' (low brightness symbol);
'🔆' = '🔆':
'&#128262;' equals '&#x1F506;' (high brightness symbol);
'🔇' = '🔇':
'&#128263;' equals '&#x1F507;' (speaker with cancellation stroke);
'🔈' = '🔈':
'&#128264;' equals '&#x1F508;' (speaker);
'🔉' = '🔉':
'&#128265;' equals '&#x1F509;' (speaker with one sound wave);
'🔊' = '🔊':
'&#128266;' equals '&#x1F50A;' (speaker with three sound waves);
'🔋' = '🔋':
'&#128267;' equals '&#x1F50B;' (battery);
'🔌' = '🔌':
'&#128268;' equals '&#x1F50C;' (electric plug);
'🔍' = '🔍':
'&#128269;' equals '&#x1F50D;' (left-pointing magnifying glass);
'🔎' = '🔎':
'&#128270;' equals '&#x1F50E;' (right-pointing magnifying glass);
'🔏' = '🔏':
'&#128271;' equals '&#x1F50F;' (lock with ink pen);
'🔐' = '🔐':
'&#128272;' equals '&#x1F510;' (lock with key);
'🔑' = '🔑':
'&#128273;' equals '&#x1F511;' (key);
'🔒' = '🔒':
'&#128274;' equals '&#x1F512;' (lock);
'🔓' = '🔓':
'&#128275;' equals '&#x1F513;' (open lock);
'🔔' = '🔔':
'&#128276;' equals '&#x1F514;' (bell);
'🔕' = '🔕':
'&#128277;' equals '&#x1F515;' (bell with cancellation stroke);
'🔖' = '🔖':
'&#128278;' equals '&#x1F516;' (bookmark);
'🔗' = '🔗':
'&#128279;' equals '&#x1F517;' (link);
'🔘' = '🔘':
'&#128280;' equals '&#x1F518;' (radio button);
'🔙' = '🔙':
'&#128281;' equals '&#x1F519;' (back with leftward arrow above);
'🔚' = '🔚':
'&#128282;' equals '&#x1F51A;' (end with leftward arrow above);
'🔛' = '🔛':
'&#128283;' equals '&#x1F51B;' (on with exclamation mark and left right arrow above);
'🔜' = '🔜':
'&#128284;' equals '&#x1F51C;' (soon with rightwards arrow above);
'🔝' = '🔝':
'&#128285;' equals '&#x1F51D;' (top with upwards arrow above);
'🔞' = '🔞':
'&#128286;' equals '&#x1F51E;' (no one under eighteen symbol);
'🔟' = '🔟':
'&#128287;' equals '&#x1F51F;' (keycap ten);
'🔠' = '🔠':
'&#128288;' equals '&#x1F520;' (input symbol for latin capital letters);
'🔡' = '🔡':
'&#128289;' equals '&#x1F521;' (input symbol for latin small letters);
'🔢' = '🔢':
'&#128290;' equals '&#x1F522;' (input symbol for numbers);
'🔣' = '🔣':
'&#128291;' equals '&#x1F523;' (input symbol for symbols);
'🔤' = '🔤':
'&#128292;' equals '&#x1F524;' (input symbol for latin letters);
'🔥' = '🔥':
'&#128293;' equals '&#x1F525;' (fire {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🔦' = '🔦':
'&#128294;' equals '&#x1F526;' (electric torch {brown background for visibility});
'🔧' = '🔧':
'&#128295;' equals '&#x1F527;' (wrench);
'🔨' = '🔨':
'&#128296;' equals '&#x1F528;' (hammer);
'🔩' = '🔩':
'&#128297;' equals '&#x1F529;' (nut and bolt);
'🔪' = '🔪':
'&#128298;' equals '&#x1F52A;' (hocho);
'🔫' = '🔫':
'&#128299;' equals '&#x1F52B;' (pistol);
'🔬' = '🔬':
'&#128300;' equals '&#x1F52C;' (microscope);
'🔭' = '🔭':
'&#128301;' equals '&#x1F52D;' (telescope);
'🔮' = '🔮':
'&#128302;' equals '&#x1F52E;' (crystal ball);
'🔯' = '🔯':
'&#128303;' equals '&#x1F52F;' (six pinted star with middle dot);
'🔰' = '🔰':
'&#128304;' equals '&#x1F530;' (Japanese symbol for beginner);
'🔱' = '🔱':
'&#128305;' equals '&#x1F531;' (trident emblem {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🔲' = '🔲':
'&#128306;' equals '&#x1F532;' (black square button);
'🔳' = '🔳':
'&#128307;' equals '&#x1F533;' (white square button);
'🔴' = '🔴':
'&#128308;' equals '&#x1F534;' (large red circle);
'🔵' = '🔵':
'&#128309;' equals '&#x1F535;' (large blue circle);
'🔶' = '🔶':
'&#128310;' equals '&#x1F536;' (large orange
'🔷' = '🔷':
'&#128311;' equals '&#x1F537;' (large blue diamond);
'🔸' = '🔸':
'&#128312;' equals '&#x1F538;' (small orange diamond);
'🔹' = '🔹':
'&#128313;' equals '&#x1F539;' (small blue diamond);
'🔺' = '🔺':
'&#128314;' equals '&#x1F53A;' (up-pointing red triangle);
'🔻' = '🔻':
'&#128315;' equals '&#x1F53B;' (down-pointing red triangle);
'🔼' = '🔼':
'&#128316;' equals '&#x1F53C;' (up-pointing small red triangle);
'🔽' = '🔽':
'&#128317;' equals '&#x1F53D;' (down-pointing small red triangle);
'🔾' = '🔾':
'&#128318;' equals '&#x1F53E;' (lower right shadowed white circle {no emoji version available});
'🔿' = '🔿':
'&#128319;' equals '&#x1F53F;' (upper right shadowed white circle {no emoji version available});
'🕀' = '🕀':
'&#128320;' equals '&#x1F540;' (circled cross pommee {no emoji version available});
'🕁' = '🕁':
'&#128321;' equals '&#x1F541;' (cross pommee with half-circle below {no emoji version available});
'🕂' = '🕂':
'&#128322;' equals '&#x1F542;' (cross pommee {no emoji version available});
'🕃' = '🕃':
'&#128323;' equals '&#x1F543;' (notched left semicircle with three dots {no emoji version available});
'🕄' = '🕄':
'&#128324;' equals '&#x1F544;' (notched right semicircle with three dots {no emoji version available});
'🕅' = '🕅':
'&#128325;' equals '&#x1F545;' (symbol for marks chapter {no emoji version available});
'🕆' = '🕆':
'&#128326;' equals '&#x1F546;' (white latin cross {no emoji version available});
'🕇' = '🕇':
'&#128327;' equals '&#x1F547;' (heavy latin cross {no emoji version available});
'🕈' = '🕈':
'&#128328;' equals '&#x1F548;' (Celtic cross {no emoji version available});
'🕉' = '🕉':
'&#128329;' equals '&#x1F549;' (Om symbol);
'🕉️' = '🕉️':
'&#128329;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F549;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of Om symbol {often used in relation to the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism; composed emoji of Om symbol – VS16});
'🕊' = '🕊':
'&#128330;' equals '&#x1F54A;' (dove of peace);
'🕊️' = '🕊️':
'&#128330;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F54A;&#xFE0F;' (emoji dove of peace {composed emoji of dove – VS16});
'🕋' = '🕋':
'&#128331;' equals '&#x1F54B;' (Kaaba);
'🕌' = '🕌':
'&#128332;' equals '&#x1F54C;' (Mosque {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🕍' = '🕍':
'&#128333;' equals '&#x1F54D;' (Synagogue);
'🕎' = '🕎':
'&#128334;' equals '&#x1F54E;' (Menorah with nine branches);
'🕏' = '🕏':
'&#128335;' equals '&#x1F54F;' (bowl of Hygieia {no emoji version available});
'🕐' = '🕐':
'&#128336;' equals '&#x1F550;' (clock face one oclock);
'🕑' = '🕑':
'&#128337;' equals '&#x1F551;' (clock face two oclock);
'🕒' = '🕒':
'&#128338;' equals '&#x1F552;' (clock face three oclock);
'🕓' = '🕓':
'&#128339;' equals '&#x1F553;' (clock face four oclock);
'🕔' = '🕔':
'&#128340;' equals '&#x1F554;' (clock face five oclock);
'🕕' = '🕕':
'&#128341;' equals '&#x1F555;' (clock face six oclock);
'🕖' = '🕖':
'&#128342;' equals '&#x1F556;' (clock face seven oclock);
'🕗' = '🕗':
'&#128343;' equals '&#x1F557;' (clock face eight oclock);
'🕘' = '🕘':
'&#128344;' equals '&#x1F558;' (clock face nine oclock);
'🕙' = '🕙':
'&#128345;' equals '&#x1F559;' (clock face ten oclock);
'🕚' = '🕚':
'&#128346;' equals '&#x1F55A;' (clock face eleven oclock);
'🕛' = '🕛':
'&#128347;' equals '&#x1F55B;' (clock face twelve oclock);
'🕜' = '🕜':
'&#128348;' equals '&#x1F55C;' (clock face one-thirty);
'🕝' = '🕝':
'&#128349;' equals '&#x1F55D;' (clock face two-thirty);
'🕞' = '🕞':
'&#128350;' equals '&#x1F55E;' (clock face three-thirty);
'🕟' = '🕟':
'&#128351;' equals '&#x1F55F;' (clock face four-thirty);
'🕠' = '🕠':
'&#128352;' equals '&#x1F560;' (clock face five-thirty);
'🕡' = '🕡':
'&#128353;' equals '&#x1F561;' (clock face six-thirty);
'🕢' = '🕢':
'&#128354;' equals '&#x1F562;' (clock face seven-thirty);
'🕣' = '🕣':
'&#128355;' equals '&#x1F563;' (clock face eight-thirty);
'🕤' = '🕤':
'&#128356;' equals '&#x1F564;' (clock face nine-thirty);
'🕥' = '🕥':
'&#128357;' equals '&#x1F565;' (clock face ten-thirty);
'🕦' = '🕦':
'&#128358;' equals '&#x1F566;' (clock face eleven-thirty);
'🕧' = '🕧':
'&#128359;' equals '&#x1F567;' (clock face twelve-thirty);
'🕨' = '🕨':
'&#128360;' equals '&#x1F568;' (right speaker {no emoji version available});
'🕩' = '🕩':
'&#128361;' equals '&#x1F569;' (right speaker with one sound wave {no emoji version available});
'🕪' = '🕪':
'&#128362;' equals '&#x1F56A;' (right speaker with three sound waves {no emoji version available});
'🕫' = '🕫':
'&#128363;' equals '&#x1F56B;' (bullhorn {no emoji version available});
'🕬' = '🕬':
'&#128364;' equals '&#x1F56C;' (bullhorn with sound waves {no emoji version available});
'🕭' = '🕭':
'&#128365;' equals '&#x1F56D;' (ringing bell {no direct emoji version available; cf. '🔔' = '🔔': '&#128276;' equals '&#x1F514;'});
'🕮' = '🕮':
'&#128366;' equals '&#x1F56E;' (book {no emoji version available});
'🕯' = '🕯':
'&#128367;' equals '&#x1F56F;' (candle);
'🕯️' = '🕯️':
'&#128367;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F56F;&#xFE0F;' (candle emoji {composed emoji of candle – VS16});
'🕰' = '🕰':
'&#128368;' equals '&#x1F570;' (mantelpiece clock);
'🕰️' = '🕰️':
'&#128368;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F570;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of mantelpiece clock {composed emoji of mantelpiece clock – VS16});
'🕱' = '🕱':
'&#128369;' equals '&#x1F571;' (black skull and crossbones {not directly available as emoji; cf. '💀' = '💀': '&#128128;' equals '&#x1F480;' and '☠️' = '☠️': '&#9760;&#65039;' equals '&#x2620;&#xFE0F;'});
'🕲' = '🕲':
'&#128370;' equals '&#x1F572;' (no piracy {not available as emoji});
'🕳' = '🕳':
'&#128371;' equals '&#x1F573;' (hole);
'🕳️' = '🕳️':
'&#128371;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F573;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of hole {composed emoji of hole – VS16});
'🕴' = '🕴':
'&#128372;' equals '&#x1F574;' (man in business suit levitating);
'🕴️' = '🕴️':
'&#128372;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F574;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of man in business suit levitating {composed emoji of man in business suit levitating – VS16});
'🕵' = '🕵':
'&#128373;' equals '&#x1F575;' (detective, private eye, sleuth or spy);
'🕵️‍♂️' = '🕵️‍♂️':
'&#128373;&#65039;&#8205;&#9794;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F575;&#xFE0F;&#x200D;&#x2642;&#xFE0F;' (man detective, private eye, sleuth or spy {composed emoji of detective – VS16; – joiner – male sign – VS16; white background for visibility});
'🕵️‍♀️' = '🕵️‍♀️':
'&#128373;&#65039;&#8205;&#9792;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F575;&#xFE0F;&#x200D;&#x2640;&#xFE0F;' (detective, private eye, sleuth or spy {composed emoji of detective – VS16; – joiner – female sign – VS16; white background for visibility});
'🕶' = '🕶':
'&#128374;' equals '&#x1F576;' (dark sunglasses);
'🕶️' = '🕶️':
'&#128374;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F576;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of dark sunglasses {composed emoji of dark sunglasses – VS16});
'🕷' = '🕷':
'&#128375;' equals '&#x1F577;' (spider);
'🕷️' = '🕷️':
'&#128375;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F577;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of spider {composed emoji of spider – VS16});
'🕸' = '🕸':
'&#128376;' equals '&#x1F578;' (spider web);
'🕸️' = '🕸️':
'&#128376;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F578;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of spider web {composed emoji of spider web – VS16});
'🕹' = '🕹':
'&#128377;' equals '&#x1F579;' (joystick {used in playing classic arcade, computer, or video games; part of Unicode 7.0 of June 2014});
'🕹️' = '🕹️':
'&#128377;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F579;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of joystick {composed emoji of joystick – VS16; part of Emoji 1.0 in 2015});
'🕺' = '🕺':
'&#128378;' equals '&#x1F57A;' (dancing man {brown background for visibility});
'🕻' = '🕻':
'&#128379;' equals '&#x1F57B;' (left hand telephone receiver {no emoji version available});
'🕼' = '🕼':
'&#128380;' equals '&#x1F57C;' (telephone receiver with page {no emoji version available});
'🕽' = '🕽':
'&#128381;' equals '&#x1F57D;' (right hand telephone receiver {no emoji version available});
'🕾' = '🕾':
'&#128382;' equals '&#x1F57E;' (white touchtone telephone {no emoji version available});
'🕿' = '🕿':
'&#128383;' equals '&#x1F57F;' (black touchtone telephone {no emoji version available});
'🖀' = '🖀':
'&#128384;' equals '&#x1F580;' (telephone on top of modem {no emoji version available});
'🖁' = '🖁':
'&#128385;' equals '&#x1F581;' (clamshell mobile phone {no emoji version available});
'🖂' = '🖂':
'&#128386;' equals '&#x1F582;' (back of envelope {no emoji version available});
'🖃' = '🖃':
'&#128387;' equals '&#x1F583;' (stamped envelope {no emoji version available});
'🖄' = '🖄':
'&#128388;' equals '&#x1F584;' (envelope with lightning - sometimes used as E-Mail symbol);
'🖅' = '🖅':
'&#128389;' equals '&#x1F585;' (flying envelope {no emoji version available});
'🖆' = '🖆':
'&#128390;' equals '&#x1F586;' (pen over stamped envelope {no emoji version available});
'🖇' = '🖇':
'&#128391;' equals '&#x1F587;' (linked paperclips);
'🖇️' = '🖇️':
'&#128391;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F587;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of linked paperclips {composed emoji of linked paperclips – VS16});
'🖈' = '🖈':
'&#128392;' equals '&#x1F588;' (black pushpin {no emoji version available});
'🖉' = '🖉':
'&#128393;' equals '&#x1F589;' (lower left pencil {no emoji version available; cf. '✏️' = '✏️': '&#9999;&#65039;' equals '&#x270F;&#xFE0F;'});
'🖊' = '🖊':
'&#128394;' equals '&#x1F58A;' (lower left ballpoint pen);
'🖊️' = '🖊️':
'&#128394;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F58A;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of lower left ballpoint pen {composed emoji of lower left ballpoint pen – VS16});
'🖋' = '🖋':
'&#128395;' equals '&#x1F58B;' (lower left fountain pen);
'🖋️' = '🖋️':
'&#128395;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F58B;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of lower left fountain pen {composed emoji of lower left fountain pen – VS16});
'🖌' = '🖌':
'&#128396;' equals '&#x1F58C;' (lower left paintbrush);
'🖌️' = '🖌️':
'&#128396;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F58C;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of lower left paintbrush {composed emoji of lower left paintbrush – VS16});
'🖍' = '🖍':
'&#128397;' equals '&#x1F58D;' (lower left crayon);
'🖍️' = '🖍️':
'&#128397;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F58D;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of lower left crayon {composed emoji of lower left crayon – VS16});
'🖎' = '🖎':
'&#128398;' equals '&#x1F58E;' (left writing hand {no emoji version available});
'🖏' = '🖏':
'&#128399;' equals '&#x1F58F;' (turned OK hand sign {no emoji version available});
'🖐' = '🖐':
'&#128400;' equals '&#x1F590;' (raised hand with fingers splayed);
'🖐️' = '🖐️':
'&#128400;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F590;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of raised hand with fingers splayed {composed emoji of raised hand with fingers splayed – VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🖑' = '🖑':
'&#128401;' equals '&#x1F591;' (reversed raised hand with fingers splayed {no emoji version available});
'🖒' = '🖒':
'&#128402;' equals '&#x1F592;' (reversed thumbs up sign {no emoji version available});
'🖓' = '🖓':
'&#128403;' equals '&#x1F593;' (reversed thumbs down sign {no emoji version available});
'🖔' = '🖔':
'&#128404;' equals '&#x1F594;' (reversed victory hand {no emoji version available});
'🖕' = '🖕':
'&#128405;' equals '&#x1F595;' (reversed hand with middle finger extended: impolite/rude emoji {brown background for visibility});
'🖕🏻' = '🖕🏻':
'&#128405;&#127995;' equals '&#x1F595;&#x1F3FB;' (reversed hand with middle finger extended: impolite/rude emoji with light skin tone {composed emoji of reversed hand with middle finger extended – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-1-2; other skin tones available; brown background for visibility});
'🖖' = '🖖':
'&#128406;' equals '&#x1F596;' (raised hand with part between middle and ring fingers: Vulcan salute emoji {brown background for visibility});
'🖖🏿' = '🖖🏿':
'&#128406;&#127999;' equals '&#x1F596;&#x1F3FF;' (raised hand with part between middle and ring fingers: Vulcan salute emoji with dark skin tone {composed emoji of Vulcan salute emoji – Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-6; other skin tones available; brown background for visibility});
'🖗' = '🖗':
'&#128407;' equals '&#x1F597;' (white down pointing left hand index {no emoji version available});
'🖘' = '🖘':
'&#128408;' equals '&#x1F598;' (sideways white left pointing index {no emoji version available});
'🖙' = '🖙':
'&#128409;' equals '&#x1F599;' (sideways white right pointing index {no emoji version available});
'🖚' = '🖚':
'&#128410;' equals '&#x1F59A;' (sideways black left pointing index {no emoji version available});
'🖛' = '🖛':
'&#128411;' equals '&#x1F59B;' (sideways black right pointing index {no emoji version available});
'🖜' = '🖜':
'&#128412;' equals '&#x1F59C;' (back left pointing backhand index {no emoji version available});
'🖝' = '🖝':
'&#128413;' equals '&#x1F59D;' (back right pointing backhand index {no emoji version available});
'🖞' = '🖞':
'&#128414;' equals '&#x1F59E;' (sideways white up pointing index {no emoji version available});
'🖟' = '🖟':
'&#128415;' equals '&#x1F59F;' (sideways white down pointing index {no emoji version available});
'🖠' = '🖠':
'&#128416;' equals '&#x1F5A0;' (sideways black up pointing index {no emoji version available});
'🖡' = '🖡':
'&#128417;' equals '&#x1F5A1;' (sideways black down pointing index {no emoji version available});
'🖢' = '🖢':
'&#128418;' equals '&#x1F5A2;' (black up pointing backhand index {no emoji version available});
'🖣' = '🖣':
'&#128419;' equals '&#x1F5A3;' (black down pointing backhand index {no emoji version available});
'🖤' = '🖤':
'&#128420;' equals '&#x1F5A4;' (black heart {may be used to express morbidity, sorrow, or a form of dark humor});
'🖥' = '🖥':
'&#128421;' equals '&#x1F5A5;' (desktop computer)
'🖥️' = '🖥️':
'&#128421;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5A5;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of desktop computer {composed emoji of desktop computer – VS16})
'🖦' = '🖦':
'&#128422;' equals '&#x1F5A6;' (keyboard and mouse {not available as emoji});
'🖧' = '🖧':
'&#128423;' equals '&#x1F5A7;' (three networked computers {not available as emoji});
'🖨' = '🖨':
'&#128424;' equals '&#x1F5A8;' (printer);
'🖨️' = '🖨️':
'&#128424;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5A8;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of printer {composed emoji of printer – VS16; cf. '🖶' = '🖶': '&#128438;' equals '&#x1F5B6;' below});
'🖩' = '🖩':
'&#128425;' equals '&#x1F5A9;' (pocket calculator {not available as emoji});
'🖪' = '🖪':
'&#128426;' equals '&#x1F5AA;' (black hard shell floppy disk {bottom of 3.5" FD; no emoji version available});
'🖫' = '🖫':
'&#128427;' equals '&#x1F5AB;' (white hard shell floppy disk {top of 3.5" FD; not available as emoji, cf. '💾' = '💾': '&#128190;' equals '&#x1F4BE;'});
'🖬' = '🖬':
'&#128428;' equals '&#x1F5AC;' (soft shell floppy disk {bottom of 5.25" FD; not available as emoji});
'🖭' = '🖭':
'&#128429;' equals '&#x1F5AD;' (tape cartridge {no emoji version available});
'🖮' = '🖮':
'&#128430;' equals '&#x1F5AE;' (wired keyboard {no emoji version available});
'🖯' = '🖯':
'&#128431;' equals '&#x1F5AF;' (one button mouse – for [Wikipedia-en-Icon]Apple fans {no emoji version available});
'🖰' = '🖰':
'&#128432;' equals '&#x1F5B0;' (two button mouse – for non-Apple fans {no emoji version available});
'🖱' = '🖱':
'&#128433;' equals '&#x1F5B1;' (three button mouse – short-lived due to mouse wheel);
'🖱️' = '🖱️':
'&#128433;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5B1;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of scroll wheel mouse {composed emoji of three button mouse – VS16});
'🖲' = '🖲':
'&#128434;' equals '&#x1F5B2;' (trackball);
'🖲️' = '🖲️':
'&#128434;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5B2;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of trackball {composed emoji of trackball – VS16});
'🖳' = '🖳':
'&#128435;' equals '&#x1F5B3;' (old personal computer [PC] {no emoji version available});
'🖴' = '🖴':
'&#128436;' equals '&#x1F5B4;' (hard disk {no emoji version available});
'🖵' = '🖵':
'&#128437;' equals '&#x1F5B5;' (screen {no emoji version available});
'🖶' = '🖶':
'&#128438;' equals '&#x1F5B6;' (printer icon {no emoji version available; vgl. '🖨️' = '🖨️': '&#128424;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5A8;&#xFE0F;' above});
'🖷' = '🖷':
'&#128439;' equals '&#x1F5B7;' (fax icon {no emoji version available});
'🖸' = '🖸':
'&#128440;' equals '&#x1F5B8;' (optical disc [CD, DVD, BD] icon {no emoji version available});
'🖹' = '🖹':
'&#128441;' equals '&#x1F5B9;' (document with text {no emoji version available});
'🖺' = '🖺':
'&#128442;' equals '&#x1F5BA;' (document with text and picture {no emoji version available});
'🖻' = '🖻':
'&#128443;' equals '&#x1F5BB;' (document with picture {no emoji version available});
'🖼' = '🖼':
'&#128444;' equals '&#x1F5BC;' (frame with picture);
'🖼️' = '🖼️':
'&#128444;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5BC;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of frame with picture);
'🖽' = '🖽':
'&#128445;' equals '&#x1F5BD;' (frame with tiles {no emoji version available});
'🖾' = '🖾':
'&#128446;' equals '&#x1F5BE;' (frame with an X {no emoji version available});
'🖿' = '🖿':
'&#128447;' equals '&#x1F5BF;' (black folder {no emoji version available});
'🗀' = '🗀':
'&#128448;' equals '&#x1F5C0;' (folder {no emoji version available});
'🗁' = '🗁':
'&#128449;' equals '&#x1F5C1;' (open folder {no emoji version available});
'🗂' = '🗂':
'&#128450;' equals '&#x1F5C2;' (card index dividers);
'🗂️' = '🗂️':
'&#128450;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5C2;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of card index dividers {composed emoji of card index dividers – VS16});
'🗃' = '🗃':
'&#128451;' equals '&#x1F5C3;' (card file box);
'🗃️' = '🗃️':
'&#128451;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5C3;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of card file box {composed emoji of card file box – VS16});
'🗄' = '🗄':
'&#128452;' equals '&#x1F5C4;' (file cabinet);
'🗄️' = '🗄️':
'&#128452;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5C4;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of file cabinet {composed emoji of file cabinet – VS16});
'🗅' = '🗅':
'&#128453;' equals '&#x1F5C5;' (empty note {no emoji version available});
'🗆' = '🗆':
'&#128454;' equals '&#x1F5C6;' (empty note page {no emoji version available});
'🗇' = '🗇':
'&#128455;' equals '&#x1F5C7;' (empty note pad {no emoji version available});
'🗈' = '🗈':
'&#128456;' equals '&#x1F5C8;' (note {no emoji version available});
'🗉' = '🗉':
'&#128457;' equals '&#x1F5C9;' (note page {no emoji version available});
'🗊' = '🗊':
'&#128458;' equals '&#x1F5CA;' (note pad {no emoji version available});
'🗋' = '🗋':
'&#128459;' equals '&#x1F5CB;' (empty document {no emoji version available});
'🗌' = '🗌':
'&#128460;' equals '&#x1F5CC;' (empty page {no emoji version available});
'🗍' = '🗍':
'&#128461;' equals '&#x1F5CD;' (empty pages {no emoji version available});
'🗎' = '🗎':
'&#128462;' equals '&#x1F5CE;' (document {no emoji version available});
'🗏' = '🗏':
'&#128463;' equals '&#x1F5CF;' (page {no emoji version available});
'🗐' = '🗐':
'&#128464;' equals '&#x1F5D0;' (pages {no emoji version available});
'🗑' = '🗑':
'&#128465;' equals '&#x1F5D1;' (wastebasket);
'🗑️' = '🗑️':
'&#128465;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5D1;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of wastebasket {composed emoji of wastebasket – VS16});
'🗒' = '🗒':
'&#128466;' equals '&#x1F5D2;' (spiral note pad);
'🗒️' = '🗒️':
'&#128466;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5D2;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of spiral note pad {composed emoji of spiral note pad – VS16});
'🗓' = '🗓':
'&#128467;' equals '&#x1F5D3;' (spiral calendar pad);
'🗓️' = '🗓️':
'&#128467;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5D3;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of spiral calendar pad {composed emoji of spiral calendar pad – VS16});
'🗔' = '🗔':
'&#128468;' equals '&#x1F5D4;' (desktop window {no emoji version available});
'🗙' = '🗙':
'&#128473;' equals '&#x1F5D9;' (cancellation X {no emoji version available});
'🗜' = '🗜':
'&#128476;' equals '&#x1F5DC;' (compression);
'🗜️' = '🗜️':
'&#128476;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5DC;&#xFE0F;' (clamp {composed/altered emoji of compression – VS16});
'🗝' = '🗝':
'&#128477;' equals '&#x1F5DD;' (old key);
'🗝️' = '🗝️':
'&#128477;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5DD;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of old key {composed emoji of old key – VS16});
'🗞' = '🗞':
'&#128478;' equals '&#x1F5DE;' (rolled-up newspaper);
'🗞️' = '🗞️':
'&#128478;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5DE;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of rolled-up newspaper {composed emoji of rolled-up newspaper – VS16});
'🗟' = '🗟':
'&#128479;' equals '&#x1F5DF;' (page with circled text {no emoji version available});
'🗡' = '🗡':
'&#128481;' equals '&#x1F5E1;' (dagger knife);
'🗡️' = '🗡️':
'&#128481;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5E1;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of dagger knife {composed emoji of dagger knife – VS16});
'🗢' = '🗢':
'&#128482;' equals '&#x1F5E2;' (lips {no emoji version available});
'🗣' = '🗣':
'&#128483;' equals '&#x1F5E3;' (speaking head in silhouette);
'🗣️' = '🗣️':
'&#128483;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5E3;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of speaking head in silhouette {composed emoji of speaking head in silhouette – VS16});
'🗤' = '🗤':
'&#128484;' equals '&#x1F5E4;' (three rays above {no emoji version available});
'🗥' = '🗥':
'&#128485;' equals '&#x1F5E5;' (three rays below {no emoji version available});
'🗦' = '🗦':
'&#128486;' equals '&#x1F5E6;' (three rays left {no emoji version available});
'🗧' = '🗧':
'&#128487;' equals '&#x1F5E7;' (three rays right {no emoji version available});
'🗨' = '🗨':
'&#128488;' equals '&#x1F5E8;' (left speech bubble);
'🗨️' = '🗨️':
'&#128488;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5E8;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of left speech bubble {composed emoji of left speech bubble – VS16});
'🗩' = '🗩':
'&#128489;' equals '&#x1F5E9;' (right speech bubble {no emoji version available});
'🗪' = '🗪':
'&#128490;' equals '&#x1F5EA;' (two speech bubbles {no emoji version available});
'🗫' = '🗫':
'&#128491;' equals '&#x1F5EB;' (three speech bubbles {no emoji version available});
'🗬' = '🗬':
'&#128492;' equals '&#x1F5EC;' (left thought bubble {no emoji version available});
'🗭' = '🗭':
'&#128493;' equals '&#x1F5ED;' (right thought bubble {no emoji version available});
'🗮' = '🗮':
'&#128494;' equals '&#x1F5EE;' (left anger bubble {no emoji version available});
'🗯' = '🗯':
'&#128495;' equals '&#x1F5EF;' (right anger bubble);
'🗯️' = '🗯️':
'&#128495;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5EF;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of right anger bubble {composed emoji of right anger bubble – VS16});
'🗰' = '🗰':
'&#128496;' equals '&#x1F5F0;' (mood bubble {no emoji version available});
'🗱' = '🗱':
'&#128497;' equals '&#x1F5F1;' (lightning mood bubble {no emoji version available});
'🗲' = '🗲':
'&#128498;' equals '&#x1F5F2;' (lightning mood {no emoji version available});
'🗳' = '🗳':
'&#128499;' equals '&#x1F5F3;' (ballot box with ballot);
'🗳️' = '🗳️':
'&#128499;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5F3;&#xFE0F;' (emoji version of ballot box with ballot {composed emoji of ballot box with ballot – VS16});
'🗴' = '🗴':
'&#128500;' equals '&#x1F5F4;' (ballot script X {no emoji version available});
'🗵' = '🗵':
'&#128501;' equals '&#x1F5F5;' (ballot box with script X {no emoji version available});
'🗶' = '🗶':
'&#128502;' equals '&#x1F5F6;' (ballot bold script X {no emoji version available});
'🗷' = '🗷':
'&#128503;' equals '&#x1F5F7;' (ballot box with bold script x {no emoji version available});
'🗸' = '🗸':
'&#128504;' equals '&#x1F5F8;' (light check mark {no emoji version available});
'🗹' = '🗹':
'&#128505;' equals '&#x1F5F9;' (ballot box with bold check {not available as emoji});
'🗺' = '🗺':
'&#128506;' equals '&#x1F5FA;' (world map);
'🗺️' = '🗺️':
'&#128506;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F5FA;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of world map {composed emoji of world map – VS16});
'🗻' = '🗻':
'&#128507;' equals '&#x1F5FB;' (mount Fuji);
'🗼' = '🗼':
'&#128508;' equals '&#x1F5FC;' (Tokyo Tower);
'🗽' = '🗽':
'&#128509;' equals '&#x1F5FD;' (Statue of Liberty);
'🗾' = '🗾':
'&#128510;' equals '&#x1F5FE;' (silhouette of Japan);
'🗿' = '🗿':
'&#128511;' equals '&#x1F5FF;' (Moyai);

dec. 128512-128591; hex. 1F600-1F64F !
'😀' = '😀':
'&#128512;' equals '&#x1F600;' (grinning face {brown background for visibility});
'😁' = '😁':
'&#128513;' equals '&#x1F601;' (grinning face with smiling eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😂' = '😂':
'&#128514;' equals '&#x1F602;' (face with tears of joy {brown background for visibility});
'😃' = '😃':
'&#128515;' equals '&#x1F603;' (smiling face with open mouth or grinning face with big eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😄' = '😄':
'&#128516;' equals '&#x1F604;' (smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😅' = '😅':
'&#128517;' equals '&#x1F605;' (smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat {brown background for visibility});
'😆' = '😆':
'&#128518;' equals '&#x1F606;' (smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😇' = '😇':
'&#128519;' equals '&#x1F607;' (smiling face with halo {brown background for visibility});
'😈' = '😈':
'&#128520;' equals '&#x1F608;' (smiling face with horns);
'😉' = '😉':
'&#128521;' equals '&#x1F609;' (winking face {brown background for visibility});
'😊' = '😊':
'&#128522;' equals '&#x1F60A;' (smiling face with smiling eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😋' = '😋':
'&#128523;' equals '&#x1F60B;' (face savouring delicious food {brown background for visibility});
'😌' = '😌':
'&#128524;' equals '&#x1F60C;' (relieved face {brown background for visibility});
'😍' = '😍':
'&#128525;' equals '&#x1F60D;' (smiling face with heart-eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😎' = '😎':
'&#128526;' equals '&#x1F60E;' (smiling face with sunglasses {brown background for visibility});
'😏' = '😏':
'&#128527;' equals '&#x1F60F;' (smirking face {brown background for visibility});
'😐' = '😐':
'&#128528;' equals '&#x1F610;' (neutral face {brown background for visibility});
'😑' = '😑':
'&#128529;' equals '&#x1F611;' (expressionless face {brown background for visibility});
'😒' = '😒':
'&#128530;' equals '&#x1F612;' (unamused face {brown background for visibility});
'😓' = '😓':
'&#128531;' equals '&#x1F613;' (face with cold sweat {brown background for visibility});
'😔' = '😔':
'&#128532;' equals '&#x1F614;' (pensive face {brown background for visibility});
'😕' = '😕':
'&#128533;' equals '&#x1F615;' (confused face {brown background for visibility});
'😖' = '😖':
'&#128534;' equals '&#x1F616;' (confounded face {brown background for visibility});
'😗' = '😗':
'&#128535;' equals '&#x1F617;' (kissing face {brown background for visibility});
'😘' = '😘':
'&#128536;' equals '&#x1F618;' (face blowing a kiss {brown background for visibility});
'😙' = '😙':
'&#128537;' equals '&#x1F619;' (kissing face with smiling eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😚' = '😚':
'&#128538;' equals '&#x1F61A;' (kissing face with closed eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😛' = '😛':
'&#128539;' equals '&#x1F61B;' (face with stuck-out tongue {brown background for visibility});
'😜' = '😜':
'&#128540;' equals '&#x1F61C;' (face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye {brown background for visibility});
'😝' = '😝':
'&#128541;' equals '&#x1F61D;' (face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eye {brown background for visibility});
'😞' = '😞':
'&#128542;' equals '&#x1F61E;' (disappointed face {brown background for visibility});
'😟' = '😟':
'&#128543;' equals '&#x1F61F;' (worried face {brown background for visibility});
'😠' = '😠':
'&#128544;' equals '&#x1F620;' (angry face {brown background for visibility});
'😡' = '😡':
'&#128545;' equals '&#x1F621;' (pouting face);
'😢' = '😢':
'&#128546;' equals '&#x1F622;' (crying face {brown background for visibility});
'😣' = '😣':
'&#128547;' equals '&#x1F623;' (persevering face {brown background for visibility});
'😤' = '😤':
'&#128548;' equals '&#x1F624;' (face with look of triumph {brown background for visibility});
'😥' = '😥':
'&#128549;' equals '&#x1F625;' (disappointed but relieved face {brown background for visibility});
'😦' = '😦':
'&#128550;' equals '&#x1F626;' (frowning face with open mouth {brown background for visibility});
'😧' = '😧':
'&#128551;' equals '&#x1F627;' (anguished face {brown background for visibility});
'😨' = '😨':
'&#128552;' equals '&#x1F628;' (fearful face {brown background for visibility});
'😩' = '😩':
'&#128553;' equals '&#x1F629;' (weary face {brown background for visibility});
'😪' = '😪':
'&#128554;' equals '&#x1F62A;' (sleepy face {brown background for visibility});
'😫' = '😫':
'&#128555;' equals '&#x1F62B;' (tired face {brown background for visibility});
'😬' = '😬':
'&#128556;' equals '&#x1F62C;' (grimacing face {brown background for visibility});
'😭' = '😭':
'&#128557;' equals '&#x1F62D;' (loudly crying face {brown background for visibility});
'😮' = '😮':
'&#128558;' equals '&#x1F62E;' (face with open mouth {brown background for visibility});
'😮‍💨' = '😮‍💨':
'&#128558;&#8205;&#128168;' equals '&#x1F62E;&#x200D;&#x1F4A8;' (face exhaling {Unicode 13.1 of 2020; brown background for visibility});
'😯;' = '😯':
'&#128559;' equals '&#x1F62F;' (hushed face {brown background for visibility});
'😰' = '😰':
'&#128560;' equals '&#x1F630;' (face with open mouth and cold sweat {brown background for visibility});
'😱' = '😱':
'&#128561;' equals '&#x1F631;' (face screaming in fear {brown background for visibility});
'😲' = '😲':
'&#128562;' equals '&#x1F632;' (astonished face{brown background for visibility});
'😳' = '😳':
'&#128563;' equals '&#x1F633;' (flushed face {brown background for visibility});
'😴' = '😴':
'&#128564;' equals '&#x1F634;' (sleeping face {brown background for visibility});
'😵' = '😵':
'&#128565;' equals '&#x1F635;' (dizzy face {brown background for visibility});
'😵‍💫' = '😵‍💫':
'&#128558;&#8205;&#128168;' equals '&#x1F62E;&#x200D;&#x1F4A8;' (face with spiral eyes {Unicode 13.1 of 2020; brown background for visibility});
'😶' = '😶':
'&#128566;' equals '&#x1F636;' (face without mouth {brown background for visibility});
'😶‍🌫️' = '😶‍🌫️':
'&#128566;&#8205;&#127787;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F636;&#x200D;&#x1F32B;&#xFE0F;' (face in clouds {Unicode 13.1 of 2020; brown background for visibility});
'😷' = '😷':
'&#128567;' equals '&#x1F637;' (face with medical mask {brown background for visibility});
'😸' = '😸':
'&#128568;' equals '&#x1F638;' (grinning cat face with smiling eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😹' = '😹':
'&#128569;' equals '&#x1F639;' (cat face with tears of joy {brown background for visibility});
'😺' = '😺':
'&#128570;' equals '&#x1F63A;' (smiling cat face with open mouth {brown background for visibility});
'😻' = '😻':
'&#128571;' equals '&#x1F63B;' (smiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😼' = '😼':
'&#128572;' equals '&#x1F63C;' (cat face with wry smile {brown background for visibility});
'😽' = '😽':
'&#128573;' equals '&#x1F63D;' (kissing cat face with closed eyes {brown background for visibility});
'😾' = '😾':
'&#128574;' equals '&#x1F63E;' (pouting cat face {brown background for visibility});
'😿' = '😿':
'&#128575;' equals '&#x1F63F;' (crying cat face {brown background for visibility});
'🙀' = '🙀':
'&#128576;' equals '&#x1F640;' (weary cat face {brown background for visibility});
'🙁' = '🙁':
'&#128577;' equals '&#x1F641;' (slightly frowning face {brown background for visibility});
'🙂' = '🙂':
'&#128578;' equals '&#x1F642;' (slightly smiling face {brown background for visibility});
'🙃' = '🙃':
'&#128579;' equals '&#x1F643;' (upside-down face {brown background for visibility});
'🙄' = '🙄':
'&#128580;' equals '&#x1F644;' (face with rolling eyes {brown background for visibility});
'🙅' = '🙅':
'&#128581;' equals '&#x1F645;' (person with arms crossed forming an X to indicate no or no good {brown background for visibility});
'🙅‍♂️' = '🙅‍♂️':
'&#128581;&#8205;&#9794;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F645;&#x200D;&#x2642;&#xFE0F;' (man gesturing NO / man with arms crossed forming an X to indicate no or no good {composed emoji of person gesturing NO – joiner – male – VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🙆' = '🙆':
'&#128582;' equals '&#x1F646;' (person gesturing OK / person with arms above her or his head, making an ‘OK’ sign (circle) with the whole body {brown background for visibility});
'🙆‍♂️' = '🙆‍♂️':
'&#128582;&#8205;&#9794;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F646;&#x200D;&#x2642;&#xFE0F;' (man gesturing OK / man with arms above his head, making an ‘OK’ sign (circle) with the whole body {composed emoji of person gesturing OK – joiner – male – VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🙇' = '🙇':
'&#128583;' equals '&#x1F647;' (person bowing deeply – known as dogeza in Japan; {white background for visibility});
'🙇‍♀️' = '🙇‍♀️':
'&#128583;&#8205;&#9792;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F647;&#x200D;&#x2640;&#xFE0F;' (woman bowing deeply – known as dogeza in Japan; {composed emoji of person bowing deeply – female sign – VS16; white background for visibility});
'🙈' = '🙈':
'&#128584;' equals '&#x1F648;' (see-no-evil monkey);
'🙉' = '🙉':
'&#128585;' equals '&#x1F649;' (hear-no-evil monkey);
'🙊' = '🙊':
'&#128586;' equals '&#x1F64A;' (speak-no-evil monkey);
'🙋' = '🙋':
'&#128587;' equals '&#x1F64B;' (happy person raising one hand {brown background for visibility});
'🙋‍♂️' = '🙋‍♂️':
'&#128587;&#8205;&#9794;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F64B;&#x200D;&#x2642;&#xFE0F;' (man raising hand {composed emoji of happy person raising one hand – joiner – male – VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🙌' = '🙌':
'&#128588;' equals '&#x1F64C;' (rising both hands in celebration {brown background for visibility});
'🙍' = '🙍':
'&#128589;' equals '&#x1F64D;' (person frowning);
'🙍‍♂️' = '🙍‍♂️':
'&#128589;&#8205;&#9794;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F64D;&#x200D;&#x2642;&#xFE0F;' (male person frowning {combined emoji of person frowning – joiner – male sign – VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🙎' = '🙎':
'&#128590;' equals '&#x1F64E;' (person with pouting face);
'🙎‍♂️' = '🙎‍♂️':
'&#128590;&#8205;&#9794;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F64E;&#x200D;&#x2642;&#xFE0F;' (male person with pouting face {combined emoji of person with pouting face – joiner – male sign – VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🙏' = '🙏':
'&#128591;' equals '&#x1F64F;' (folded hands {brown background for visibility});

Ornamental DingbatsEmoticons:
dec. 128592-128511; hex. 1F650-1F67F !
'🙪' = '🙪':
'&#128618;' equals '&#x1F66A;' (solid quilt square ornament);
'🙮' = '🙮':
'&#128622;' equals '&#x1F66E;' (rightwards rocket);
'🙾' = '🙾':
'&#128638;' equals '&#x1F67E;' (checker board);
'🙿' = '🙿':
'&#128639;' equals '&#x1F67F;' (reverse checker board);

Transport and Map Symbols:
dec. 128640-128767; hex. 1F680-1F6FF !
'🚀' = '🚀':
'&#128640;' equals '&#x1F680;' (rocket);
'🚁' = '🚁':
'&#128641;' equals '&#x1F681;' (helicopter {brown background for visibility});
'🚂' = '🚂':
'&#128642;' equals '&#x1F682;' (steam locomotive);
'🚃' = '🚃':
'&#128643;' equals '&#x1F683;' (railway car);
'🚄' = '🚄':
'&#128644;' equals '&#x1F684;' (high-speed train);
'🚅' = '🚅':
'&#128645;' equals '&#x1F685;' (high-speed train with bullet nose);
'🚆' = '🚆':
'&#128646;' equals '&#x1F686;' (train);
'🚇' = '🚇':
'&#128647;' equals '&#x1F687;' (metro);
'🚈' = '🚈':
'&#128648;' equals '&#x1F688;' (light rail);
'🚉' = '🚉':
'&#128649;' equals '&#x1F689;' (station);
'🚊' = '🚊':
'&#128650;' equals '&#x1F68A;' (tram);
'🚋' = '🚋':
'&#128651;' equals '&#x1F68B;' (tram car);
'🚌' = '🚌':
'&#128652;' equals '&#x1F68C;' (bus);
'🚍' = '🚍':
'&#128653;' equals '&#x1F68D;' (oncoming bus);
'🚎' = '🚎':
'&#128654;' equals '&#x1F68E;' (trolleybus);
'🚏' = '🚏':
'&#128655;' equals '&#x1F68F;' (bus stop);
'🚐' = '🚐':
'&#128656;' equals '&#x1F690;' (minibus);
'🚑' = '🚑':
'&#128657;' equals '&#x1F691;' (ambulance);
'🚒' = '🚒':
'&#128658;' equals '&#x1F692;' (fire engine);
'🚓' = '🚓':
'&#128659;' equals '&#x1F693;' (police car);
'🚔' = '🚔':
'&#128660;' equals '&#x1F694;' (oncoming police car);
'🚕' = '🚕':
'&#128661;' equals '&#x1F695;' (taxi {brown background for visibility});
'🚖' = '🚖':
'&#128662;' equals '&#x1F696;' (oncoming taxi {brown background for visibility});
'🚗' = '🚗':
'&#128663;' equals '&#x1F697;' (automobile);
'🚘' = '🚘':
'&#128664;' equals '&#x1F698;' (oncoming automobile);
'🚙' = '🚙':
'&#128665;' equals '&#x1F699;' (recreational car);
'🚚' = '🚚':
'&#128666;' equals '&#x1F69A;' (delivery truck {brown background for visibility});
'🚛' = '🚛':
'&#128667;' equals '&#x1F69B;' (articulated lorry {brown background for visibility});
'🚜' = '🚜':
'&#128668;' equals '&#x1F69C;' (tractor);
'🚝' = '🚝':
'&#128669;' equals '&#x1F69D;' (monorail);
'🚞' = '🚞':
'&#128670;' equals '&#x1F69E;' (mountain railway);
'🚟' = '🚟':
'&#128671;' equals '&#x1F69F;' (suspension railway);
'🚠' = '🚠':
'&#128672;' equals '&#x1F6A0;' (mountain cableway);
'🚡' = '🚡':
'&#128673;' equals '&#x1F6A1;' (aerial tramway);
'🚢' = '🚢':
'&#128674;' equals '&#x1F6A2;' (ship);
'🚣' = '🚣':
'&#128675;' equals '&#x1F6A3;' (rowboat {white background for visibility});
'🚤' = '🚤':
'&#128676;' equals '&#x1F6A4;' (speedboat {white background for visibility});
'🚥' = '🚥':
'&#128677;' equals '&#x1F6A5;' (horizontal traffic light);
'🚦' = '🚦':
'&#128678;' equals '&#x1F6A6;' (vertical traffic light);
'🚧' = '🚧':
'&#128679;' equals '&#x1F6A7;' (construction sign {brown background for visibility});
'🚨' = '🚨':
'&#128680;' equals '&#x1F6A8;' (police car revolving light);
'🚩' = '🚩':
'&#128681;' equals '&#x1F6A9;' (triangular flag on post);
'🚪' = '🚪':
'&#128682;' equals '&#x1F6AA;' (door);
'🚫' = '🚫':
'&#128683;' equals '&#x1F6AB;' (no entry / prohibited / restriction sign);
'🚭' = '🚭':
'&#128685;' equals '&#x1F6AD;' (no smoking symbol);
'🚮' = '🚮':
'&#128686;' equals '&#x1F6AE;' (put litter in its place symbol);
'🚯' = '🚯':
'&#128687;' equals '&#x1F6AF;' (do not litter symbol);
'🚰' = '🚰':
'&#128688;' equals '&#x1F6B0;' (potable water symbol);
'🚱' = '🚱':
'&#128689;' equals '&#x1F6B1;' (non-potable water symbol);
'🚲' = '🚲':
'&#128690;' equals '&#x1F6B2;' (bicycle);
'🚳' = '🚳':
'&#128691;' equals '&#x1F6B3;' (no bicycles);
'🚴' = '🚴':
'&#128692;' equals '&#x1F6B4;' (person biking {white background for visibility});
'🚵' = '🚵':
'&#128693;' equals '&#x1F6B5;' (mountain bicyclist {white background for visibility});
'🚶' = '🚶':
'&#128694;' equals '&#x1F6B6;' (pedestrian {brown background for visibility});
'🚷' = '🚷':
'&#128695;' equals '&#x1F6B7;' (no pedestrians);
'🚸' = '🚸':
'&#128696;' equals '&#x1F6B8;' (children crossing sign);
'🚹' = '🚹':
'&#128697;' equals '&#x1F6B9;' (mens symbol – typically for male restroom);
'🚺' = '🚺':
'&#128698;' equals '&#x1F6BA;' (womens symbol – typically for female restroom);
'🚻' = '🚻':
'&#128699;' equals '&#x1F6BB;' (restroom/bathroom/toilet; depicting an iconography of a man and woman);
'🚼' = '🚼':
'&#128700;' equals '&#x1F6BC;' (baby symbol – indicate a room that is suitable to change a baby in);
'🚽' = '🚽':
'&#128701;' equals '&#x1F6BD;' (toilet);
'🚾' = '🚾':
'&#128702;' equals '&#x1F6BE;' (water closet; i.e. public toilet, bathroom or restroom);
'🚿' = '🚿':
'&#128703;' equals '&#x1F6BF;' (shower);
'🛀' = '🛀':
'&#128704;' equals '&#x1F6C0;' (bath {brown background for visibility});
'🛁' = '🛁':
'&#128705;' equals '&#x1F6C1;' (bathtub);
'🛂' = '🛂':
'&#128706;' equals '&#x1F6C2;' (passport control);
'🛃' = '🛃':
'&#128707;' equals '&#x1F6C3;' (customs);
'🛄' = '🛄':
'&#128708;' equals '&#x1F6C4;' (baggage claim);
'🛅' = '🛅':
'&#128709;' equals '&#x1F6C5;' (left luggage);
'🛆' = '🛆':
'&#128710;' equals '&#x1F6C6;' (triangle with rounded corners {not available as emoji});
'🛇' = '🛇':
'&#128711;' equals '&#x1F6C7;' (prohibited sign {no emoji version available; cf. '🚫' = '🚫': '&#128683;' equals '&#x1F6AB;'});
'🛈' = '🛈':
'&#128712;' equals '&#x1F6C8;' (circled information source {not available as emoji});
'🛉' = '🛉':
'&#128713;' equals '&#x1F6C9;' (boys symbol {no emoji version available});
'🛊' = '🛊':
'&#128714;' equals '&#x1F6CA;' (girls symbol {no emoji version available});
'🛋' = '🛋':
'&#128715;' equals '&#x1F6CB;' (couch and lamp);
'🛋️' = '🛋️':
'&#128715;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6CB;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of couch and lamp {composed emoji of couch and lamp – VS16});
'🛌' = '🛌':
'&#128716;' equals '&#x1F6CC;' (sleeping accomodation {white background for visibility});
'🛍' = '🛍':
'&#128717;' equals '&#x1F6CD;' (shopping bags);
'🛍️' = '🛍️':
'&#128717;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6CD;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of shopping bags {composed emoji of shopping bags – VS16});
'🛎' = '🛎':
'&#128718;' equals '&#x1F6CE;' (bellhop bell);
'🛎️' = '🛎️':
'&#128718;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6CE;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of bellhop bell {composed emoji of bellhop bell – VS16});
'🛏' = '🛏':
'&#128719;' equals '&#x1F6CF;' (bed);
'🛏️' = '🛏️':
'&#128719;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6CF;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of bed {composed emoji of bed – VS16});
'🛐' = '🛐':
'&#128720;' equals '&#x1F6D0;' (place of worship / religious building, e.g. church, mosque, or synagogue);
'🛑' = '🛑':
'&#128721;' equals '&#x1F6D1;' (octagonal sign);
'🛒' = '🛒':
'&#128722;' equals '&#x1F6D2;' (shopping trolley);
'🛕' = '🛕':
'&#128725;' equals '&#x1F6D5;' (Hindu temple {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🛖' = '🛖':
'&#128726;' equals '&#x1F6D6;' (hut {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🛗' = '🛗':
'&#128727;' equals '&#x1F6D7;' (elevator {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🛜' = '🛜':
'&#128732;' equals '&#x1F6DC;' (wireless symbol {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🛝' = '🛝':
'&#128733;' equals '&#x1F6DD;' (playground slide {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🛞' = '🛞':
'&#128734;' equals '&#x1F6DE;' (wheel with rubber tire {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🛟' = '🛟':
'&#128735;' equals '&#x1F6DF;' (ring buoy aka life preserver {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🛠' = '🛠':
'&#128736;' equals '&#x1F6E0;' (hammer and wrench);
'🛠️' = '🛠️':
'&#128736;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6E0;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of hammer and wrench {composed emoji of hammer and wrench – VS16});
'🛡' = '🛡':
'&#128737;' equals '&#x1F6E1;' (shield);
'🛡️' = '🛡️':
'&#128737;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6E1;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of shield {composed emoji of shield – VS16});
'🛣' = '🛣':
'&#128739;' equals '&#x1F6E3;' (motorway);
'🛣️' = '🛣️':
'&#128739;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6E3;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of motorway {composed emoji of motorway – VS16});
'🛤' = '🛤':
'&#128740;' equals '&#x1F6E4;' (railway track);
'🛤️' = '🛤️':
'&#128740;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6E4;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of railway track {composed emoji of railway track – VS16});
'🛥' = '🛥':
'&#128741;' equals '&#x1F6E5;' (motor boat);
'🛥️' = '🛥️':
'&#128741;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6E5;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of motor boat {composed emoji of motor boat – VS16});
'🛦' = '🛦':
'&#128742;' equals '&#x1F6E6;' (up-pointing military airplane {no emoji version available});
'🛧' = '🛧':
'&#128743;' equals '&#x1F6E7;' (up-pointing airplane {no emoji version available});
'🛨' = '🛨':
'&#128744;' equals '&#x1F6E8;' (up-pointing small airplane {no emoji version available});
'🛩' = '🛩':
'&#128745;' equals '&#x1F6E9;' (small airplane);
'🛩️' = '🛩️':
'&#128745;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6E9;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of small airplane {composed emoji of small airplane – VS16});
'🛪' = '🛪':
'&#128746;' equals '&#x1F6EA;' (northeast-pointing airplane {no emoji version available});
'🛫' = '🛫':
'&#128747;' equals '&#x1F6EB;' (airplane departure);
'🛬' = '🛬':
'&#128748;' equals '&#x1F6EC;' (airplane arriving);
'🛰' = '🛰':
'&#128752;' equals '&#x1F6F0;' (satellite);
'🛰️' = '🛰️':
'&#128752;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6F0;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of satellite {composed emoji of satellite – VS16});
'🛱' = '🛱':
'&#128753;' equals '&#x1F6F1;' (oncoming fire engine {no emoji version available});
'🛲' = '🛲':
'&#128754;' equals '&#x1F6F2;' (diesel locomotive {no emoji version available});
'🛳' = '🛳':
'&#128755;' equals '&#x1F6F3;' (passanger ship);
'🛳️' = '🛳️':
'&#128755;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F6F3;&#xFE0F;' (emoji of passanger ship {composed emoji of passanger ship – VS16});
'🛴' = '🛴':
'&#128756;' equals '&#x1F6F4;' (scooter);
'🛵' = '🛵':
'&#128757;' equals '&#x1F6F5;' (motor scooter);
'🛶' = '🛶':
'&#128758;' equals '&#x1F6F6;' (canoe {white background for visibility});
'🛷' = '🛷':
'&#128759;' equals '&#x1F6F7;' (Sled / toboggan / sledge);
'🛸' = '🛸':
'&#128760;' equals '&#x1F6F8;' (flying saucer {brown background for visibility});
'🛹' = '🛹':
'&#128761;' equals '&#x1F6F9;' (skateboard);
'🛺' = '🛺':
'&#128762;' equals '&#x1F6FA;' (auto rickshaw / tuk tuk {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🛻' = '🛻':
'&#128763;' equals '&#x1F6FB;' (pickup truck {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🛼' = '🛼':
'&#128764;' equals '&#x1F6FC;' (roller skate {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});

Alchemical Symbols:
dec. 128768-128895; hex. 1F700-1F77F !
'🜔' = '🜔':
'&#128788;' equals '&#x1F714;' (salt);
'🜕' = '🜕':
'&#128789;' equals '&#x1F715;' (nitre);
'🜚' = '🜚':
'&#128794;' equals '&#x1F71A;' (gold);
'🜛' = '🜛':
'&#128795;' equals '&#x1F71B;' (silver);
'🜞' = '🜞':
'&#128798;' equals '&#x1F71E;' (iron);
'🝆' = '🝆':
'&#128838;' equals '&#x1F746;' (oil);
'🝊' = '🝊':
'&#128842;' equals '&#x1F74A;' (wax);

Geometric Shapes Extended:
dec. 128896-129023; hex. 1F780-1F7FF !
'🞅' = '🞅':
'&#128901;' equals '&#x1F785;' (medium bold white circle);
'🞆' = '🞆':
'&#128902;' equals '&#x1F786;' (bold white circle);
'🞇' = '🞇':
'&#128903;' equals '&#x1F787;' (heavy white circle);
'🞈' = '🞈':
'&#128904;' equals '&#x1F788;' (very heavy white circle);
'🞉' = '🞉':
'&#128905;' equals '&#x1F789;' (extremely heavy white circle);
'🞊' = '🞊':
'&#128906;' equals '&#x1F78A;' (white circle containing black small circle);
'🞋' = '🞋':
'&#128907;' equals '&#x1F78B;' (round target);
'🞎' = '🞎':
'&#128910;' equals '&#x1F78E;' (light white square);
'🞏' = '🞏':
'&#128911;' equals '&#x1F78F;' (medium white square);
'🞐' = '🞐':
'&#128912;' equals '&#x1F790;' (bold white square);
'🞑' = '🞑':
'&#128913;' equals '&#x1F791;' (heavy white square);
'🞒' = '🞒':
'&#128914;' equals '&#x1F792;' (very heavy white square);
'🞓' = '🞓':
'&#128915;' equals '&#x1F793;' (extremely heavy white square);
'🞔' = '🞔':
'&#128916;' equals '&#x1F794;' (white square containing black very small square);
'🞕' = '🞕':
'&#128917;' equals '&#x1F795;' (white square containing black medium square);
'🞖' = '🞖':
'&#128918;' equals '&#x1F796;' (square target);
'🞵' = '🞵':
'&#128949;' equals '&#x1F7B5;' (light six spoked asterisk);
'🞶' = '🞶':
'&#128950;' equals '&#x1F7B6;' (medium six spoked asterisk);
'🞷' = '🞷':
'&#128951;' equals '&#x1F7B7;' (bold six spoked asterisk);
'🞸' = '🞸':
'&#128952;' equals '&#x1F7B8;' (heavy six spoked asterisk);
'🞹' = '🞹':
'&#128953;' equals '&#x1F7B9;' (very heavy six spoked asterisk);
'🞺' = '🞺':
'&#128954;' equals '&#x1F7BA;' (extremely heavy six spoked asterisk);
'🟀' = '🟀':
'&#128960;' equals '&#x1F7C0;' (light three pointed black star);
'🟁' = '🟁':
'&#128961;' equals '&#x1F7C1;' (medium three pointed black star);
'🟂' = '🟂':
'&#128962;' equals '&#x1F7C2;' (three pointed black star);
'🟃' = '🟃':
'&#128963;' equals '&#x1F7C3;' (medium three pointed pinwheel star);
'🟇' = '🟇':
'&#128967;' equals '&#x1F7C7;' (medium four pointed pinwheel star);
'🟈' = '🟈':
'&#128968;' equals '&#x1F7C8;' (reverse light four pointed pinwheel star);
'🟍' = '🟍':
'&#128973;' equals '&#x1F7CD;' (six pointed pinwheel star);
'🟎' = '🟎':
'&#128974;' equals '&#x1F7CE;' (medium eight pointed black star);
'🟏' = '🟏':
'&#128975;' equals '&#x1F7CF;' (heavy eight pointed black star);
'🟐' = '🟐':
'&#128976;' equals '&#x1F7D0;' (very heavy eight pointed black star);
'🟑' = '🟑':
'&#128977;' equals '&#x1F7D1;' (heavy eight pointed pinwheel star);
'🟒' = '🟒':
'&#128978;' equals '&#x1F7D2;' (light twelve pointed black star);
'🟓' = '🟓':
'&#128979;' equals '&#x1F7D3;' (heavy twelve pointed black star);
'🟔' = '🟔':
'&#128980;' equals '&#x1F7D4;' (heavy twelve pointed pinwheel star);
'🟠' = '🟠':
'&#128992;' equals '&#x1F7E0;' (orange circle {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🟡' = '🟡':
'&#128993;' equals '&#x1F7E1;' (yellow circle {Unicode 12.0 of 2019; brown background for visibility});
'🟢' = '🟢':
'&#128994;' equals '&#x1F7E2;' (green circle {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🟣' = '🟣':
'&#128995;' equals '&#x1F7E3;' (purple circle {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🟤' = '🟤':
'&#128996;' equals '&#x1F7E4;' (brown circle {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🟥' = '🟥':
'&#128997;' equals '&#x1F7E5;' (red square {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🟦' = '🟦':
'&#128998;' equals '&#x1F7E6;' (blue square {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🟧' = '🟧':
'&#128999;' equals '&#x1F7E7;' (orange square {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🟨;' = '🟨':
'&#129000;' equals '&#x1F7E8;' (yellow square {Unicode 12.0 of 2019; brown background for visibility});
'🟩' = '🟩':
'&#129001;' equals '&#x1F7E9;' (green square {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🟪' = '🟪':
'&#129002;' equals '&#x1F7EA;' (purple square {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🟫' = '🟫':
'&#129003;' equals '&#x1F7EB;' (brown square {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🟰' = '🟰':
'&#129008;' equals '&#x1F7F0;' (heavy equals sign {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});

Supplemental Arrows-C:
dec. 129024-129279; hex. 1F800-1F8FF !
'🢔' = '🢔':
'&#129172;' equals '&#x1F894;' (leftwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead);
'🢕' = '🢕':
'&#129173;' equals '&#x1F895;' (upwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead);
'🢖' = '🢖':
'&#129174;' equals '&#x1F896;' (rightwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead);
'🢗' = '🢗':
'&#129175;' equals '&#x1F897;' (downwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead);
'🢘' = '🢘':
'&#129176;' equals '&#x1F898;' (leftwards arrow with notched tail);
'🢙' = '🢙':
'&#129177;' equals '&#x1F899;' (upwards arrow with notched tail);
'🢚' = '🢚':
'&#129178;' equals '&#x1F89A;' (rightwards arrow with notched tail);
'🢛' = '🢛':
'&#129179;' equals '&#x1F89B;' (downwards arrow with notched tail);
'🢤' = '🢤':
'&#129188;' equals '&#x1F8A4;' (leftwards left-shaded white arrow);
'🢥' = '🢥':
'&#129189;' equals '&#x1F8A5;' (rightwards right-shaded white arrow);
'🢦' = '🢦':
'&#129190;' equals '&#x1F8A6;' (leftwards right-shaded white arrow);
'🢧' = '🢧':
'&#129191;' equals '&#x1F8A7;' (rightwards left-shaded white arrow);
'🢨' = '🢨':
'&#129192;' equals '&#x1F8A8;' (leftwards back-tilted shadowed white arrow);
'🢩' = '🢩':
'&#129193;' equals '&#x1F8A9;' (rightwards back-tilted shadowed white arrow);

Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs:
dec. 129280-129535; hex. 1F900-1F9FF !
'🤀' = '🤀':
'&#129280;' equals '&#x1F900;' (circled cross formee with four dots);
'🤁' = '🤁':
'&#129281;' equals '&#x1F901;' (circled cross formee with two dots);
'🤂' = '🤂':
'&#129282;' equals '&#x1F902;' (circled cross formee);
'🤃' = '🤃':
'&#129283;' equals '&#x1F903;' (left half circle with four dots);
'🤄' = '🤄':
'&#129284;' equals '&#x1F904;' (left half circle with three dots);
'🤅' = '🤅':
'&#129285;' equals '&#x1F905;' (left half circle with two dots);
'🤆' = '🤆':
'&#129286;' equals '&#x1F906;' (left half circle with dot);
'🤇' = '🤇':
'&#129287;' equals '&#x1F907;' (left half circle);
'🤌' = '🤌':
'&#129292;' equals '&#x1F90C;' (pinched fingers {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🤍' = '🤍':
'&#129293;' equals '&#x1F90D;' (white heart);
'🤎' = '🤎':
'&#129294;' equals '&#x1F90E;' (brown heart);
'🤏' = '🤏':
'&#129295;' equals '&#x1F90F;' (pinching hand);
'🤐' = '🤐':
'&#129296;' equals '&#x1F910;' (zipper-mouth face {brown background for visibility});
'🤑' = '🤑':
'&#129297;' equals '&#x1F911;' (money-mouth face {brown background for visibility});
'🤒' = '🤒':
'&#129298;' equals '&#x1F912;' (face with thermometer {brown background for visibility});
'🤓' = '🤓':
'&#129299;' equals '&#x1F913;' (nerd face {brown background for visibility});
'🤔' = '🤔':
'&#129300;' equals '&#x1F914;' (thinking face {brown background for visibility});
'🤕' = '🤕':
'&#129301;' equals '&#x1F915;' (face with head-bandage {brown background for visibility});
'🤖' = '🤖':
'&#129302;' equals '&#x1F916;' (robot face);
'🤗' = '🤗':
'&#129303;' equals '&#x1F917;' (hugging face {brown background for visibility});
'🤘' = '🤘':
'&#129304;' equals '&#x1F918;' (sign of horns {brown background for visibility});
'🤙' = '🤙':
'&#129305;' equals '&#x1F919;' (call me hand {brown background for visibility});
'🤚' = '🤚':
'&#129306;' equals '&#x1F91A;' (raised back of hand {brown background for visibility});
'🤛' = '🤛':
'&#129307;' equals '&#x1F91B;' (left-facing fist {brown background for visibility});
'🤜' = '🤜':
'&#129308;' equals '&#x1F91C;' (right-facing fist {brown background for visibility});
'🤝' = '🤝':
'&#129309;' equals '&#x1F91D;' (handshake {brown background for visibility});
'🤞' = '🤞':
'&#129310;' equals '&#x1F91E;' (crossed fingers {brown background for visibility});
'🤟' = '🤟':
'&#129311;' equals '&#x1F91F;' (love you gesture {brown background for visibility});
'🤠' = '🤠':
'&#129312;' equals '&#x1F920;' (face with cowboy hat {sky blue background for visibility});
'🤡' = '🤡':
'&#129313;' equals '&#x1F921;' (clown face);
'🤢' = '🤢':
'&#129314;' equals '&#x1F922;' (nauseated face);
'🤣' = '🤣':
'&#129315;' equals '&#x1F923;' (ROFL: rolling on the floor laughing {brown background for visibility});
'🤤' = '🤤':
'&#129316;' equals '&#x1F924;' (drooling face {brown background for visibility});
'🤥' = '🤥':
'&#129317;' equals '&#x1F925;' (lying face {brown background for visibility});
'🤦' = '🤦':
'&#129318;' equals '&#x1F926;' (face palm);
'🤦‍♂️' = '🤦‍♂️':
'&#129318;&#8205;&#9794;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F926;&#x200D;&#x2642;&#xFE0F;' (male person frowning {combined emoji of face palm-joiner-male sign-VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🤧' = '🤧':
'&#129319;' equals '&#x1F927;' (sneezing face {brown background for visibility});
'🤨' = '🤨':
'&#129320;' equals '&#x1F928;' (face with raised eyebrow {brown background for visibility});
'🤩' = '🤩':
'&#129321;' equals '&#x1F929;' (star-struck {brown background for visibility});
'🤪' = '🤪':
'&#129322;' equals '&#x1F92A;' (zany face {brown background for visibility});
'🤫' = '🤫':
'&#129323;' equals '&#x1F92B;' (shushing face {brown background for visibility});
'🤬' = '🤬':
'&#129324;' equals '&#x1F92C;' (serious face with symbols covering mouth);
'🤭' = '🤭':
'&#129325;' equals '&#x1F92D;' (face with hand over mouth {brown background for visibility});
'🤮' = '🤮':
'&#129326;' equals '&#x1F92E;' (face with open mouth vomiting {brown background for visibility});
'🤯' = '🤯':
'&#129327;' equals '&#x1F92F;' (exploding head {brown background for visibility});
'🤰' = '🤰':
'&#129328;' equals '&#x1F930;' (pregnant woman {brown background for visibility});
'🤱' = '🤱':
'&#129329;' equals '&#x1F931;' (woman breastfeeding a child {brown background for visibility});
'🤲' = '🤲':
'&#129330;' equals '&#x1F932;' (palms up together {brown background for visibility});
'🤳' = '🤳':
'&#129331;' equals '&#x1F933;' (selfie {brown background for visibility});
'🤴' = '🤴':
'&#129332;' equals '&#x1F934;' (prince {brown background for visibility});
'🤵' = '🤵':
'&#129333;' equals '&#x1F935;' (man in tuxedo {brown background for visibility});
'🤶' = '🤶':
'&#129334;' equals '&#x1F936;' (mother christmas {brown background for visibility});
'🤷' = '🤷':
'&#129335;' equals '&#x1F937;' (shrug {brown background for visibility});
'🤷‍♂️' = '🤷‍♂️':
'&#129335;&#8205;&#9794;&#65039;' equals '&#x1F937;&#x200D;&#x2642;&#xFE0F;' (man shrugging {combined emoji of shrug-joiner-male sign-VS16; brown background for visibility});
'🤸' = '🤸':
'&#129336;' equals '&#x1F938;' (person doing cartwheel {brown background for visibility});
'🤹' = '🤹':
'&#129337;' equals '&#x1F939;' (juggling {brown background for visibility});
'🤺' = '🤺':
'&#129338;' equals '&#x1F93A;' (fencer);
'🤻' = '🤻':
'&#129339;' equals '&#x1F93B;' (modern pentathlon);
'🤼' = '🤼':
'&#129340;' equals '&#x1F93C;' (people werestling {brown background for visibility});
'🤽' = '🤽':
'&#129341;' equals '&#x1F93D;' (water polo {brown background for visibility});
'🤾' = '🤾':
'&#129342;' equals '&#x1F93E;' (handball {brown background for visibility});
'🤿' = '🤿':
'&#129343;' equals '&#x1F93F;' (diving mask {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🥀' = '🥀':
'&#129344;' equals '&#x1F940;' (wilted flower);
'🥁' = '🥁':
'&#129345;' equals '&#x1F941;' (drum);
'🥂' = '🥂':
'&#129346;' equals '&#x1F942;' (clinking glasses {sky‑blue background for visibility});
'🥃' = '🥃':
'&#129347;' equals '&#x1F943;' (tumbler glass);
'🥄' = '🥄':
'&#129348;' equals '&#x1F944;' (spoon);
'🥅' = '🥅':
'&#129349;' equals '&#x1F945;' (goal net);
'🥆' = '🥆':
'&#129350;' equals '&#x1F946;' (rifle);
'🥇' = '🥇':
'&#129351;' equals '&#x1F947;' (1st place medal);
'🥈' = '🥈':
'&#129352;' equals '&#x1F948;' (2nd place medal);
'🥉' = '🥉':
'&#129353;' equals '&#x1F949;' (3rd place medal);
'🥊' = '🥊':
'&#129354;' equals '&#x1F94A;' (boxing glove);
'🥋' = '🥋':
'&#129355;' equals '&#x1F94B;' (martial arts uniform);
'🥌' = '🥌':
'&#129356;' equals '&#x1F94C;' (curling stone);
'🥍' = '🥍':
'&#129357;' equals '&#x1F94D;' (lacrosse stick and ball {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥎' = '🥎':
'&#129358;' equals '&#x1F94E;' (softball {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥏' = '🥏':
'&#129359;' equals '&#x1F94F;' (flying disc {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥐' = '🥐':
'&#129360;' equals '&#x1F950;' (croissant);
'🥑' = '🥑':
'&#129361;' equals '&#x1F951;' (avocado);
'🥒' = '🥒':
'&#129362;' equals '&#x1F952;' (cucumber);
'🥓' = '🥓':
'&#129363;' equals '&#x1F953;' (bacon);
'🥔' = '🥔':
'&#129364;' equals '&#x1F954;' (potato);
'🥕' = '🥕':
'&#129365;' equals '&#x1F955;' (carrot);
'🥖' = '🥖':
'&#129366;' equals '&#x1F956;' (baguette bread);
'🥗' = '🥗':
'&#129367;' equals '&#x1F957;' (green salad);
'🥘' = '🥘':
'&#129368;' equals '&#x1F958;' (shallow pan of food);
'🥙' = '🥙':
'&#129369;' equals '&#x1F959;' (stuffed flatbread);
'🥚' = '🥚':
'&#129370;' equals '&#x1F95A;' (egg);
'🥛' = '🥛':
'&#129371;' equals '&#x1F95B;' (glass of milk);
'🥜' = '🥜':
'&#129372;' equals '&#x1F95C;' (peanuts);
'🥝' = '🥝':
'&#129373;' equals '&#x1F95D;' (kiwifruit);
'🥞' = '🥞':
'&#129374;' equals '&#x1F95E;' (pancake);
'🥟' = '🥟':
'&#129375;' equals '&#x1F95F;' (dumpling {white background for visibility});
'🥠' = '🥠':
'&#129376;' equals '&#x1F960;' (fortune cookie);
'🥡' = '🥡':
'&#129377;' equals '&#x1F961;' (takeout box);
'🥢' = '🥢':
'&#129378;' equals '&#x1F962;' (chopsticks);
'🥣' = '🥣':
'&#129379;' equals '&#x1F963;' (bowl with spoon);
'🥤' = '🥤':
'&#129380;' equals '&#x1F964;' (cup with straw);
'🥥' = '🥥':
'&#129381;' equals '&#x1F965;' (coconut {Unicode 10.0 and Emoji 5.0 of 2017});
'🥦' = '🥦':
'&#129382;' equals '&#x1F966;' (broccoli {Unicode 10.0 and Emoji 5.0 of 2017});
'🥧' = '🥧':
'&#129383;' equals '&#x1F967;' (pie {Unicode 10.0 and Emoji 5.0 of 2017; white background for visibility});
'🥨' = '🥨':
'&#129384;' equals '&#x1F968;' (pretzel {Unicode 10.0 and Emoji 5.0 of 2017});
'🥩' = '🥩':
'&#129385;' equals '&#x1F969;' (cut of meat {Unicode 10.0 and Emoji 5.0 of 2017});
'🥪' = '🥪':
'&#129386;' equals '&#x1F96A;' (sandwich {Unicode 10.0 and Emoji 5.0 of 2017});
'🥫' = '🥫':
'&#129387;' equals '&#x1F96B;' (canned food {Unicode 10.0 and Emoji 5.0 of 2017});
'🥬' = '🥬':
'&#129388;' equals '&#x1F96C;' (leafy green {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥭' = '🥭':
'&#129389;' equals '&#x1F96D;' (mango {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥮' = '🥮':
'&#129390;' equals '&#x1F96E;' (moon cake {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥯' = '🥯':
'&#129391;' equals '&#x1F96F;' (bagel {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥰' = '🥰':
'&#129392;' equals '&#x1F970;' (smiling face with hearts {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; brown background for visibility});
'🥱' = '🥱':
'&#129393;' equals '&#x1F971;' (yawning face {brown background for visibility});
'🥲' = '🥲':
'&#129394;' equals '&#x1F972;' (smiling face with tear {Unicode 13.0 of 2020; brown background for visibility});
'🥳' = '🥳':
'&#129395;' equals '&#x1F973;' (partying face {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; brown background for visibility});
'🥴' = '🥴':
'&#129396;' equals '&#x1F974;' (woozy face {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; brown background for visibility});
'🥵' = '🥵':
'&#129397;' equals '&#x1F975;' (hot face {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥶' = '🥶':
'&#129398;' equals '&#x1F976;' (cold face {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥷' = '🥷':
'&#129399;' equals '&#x1F977;' (ninja {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🥸' = '🥸':
'&#129400;' equals '&#x1F978;' (disguised face {Unicode 13.0 of 2020; brown background for visibility});
'🥹' = '🥹':
'&#129401;' equals '&#x1F979;' (face holding back tears {Unicode 15.0 of 2022; brown background for visibility});
'🥺' = '🥺':
'&#129402;' equals '&#x1F97A;' (pleading face {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; brown background for visibility});
'🥻' = '🥻':
'&#129403;' equals '&#x1F97B;' (sari {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🥼' = '🥼':
'&#129404;' equals '&#x1F97C;' (lab coat {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥽' = '🥽':
'&#129405;' equals '&#x1F97D;' (safety goggles {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥾' = '🥾':
'&#129406;' equals '&#x1F97E;' (hiking boot {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🥿' = '🥿':
'&#129407;' equals '&#x1F97F;' (flat shoe {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦀' = '🦀':
'&#129408;' equals '&#x1F980;' (crab);
'🦁' = '🦁':
'&#129409;' equals '&#x1F981;' (lion);
'🦂' = '🦂':
'&#129410;' equals '&#x1F982;' (scorpion);
'🦃' = '🦃':
'&#129411;' equals '&#x1F983;' (turkey);
'🦄' = '🦄':
'&#129412;' equals '&#x1F984;' (unicorn face);
'🦅' = '🦅':
'&#129413;' equals '&#x1F985;' (eagle);
'🦆' = '🦆':
'&#129414;' equals '&#x1F986;' (dug);
'🦇' = '🦇':
'&#129415;' equals '&#x1F987;' (bat);
'🦈' = '🦈':
'&#129416;' equals '&#x1F988;' (shark);
'🦉' = '🦉':
'&#129417;' equals '&#x1F989;' (owl);
'🦊' = '🦊':
'&#129418;' equals '&#x1F98A;' (fox face);
'🦋' = '🦋':
'&#129419;' equals '&#x1F98B;' (butterfly);
'🦌' = '🦌':
'&#129420;' equals '&#x1F98C;' (deer);
'🦍' = '🦍':
'&#129421;' equals '&#x1F98D;' (gorilla);
'🦎' = '🦎':
'&#129422;' equals '&#x1F98E;' (lizard);
'🦏' = '🦏':
'&#129423;' equals '&#x1F98F;' (rhinoceros);
'🦐' = '🦐':
'&#129424;' equals '&#x1F990;' (shrimp);
'🦑' = '🦑':
'&#129425;' equals '&#x1F991;' (squid);
'🦒' = '🦒':
'&#129426;' equals '&#x1F992;' (giraffe face – official Unicode name despite being mostly the entire giraffe {brown background for visibility});
'🦓' = '🦓':
'&#129427;' equals '&#x1F993;' (zebra face);
'🦔' = '🦔':
'&#129428;' equals '&#x1F994;' (hedgehog);
'🦕' = '🦕':
'&#129429;' equals '&#x1F995;' (sauropod);
'🦖' = '🦖':
'&#129430;' equals '&#x1F996;' (T-Rex);
'🦗' = '🦗':
'&#129431;' equals '&#x1F997;' (cricket);
'🦘' = '🦘':
'&#129432;' equals '&#x1F998;' (kangaroo {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦙' = '🦙':
'&#129433;' equals '&#x1F999;' (lama {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦚' = '🦚':
'&#129434;' equals '&#x1F99A;' (peacock {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦛' = '🦛':
'&#129435;' equals '&#x1F99B;' (hippopotamus {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦜' = '🦜':
'&#129436;' equals '&#x1F99C;' (parrot {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦝' = '🦝':
'&#129437;' equals '&#x1F99D;' (raccoon {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦞' = '🦞':
'&#129438;' equals '&#x1F99E;' (lobster {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦟' = '🦟':
'&#129439;' equals '&#x1F99F;' (mosquito {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦠' = '🦠':
'&#129440;' equals '&#x1F9A0;' (microbe {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦡' = '🦡':
'&#129441;' equals '&#x1F9A1;' (badger {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦢' = '🦢':
'&#129442;' equals '&#x1F9A2;' (swan {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦣' = '🦣':
'&#129443;' equals '&#x1F9A3;' (mammoth {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🦤' = '🦤':
'&#129444;' equals '&#x1F9A4;' (dodo {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🦥' = '🦥':
'&#129445;' equals '&#x1F9A5;' (sloth {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🦦' = '🦦':
'&#129446;' equals '&#x1F9A6;' (otter {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🦧' = '🦧':
'&#129447;' equals '&#x1F9A7;' (orangutan {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🦨' = '🦨':
'&#129448;' equals '&#x1F9A8;' (skunk {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🦩' = '🦩':
'&#129449;' equals '&#x1F9A9;' (flamingo {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🦪' = '🦪':
'&#129450;' equals '&#x1F9AA;' (oyster {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🦫' = '🦫':
'&#129451;' equals '&#x1F9AB;' (beaver {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🦬' = '🦬':
'&#129452;' equals '&#x1F9AC;' (bison {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🦭' = '🦭':
'&#129453;' equals '&#x1F9AD;' (seal {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🦮' = '🦮':
'&#129454;' equals '&#x1F9AE;' (guide dog);
'🦯' = '🦯':
'&#129455;' equals '&#x1F9AF;' (probing/white cane {used by some people who are blind or visually impaired; Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🦴' = '🦴':
'&#129460;' equals '&#x1F9B4;' (bone {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦵' = '🦵':
'&#129461;' equals '&#x1F9B5;' (leg {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; brown background for visibility});
'🦶' = '🦶':
'&#129462;' equals '&#x1F9B6;' (foot {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; brown background for visibility});
'🦷' = '🦷':
'&#129463;' equals '&#x1F9B7;' (tooth {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🦸' = '🦸':
'&#129464;' equals '&#x1F9B8;' (superhero {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; white background for visibility});
'🦹' = '🦹':
'&#129465;' equals '&#x1F9B9;' (supervillain {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; white background for visibility});
'🦺' = '🦺':
'&#129466;' equals '&#x1F9BA;' (safety vest {Unicode 12.0 of 2019; white background for visibility});
'🦻' = '🦻':
'&#129467;' equals '&#x1F9BB;' (ear with hearing aid {Unicode 12.0 of 2019; white background for visibility});
'🦼' = '🦼':
'&#129468;' equals '&#x1F9BC;' (motorized wheelchair {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🦽' = '🦽':
'&#129469;' equals '&#x1F9BD;' (manual wheelchair {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🦾' = '🦾':
'&#129470;' equals '&#x1F9BE;' (mechanical arm {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🦿' = '🦿':
'&#129471;' equals '&#x1F9BF;' (mechanical leg {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧀' = '🧀':
'&#129472;' equals '&#x1F9C0;' (cheese wedge {Unicode 8.0 and Emoji 1.0 in 2015; brown background for visibility});
'🧁' = '🧁':
'&#129473;' equals '&#x1F9C1;' (cupcake {white background for visibility});
'🧂' = '🧂':
'&#129474;' equals '&#x1F9C2;' (salt {Unicode 11 and Emoji 11.0 in 2018});
'🧃' = '🧃':
'&#129475;' equals '&#x1F9C3;' (beverage box / Saftpäckchen {Unicode 12 and Emoji 12.0 in 2018});
'🧄' = '🧄':
'&#129476;' equals '&#x1F9C4;' (garlic {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧅' = '🧅':
'&#129477;' equals '&#x1F9C5;' (onion {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧆' = '🧆':
'&#129478;' equals '&#x1F9C6;' (falafel {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧇' = '🧇':
'&#129479;' equals '&#x1F9C7;' (waffle {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧈' = '🧈':
'&#129480;' equals '&#x1F9C8;' (butter {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧉' = '🧉':
'&#129481;' equals '&#x1F9C9;' (maté / chimarrão {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧊' = '🧊':
'&#129482;' equals '&#x1F9CA;' (ice cube {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧋' = '🧋':
'&#129483;' equals '&#x1F9CB;' (bubble tea {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🧌' = '🧌':
'&#129484;' equals '&#x1F9CC;' (troll {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🧍' = '🧍':
'&#129485;' equals '&#x1F9CD;' (person standing {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧎' = '🧎':
'&#129486;' equals '&#x1F9CE;' (person nealing {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧏' = '🧏':
'&#129487;' equals '&#x1F9CF;' (deaf person {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🧐' = '🧐':
'&#129488;' equals '&#x1F9D0;' (face with monocle {brown background for visibility});
'🧒' = '🧒':
'&#129490;' equals '&#x1F9D2;' (child with no gender specified {brown background for visibility});
'🧖' = '🧖':
'&#129494;' equals '&#x1F9D6;' (person in steamy room / sauna {brown background for visibility});
'🧗' = '🧗':
'&#129495;' equals '&#x1F9D7;' (person climbing {brown background for visibility});
'🧙' = '🧙':
'&#129497;' equals '&#x1F9D9;' (mage {white background for visibility});
'🧚' = '🧚':
'&#129498;' equals '&#x1F9DA;' (fairy {brown background for visibility});
'🧛' = '🧛':
'&#129499;' equals '&#x1F9DB;' (vampir);
'🧜' = '🧜':
'&#129500;' equals '&#x1F9DC;' (merperson {brown background for visibility});
'🧝' = '🧝':
'&#129501;' equals '&#x1F9DD;' (elf {white background for visibility});
'🧞' = '🧞':
'&#129502;' equals '&#x1F9DE;' (genie {white background for visibility});
'🧟' = '🧟':
'&#129503;' equals '&#x1F9DF;' (zombie);
'🧠' = '🧠':
'&#129504;' equals '&#x1F9E0;' (brain);
'🧡' = '🧡':
'&#129505;' equals '&#x1F9E1;' (orange heart);
'🧢' = '🧢':
'&#129506;' equals '&#x1F9E2;' (billed cap);
'🧣' = '🧣':
'&#129507;' equals '&#x1F9E3;' (scarf);
'🧤' = '🧤':
'&#129508;' equals '&#x1F9E4;' (gloves);
'🧥' = '🧥':
'&#129509;' equals '&#x1F9E5;' (coat);
'🧦' = '🧦':
'&#129510;' equals '&#x1F9E6;' (socks {Unicode 10.0 and Emoji 5.0 of 2017});
'🧧' = '🧧':
'&#129511;' equals '&#x1F9E7;' (red envelope {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧨' = '🧨':
'&#129512;' equals '&#x1F9E8;' (firecracker {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; brown background for visibility});
'🧩' = '🧩':
'&#129513;' equals '&#x1F9E9;' (jigsaw {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧪' = '🧪':
'&#129514;' equals '&#x1F9EA;' (test tube {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧫' = '🧫':
'&#129515;' equals '&#x1F9EB;' (petri dish {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧬' = '🧬':
'&#129516;' equals '&#x1F9EC;' (DNA double helix {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; white background for visibility});
'🧭' = '🧭':
'&#129517;' equals '&#x1F9ED;' (compass {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧮' = '🧮':
'&#129518;' equals '&#x1F9EE;' (abacus {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧯' = '🧯':
'&#129519;' equals '&#x1F9EF;' (fire extinguisher {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧰' = '🧰':
'&#129520;' equals '&#x1F9F0;' (toolbox {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧱' = '🧱':
'&#129521;' equals '&#x1F9F1;' (brick {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧲' = '🧲':
'&#129522;' equals '&#x1F9F2;' (magnet {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧳' = '🧳':
'&#129523;' equals '&#x1F9F3;' (luggage {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧴' = '🧴':
'&#129524;' equals '&#x1F9F4;' (lotion bottle {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧵' = '🧵':
'&#129525;' equals '&#x1F9F5;' (thread {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧶' = '🧶':
'&#129526;' equals '&#x1F9F6;' (yarn {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧷' = '🧷':
'&#129527;' equals '&#x1F9F7;' (safety pin {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧸' = '🧸':
'&#129528;' equals '&#x1F9F8;' (teddy bear {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧹' = '🧹':
'&#129529;' equals '&#x1F9F9;' (broom {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; white background for visibility});
'🧺' = '🧺':
'&#129530;' equals '&#x1F9FA;' (basket {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧻' = '🧻':
'&#129531;' equals '&#x1F9FB;' (roll of paper {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧼' = '🧼':
'&#129532;' equals '&#x1F9FC;' (soap {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧽' = '🧽':
'&#129533;' equals '&#x1F9FD;' (sponge {Unicode 11.0 of 2018; brown background for visibility});
'🧾' = '🧾':
'&#129534;' equals '&#x1F9FE;' (receipt {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});
'🧿' = '🧿':
'&#129535;' equals '&#x1F9FF;' (Nazar amulet {Unicode 11.0 of 2018});

Chess Symbols:
dec. 129536-129647; hex. 1FA00-1FA6F !
'🩠' = '🩠':
'&#129632;' equals '&#x1FA60;' (Xiangqi Red General);

Pictographic Symbols, extended-A:
dec. 129648-129791; hex. 1FA70-1FAFF !
'🩰' = '🩰':
'&#129648;' equals '&#x1FA70;' (ballet shoes {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🩱' = '🩱':
'&#129649;' equals '&#x1FA71;' (one-piece swimsuit {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🩲' = '🩲':
'&#129650;' equals '&#x1FA72;' (briefs/speedos {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🩳' = '🩳':
'&#129651;' equals '&#x1FA73;' (shorts {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🩴' = '🩴':
'&#129652;' equals '&#x1FA74;' (thong sandal {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🩵' = '🩵':
'&#129653;' equals '&#x1FA75;' (light blue heart {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🩶' = '🩶':
'&#129654;' equals '&#x1FA76;' (grey heart {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🩷' = '🩷':
'&#129655;' equals '&#x1FA77;' (pink heart {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🩸' = '🩸':
'&#129656;' equals '&#x1FA78;' (drop of blood {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🩹' = '🩹':
'&#129657;' equals '&#x1FA79;' (adhesive bandage {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🩺' = '🩺':
'&#129658;' equals '&#x1FA7A;' (stethoscope {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🩻' = '🩻':
'&#129659;' equals '&#x1FA7B;' (X-Ray {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🩼' = '🩼':
'&#129660;' equals '&#x1FA7C;' (crutch {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🪀' = '🪀':
'&#129664;' equals '&#x1FA80;' (yo-yo {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪁' = '🪁':
'&#129665;' equals '&#x1FA81;' (kite {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪂' = '🪂':
'&#129666;' equals '&#x1FA82;' (parachute {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪃' = '🪃':
'&#129667;' equals '&#x1FA83;' (boomerang {Unicode 13.0 of 2020; white background for visibility});
'🪄' = '🪄':
'&#129668;' equals '&#x1FA84;' (magic wand {Unicode 13.0 of 2020; brown background for visibility});
'🪅' = '🪅':
'&#129669;' equals '&#x1FA85;' (pinata {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪆' = '🪆':
'&#129670;' equals '&#x1FA86;' (nesting dolls {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪇' = '🪇':
'&#129671;' equals '&#x1FA87;' (maracas {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🪈' = '🪈':
'&#129672;' equals '&#x1FA88;' (flute {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🪉' = '🪉':
'&#129673;' equals '&#x1FA89;' (harp {Unicode 16.0 of 2023});
'🪏' = '🪏':
'&#129679;' equals '&#x1FA8F;' (shovel {Unicode 16.0 of 2023});
'🪐' = '🪐':
'&#129680;' equals '&#x1FA90;' (ringed planet {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪑' = '🪑':
'&#129681;' equals '&#x1FA91;' (chair {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪒' = '🪒':
'&#129682;' equals '&#x1FA92;' (razor {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪓' = '🪓':
'&#129683;' equals '&#x1FA93;' (axe {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪔' = '🪔':
'&#129684;' equals '&#x1FA94;' (diya lamp {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪕' = '🪕':
'&#129685;' equals '&#x1FA95;' (banjo {Unicode 12.0 of 2019});
'🪖' = '🪖':
'&#129686;' equals '&#x1FA96;' (military helmet {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪗' = '🪗':
'&#129687;' equals '&#x1FA97;' (accordion {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪘' = '🪘':
'&#129688;' equals '&#x1FA98;' (long drum {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪙' = '🪙':
'&#129689;' equals '&#x1FA99;' (coin {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪚' = '🪚':
'&#129690;' equals '&#x1FA9A;' (carpentry saw {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪛' = '🪛':
'&#129691;' equals '&#x1FA9B;' (screwdriver {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪜' = '🪜':
'&#129692;' equals '&#x1FA9C;' (ladder {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪝' = '🪝':
'&#129693;' equals '&#x1FA9D;' (hook {Unicode 13.0 of 2020; white background for visibility});
'🪞' = '🪞':
'&#129694;' equals '&#x1FA9E;' (mirror {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪟' = '🪟':
'&#129695;' equals '&#x1FA9F;' (window {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪠' = '🪠':
'&#129696;' equals '&#x1FAA0;' (plunger {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪡' = '🪡':
'&#129697;' equals '&#x1FAA1;' (seewing needle {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪢' = '🪢':
'&#129698;' equals '&#x1FAA2;' (knot {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪣' = '🪣':
'&#129699;' equals '&#x1FAA3;' (bucket {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪤' = '🪤':
'&#129700;' equals '&#x1FAA4;' (mouse trap {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪥' = '🪥':
'&#129701;' equals '&#x1FAA5;' (toothbrush {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪦' = '🪦':
'&#129702;' equals '&#x1FAA6;' (headstone {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪧' = '🪧':
'&#129703;' equals '&#x1FAA7;' (placard / sign {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪨' = '🪨':
'&#129704;' equals '&#x1FAA8;' (rock {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪩' = '🪩':
'&#129705;' equals '&#x1FAA9;' (mirror ball {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🪪' = '🪪':
'&#129706;' equals '&#x1FAAA;' (identification card {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🪫' = '🪫':
'&#129707;' equals '&#x1FAAB;' (low battery {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🪬' = '🪬':
'&#129708;' equals '&#x1FAAC;' (Hamsa, a ancient religious symbol {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🪭' = '🪭':
'&#129709;' equals '&#x1FAAD;' (folding hand fan {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🪮' = '🪮':
'&#129710;' equals '&#x1FAAE;' (hair pick {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🪯' = '🪯':
'&#129711;' equals '&#x1FAAF;' (khanda: symbol of Sikhism {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🪰' = '🪰':
'&#129712;' equals '&#x1FAB0;' (fly {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪱' = '🪱':
'&#129713;' equals '&#x1FAB1;' (worm {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪲' = '🪲':
'&#129714;' equals '&#x1FAB2;' (beetle {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪳' = '🪳':
'&#129715;' equals '&#x1FAB3;' (cockroach {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪴' = '🪴':
'&#129716;' equals '&#x1FAB4;' (potted plant {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪵' = '🪵':
'&#129717;' equals '&#x1FAB5;' (wood {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪶' = '🪶':
'&#129718;' equals '&#x1FAB6;' (feather {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🪷' = '🪷':
'&#129719;' equals '&#x1FAB7;' (lotus {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🪸' = '🪸':
'&#129720;' equals '&#x1FAB8;' (coral {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🪹' = '🪹':
'&#129721;' equals '&#x1FAB9;' (empty nest {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🪺' = '🪺':
'&#129722;' equals '&#x1FABA;' (nest with eggs {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🪻' = '🪻':
'&#129723;' equals '&#x1FABB;' (hyacinth {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🪼' = '🪼':
'&#129724;' equals '&#x1FABC;' (jellyfish {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🪽' = '🪽':
'&#129725;' equals '&#x1FABD;' (wing: also symbol for flying or angels {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🪾' = '🪾':
'&#129726;' equals '&#x1FABE;' (leafless tree {Unicode 16.0 of 2023});
'🪿' = '🪿':
'&#129727;' equals '&#x1FABF;' (goose {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🫀' = '🫀':
'&#129728;' equals '&#x1FAC0;' (anatomical heart {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🫁' = '🫁':
'&#129729;' equals '&#x1FAC1;' (lungs {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🫂' = '🫂':
'&#129730;' equals '&#x1FAC2;' (people hugging {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🫃' = '🫃':
'&#129731;' equals '&#x1FAC3;' (pregnant man {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫄' = '🫄':
'&#129732;' equals '&#x1FAC4;' (pregnant person {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫅' = '🫅':
'&#129733;' equals '&#x1FAC5;' (person with crown {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫆' = '🫆':
'&#129734;' equals '&#x1FAC6;' (fingerprint {Unicode 16.0 of 2023});
'🫎' = '🫎':
'&#129742;' equals '&#x1FACE;' (moose: animal being national representation for e.g. Canada and Sweden {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🫏' = '🫏':
'&#129743;' equals '&#x1FACF;' (donkey {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🫐' = '🫐':
'&#129744;' equals '&#x1FAD0;' (blueberries {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🫑' = '🫑':
'&#129745;' equals '&#x1FAD1;' (bell pepper {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🫒' = '🫒':
'&#129746;' equals '&#x1FAD2;' (olive {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🫓' = '🫓':
'&#129747;' equals '&#x1FAD3;' (flatbread {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🫔' = '🫔':
'&#129748;' equals '&#x1FAD4;' (tamale {Unicode 13.0 of 2020; white background for visibility});
'🫕' = '🫕':
'&#129749;' equals '&#x1FAD5;' (fondue {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🫖' = '🫖':
'&#129750;' equals '&#x1FAD6;' (teapot {Unicode 13.0 of 2020});
'🫗' = '🫗':
'&#129751;' equals '&#x1FAD7;' (pouring liquid {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫘' = '🫘':
'&#129752;' equals '&#x1FAD8;' (beans {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫙' = '🫙':
'&#129753;' equals '&#x1FAD9;' (jar {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫚' = '🫚':
'&#129754;' equals '&#x1FADA;' (ginger {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🫛' = '🫛':
'&#129755;' equals '&#x1FADB;' (pea pod {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🫜' = '🫜':
'&#129756;' equals '&#x1FADC;' (root vegetable {Unicode 16.0 of 2023});
'🫟' = '🫟':
'&#129759;' equals '&#x1FADF;' (splatter {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🫠' = '🫠':
'&#129760;' equals '&#x1FAE0;' (melting face {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫡' = '🫡':
'&#129761;' equals '&#x1FAE1;' (saluting Face {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫢' = '🫢':
'&#129762;' equals '&#x1FAE2;' (face with open eyes and hand over mouth {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫣' = '🫣':
'&#129763;' equals '&#x1FAE3;' (face with peeking eye {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫤' = '🫤':
'&#129764;' equals '&#x1FAE4;' (face with diagonal mouth {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫥' = '🫥':
'&#129765;' equals '&#x1FAE5;' (dotted line face {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫦' = '🫦':
'&#129766;' equals '&#x1FAE6;' (biting lip {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫧' = '🫧':
'&#129767;' equals '&#x1FAE7;' (bubbles {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫨' = '🫨':
'&#129768;' equals '&#x1FAE8;' (shaking face {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🫩' = '🫩':
'&#129769;' equals '&#x1FAE9;' (face with bags under eyes {Unicode 16.0 of 2023});
'🫰' = '🫰':
'&#129776;' equals '&#x1FAF0;' (hand with index finger and thumb crossed {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫱' = '🫱':
'&#129777;' equals '&#x1FAF1;' (rightwards hand {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫲' = '🫲':
'&#129778;' equals '&#x1FAF2;' (leftwards hand {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫳' = '🫳':
'&#129779;' equals '&#x1FAF3;' (palm down hand {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫴' = '🫴':
'&#129780;' equals '&#x1FAF4;' (palm up hand {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫵' = '🫵':
'&#129781;' equals '&#x1FAF5;' (index pointing at the viewer {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫶' = '🫶':
'&#129782;' equals '&#x1FAF6;' (heart hands {Unicode 14.0 of 2021});
'🫷' = '🫷':
'&#129783;' equals '&#x1FAF7;' (leftwards pushing hand {Unicode 15.0 of 2022});
'🫸' = '🫸':
'&#129784;' equals '&#x1FAF8;' (rightwards pushing hand {Unicode 15.0 of 2022}).

CJK Ideographs  (6 categories):
dec. 131072-195103; hex. 20000-2FA1F !

dec. 917504-917631; hex. E0000-E007F !
'󠀰' = '󠀰':
'&#917552;' equals '&#xE0030;' (tag digit zero {part of Unicode 3.1 in 2001 and Emoji 5.0 in 2017});
'󠀱' = '󠀱':
'&#917553;' equals '&#xE0031;' (tag digit one {part of Unicode 3.1 in 2001 and Emoji 5.0 in 2017});
'󠁡' = '󠁡':
'&#917601;' equals '&#xE0061;' (tag Latin small letter a {part of Unicode 3.1 in 2001 and Emoji 5.0 in 2017});
'󠁿' = '󠁿':
'&#917631;' equals '&#xE007F;' (cancel tag {part of Unicode 3.1 in 2001 and Emoji 5.0 in 2017; used e.g. in special county flags, i.e. in composed emoji}).

Variation Selectors Supplement:
dec. 917760-917999; hex. E0100-E01EF !

Supplementary Private Use Area-A:
dec. 983040-1048575; hex. F0000-FFFFF !

Supplementary Private Use Area-B:
dec. 1048576-1114111; hex. 100000-10FFFF !

End of List with Further Links

Note that up to &#129304; = &#x1f918; are Unicode 8.0 from 17. May 2015 and implemented in e.g. Firefox for quite some time ... while 🤙 etc. being &#129305; = &#x1F919; etc. are Unicode 9.0 from 21. June 2016 and Unicode 10.0 from 20. June 2017 imlemented in FF mid 2018 and Unicode 11.0 from 05. June 2018 just implemented in FF 67 mid 2019!
Unicode 12.0 was released on 05. March 2019 (fully implemented in FF of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS), Unicode 13.0 released on 10. March 2020 (fully implemented in FF of Ubuntu 20.10 STS), Emoji 13.1 in Sep. 2020 (being supported by Firefox on Ubuntu) – with Unicode 14.0 being postponed from 03/2021 to 14.09.2021 (being supported by Firefox on Ubuntu) – with Unicode 15.0 released on 13. Sep. 2022 (fully supported by Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS / KDE neon) – with Unicode 16.0 released on 10. Sep. 2024 – with decisions about included emojis expected to come to major platforms in late 2024 and throughout 2025) – with Unicode 17.0 planned for release in Sep. 2025 – with decisions about included emojis determined in late 2024 into early 2025).

For a converter from hex to decimal look here or vice-versa here.
An official list of the Unicode blocks can be found here.
Something still missing (probably – this list should not be complete): you may look here.
A nice overview of symbols used on different smart phones or social media can be seen here or more complete here.

7. Style Sheets

The WWW has grown faster than expected, so polishing/styling got part of HTML (see e.g. the container tags 'FONT', 'S', 'BLINK' and the tag-options defining color and alignment) - which was never intended.
With HTML 4.0 it is planned to concentrate on the structuring of information and leave the styling to style sheets (see HTML and Style Sheets, W3C Working Draft March 1997).

The standard are Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), available -up to now- in two versions:

If you want to use CSS, you ought to set the default style sheet language to CSS by adding the line:
'<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Style-Type" CONTENT="text/css">'
to the header of the HTML file.

Style Sheets can be embedded in HTML files via the following mechanisms:

To put style to text passages and blocks, the two container tags 'SPAN' and 'DIV' are very useful, which have no effect on any UA (except in connecting the styling to the embraced text).
For selecting some tags in an HTML document for style sheet definitions, one can combine these tags of the same token (e.g. several - not all - of the 'P' tags; allowed are all HTML tags except 'BASE', 'BASEFONT', 'HEAD', 'HTML', 'META', 'PARAM', 'SCRIPT', 'STYLE' and 'TITLE') by the new HTML 4.0 attributes
(i.e. '<P CLASS="MYPARAGRAPH">text_paragraph</P>') or
(i.e. '<P ID="example">example_text</P>'; see also the container tag 'A').
Thus you can refer to all these paragraph elements in the CCS code, e.g., via
'P.MYPARAGRAPH { color: green }' and via 'P#example { letter-spacing: 0.5em }' respectively.

CSS definitions consist of a selector (in the most simple case just one HTML tag, or several tags separated by commas ',') and the declaration, the latter put in braces ('{' ... '}') and consisting of one or more sets, which are separated by semicolons ';', of combinations of a property (e.g. 'color') and a value (e.g. 'yellow') separated by a colon ':'.

All CSS style sheets are case-insensitive, except for parts that are not controlled directly by CSS, like URLs (so its the same as for HTML documents, but different from XML, which is totally case-sensitive).

CSS definitions will override prior definitions, so one can specify general styling first and give then all exceptions (e.g. writing at first 'H1, EM { color: blue }' setting the color of header-1 and emphasized text to blue and after this 'H1 EM { color: red }' defining the color of emphasized text in header-1 to be red.
Users can specify their own CSS definitions. In the case of double definitions, authors' definitions will override users' definitions. This is inverted (in the CSS 2 specifications, contradictory to the older CSS 1 rule) when the '!important' declaration is given - so in the end the user has the power to set fonts etc.! Styling defined by style sheets will always win against definitions in HTML (e.g. via the 'FONT' command or an 'ALIGN' or 'COLOR' option).

Even though many browsers support CSS (like NN 4.0x and IE 3.0x), most features do not work properly. For professional web designers it would not be wise to rely totally on CSS in respect of the styling, but a combination of HTML style settings and CSS definitions may be useful.
Please note that concerning the HTML successor XML one can use CSS and the new styling language eXtensible Stylesheet Language – XSL, which is a transformation language using XML syntax – but can not be used with HTML.

8. Available Set of Icons

If you want to embellish your websides with icons, look out for free samples ...
They can be used by '<IMG SRC="local_path_to_icons/name">' with 'name' as the name of the special icon.
Think wisely about the use of icons in your own homepage.
This entry is old and as of 2019 I personally would recommend [👍] the usage of Emojis / Unicodes, see Special Characters chapter, or my Menu Structure with Unicode Icons as an example of intuitive navigation via symbols.

9. Useful Hints for Creating Good Homepages

10. Useful Hints for Webmastering

11. Links for further information

In case of questions / problems with this page or my site please contact me via:
© 1996-2025  JMB           Please notice my 📄Disclaimer.                   [W3C: Not valid HTML 4.01 Transitional for testing]
Links back/forward to:

This private page is under rework as several parts are mainly dated May 2002
and changes are applied slowly toward representing todays standards ...
      please stay tuned!
            THX Merci 
'Rework in progress ...'

First version: 23rd November, 1996
Last update:15th January, 2025